Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 164 The Situation in the South

"Dang Dang Dang!"

On a hot summer day, next to the blazing fire, sweaty arms clenched the hammer, hammering a red-hot iron rod into a round shape in the mold.

Hayreddin is knowledgeable. From the sound of striking iron with the same rhythm and size, it can be heard that this blacksmith has reached the pinnacle of elite blacksmiths. He only needs the accumulation of experience and an epiphany to become an epic blacksmith.

On the side, a blacksmith slowly drilled a deep hole out of the hammered iron rod with a hydraulic drill, and then prepared for the next step of processing.

Hayredin looked at it carefully and finally came to the conclusion that even if he found someone to make it himself, the cost of the barrel would probably be higher.

Frederick's face curled up slightly, and he took the customer to see the production process of folding rifles, and finally came to a showroom where dozens of beautifully decorated double-barreled shotguns and revolvers were placed on the shelves.

He said to Hayreddin: "Choose one for His Majesty Yi Wen and Madam Sophie."

The power of these guns inlaid with gold and silver has not been compromised, and they are all meant to be given away. Frederick did enough advertising and asked Hayredin to select some for Mrs. Sophie and her son to take back.

Hayreddin quickly finished selecting, and Frederick took a large revolver from the shelf and handed it to him, saying: "This is for you. My master also used the same model, but it was decorated with patterns. It’s a little different.”

"Really?!" Hayredin suddenly lost his composure, "Really gave it to me?"

The story of Richard Narr's killing of a Dharma god in Constantbul was widely spread along the coast of the Inner Sea, and the weapons he used have been subject to speculation.

Of course Hayreddin understood that just because he used the same weapon as the Sword Master, it did not mean that he also became a Sword Master.

However, once this weapon was taken out, he became the most popular man on the sea, bar none.

Hayredin did not say any words of thanks, but solemnly promised: "In the future, you can come to me for matters on the Inland Sea. I also have some face on the North Sea."

Frederick smiled and asked: "What if I want to get involved in shipping in the inland sea?"

Hayreddin looked at him deeply and replied: "The water in the inland sea is very deep, you can't control it."

He added, "If you are willing to cause trouble to the Ghazi Empire in the east, I can help."

Frederick smiled and replied: "I was just thinking about it."

The sea needs to be laid out, but he hasn't figured out how to do it yet, and he doesn't have the ability to take care of it at the moment.

But the shipbuilding industry can still get a foot in the door, starting with small sailboats used on inland rivers to accumulate experience, and at the same time researching propellers. During this period, when conditions are suitable, paddle steamers can be used as a makeshift.

There is a section of the Danube River south of the Willibird district in the east of Wessen. The river surface is open and the water is deep enough. It is even possible to build sea-going ships in the shipyard and then go down the river into the inland sea.

As for professionals, they can only advertise in newspapers.

Frederick and Hayredin left in the carriage. Bryant and others breathed a sigh of relief after receiving the notice, extinguished the fire, packed up and left work.

This is the third big show to welcome the inspection of big customers, preceded by the Archduke of Mainz and the Archduke of Bain.

Who in Wesson District still forges iron with their hands now? They have long used forging hammers made of various magical muscles. I only need to control the forging process.

Hayredin soon returned with local products and samples. As soon as the dock was vacated, a new fleet of cotton ships arrived.

Before returning to the construction site, Frederick held a banquet in the castle and invited Imhotep and several other important figures.

After the banquet, Frederick invited Imhotep to his study for tea.

He asked: "How do you feel here these two days?"

Imhotep immediately replied: "The people here are very welcoming. They know that we were exiled from thousands of miles away and did not discriminate against us. They are also willing to help us."

Frederick nodded slightly and said: "To be honest, in Wesson District, two-thirds of the 100,000 residents came only two years earlier than you. Those new residents are refugees who were affected by the flood. , had nothing, and it was the original residents who carried forward the spirit of ‘helping if possible’ and helped them survive here.”

"So you don't have to worry, we will all be a family from now on, and no one will discriminate against you."

Imhotep breathed a sigh of relief and said, "This makes me feel relieved."

"Many of my tribe members and I are doctors and want to practice medicine locally, but I don't know if it is possible."

Frederick immediately nodded and said, "No problem. I agree in principle. For specific matters, you can go to Medical Minister Frank and let him arrange it."

"And we are planning to build a new medical school in Nuremberg. If you are interested, you can talk to Frank."

"By the way, what are you good at?"

Imhotep replied: "We are good at surgery and dentistry, and have research on fever, but it is not of use here."

Frederick was also curious why fever was not used. After asking, he realized that "fever" did not refer to human body fever, but a common disease in hot areas.

The temperature in the Kingdom of Kush is above 20°C all year round, the humidity is high, and there are many biting insects, so people often get sick.

It's different here in Weissensee. Although the summer is hot, it's relatively dry. Imhotep's lips are a little cracked.

Frederick had no choice but to ask them to drink more water.

After chatting for a while about housing issues, Frederick suddenly became serious and asked: "Is Miss Susan the daughter of Mrs. Sophie?"

Imhotep replied directly: "Yes, Your Highness Sophie is my daughter, and Princess Susan is my granddaughter."

Frederick leaned back in his chair and asked calmly: "Reason?"

Imhotep did not hide this aspect and said frankly: "The Ghazi Empire now occupies the Anatolian Peninsula across the Sea of ​​Constantinople and the Fertile Crescent in the south, and its national power is very strong."

"Now the Ghazi Empire is divided into two factions. One is to cross the sea to the north to conquer the Grace Peninsula and Constantbul. The other is to conquer our Kingdom of Kush and the countries in the great forest area to the west along the southern coast of the inland sea. Now it is the latter faction. Gain the upper hand.”

"The Kingdom of Kush is now ruled by the Ayyup family. Your Majesty Yi Wen is still young. Your Highness Sophie is not the queen of the late king, but just a concubine. There are not many ministers who support them, and many of them are swaying."

"So the Ghazi Empire supported the Masuruk family of the former queen in an attempt to seize power and weaken the domestic power of the Kingdom of Kush."

"Although His Highness Sophie has temporarily quelled the first civil strife, the strength gap with the Ghazi Empire is too great, and its defeat is only a matter of time."

After hearing this, Frederick understood that Mrs. Sophie's operation was to continue her family and avoid being purged in the end.

He can provide some assistance to Mrs. Sophie, but there is a huge empire opposite, and it is hard to say how much effect it will have in the end.

Moreover, our size is limited, and our main goal at the current stage is to consolidate our territory, and we don’t want to offer help.

"I understand." Frederick finally said, "You can live a good life here."

Imhotep nodded silently. Although he was worried about his daughter, the gap in strength between the two sides was too great, and some things would have to be faced sooner or later.

After sending Imhotep away, Frederick thought for a while and decided to send Foreign Minister Christian to visit the Kingdom of Kush, and then see which countries on the southern coast of the Inland Sea could be used as backup when necessary.

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