Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 165 Arriving at Mainz

Time passed little by little, from the height of summer in August to the chilly October, nothing serious happened in the entire Wesson state.

In the early autumn, the wheat has sprouted, the newly built vegetable greenhouses are being installed with films, and businessmen in the city went to the village to order vegetables for the winter.

Even the Franconian Principality and the League of Regans, which were already foreign neighbors, sent diplomats to ask Baron Wesson if he could sell fresh vegetables in the winter.

The day before Frederick was about to go to the Principality of Mainz to attend the 80th birthday and hunting event of the Grand Duke of Mainz, the royal family of the Osmaga Empire even sent a special envoy to apply for the purchase of vegetables in the winter. When the Danube River was frozen, he could pass through the horse The sleds were hauled directly from the ice to the city of Wien.

Frederick agreed on the spot and gave them special permission to purchase at his own estate, but they would be responsible for the transportation themselves.

Early the next morning, Frederick sailed for the city of Mainz with gifts and a large troop.

The hunt was a quasi-military operation for the nobility, in which finding, surrounding, and killing prey was no different than a battle.

At the same time, hunting is also one of the important sources of income for the nobles. Meat, fur, etc. are all precious materials. If you hunt a monster, it is equivalent to getting a big gift package.

This hunt was about showing off muscles, so Frederick took three cavalry companies, half a mage company, two companies of hunters, two companies of peashooters and a black cat detachment, plus servants and those who set off first. The logistics convoy has a total of 2,000 people.

In addition to personnel, Frederick also specifically asked the factories in the territory to work together and work overtime to produce a large number of logistics equipment that was obviously very powerful at first sight.

The fleet departed from Weissenburg, passed through Lohr, and then arrived at Mainz, next to the confluence of the Main and Rhine rivers.

As the diplomat of the Grand Duke of Mainz, Philip came to the city of Mainz early to host the reception. Today Frederick is arriving. This guy has become a duke, so pomp and etiquette are indispensable.

However, compared to when he received Archduke Byrne a few days ago, there was an extra Maria by his side today.

The ship docked, and the soldiers cleared a thousand places. A springboard was put down on the ship, and a red carpet was laid out. Frederick, wearing a white military uniform, walked out of the ship with a smile on his face, and Dawn followed behind him.

Philip gave him a formal salute and words of welcome.

Then Maria gave him a standard skirt-lifting ceremony, and quietly made a face afterward.

Frederick said a few polite words, and then boarded the carriage with them and entered the city, followed by the servants led by Afu and the cavalry escort company.

In the carriage, Maria asked Frederick: "Why didn't Susan come?"

Frederick shook his head helplessly and replied: "The autumn here is too cold for them. Susan caught a cold a few days ago and is currently undergoing treatment."

He couldn't leave Mrs. Sophie's daughter alone, so he let Susan live in the manor.

Before the autumn sowing, the Archduke of Mainz sent Philip to buy fortified wheat seeds from Frederick, who also lived in the manor. Maria also followed to visit Frederick, and the two got to know each other.

During that time, Frederick returned to the industrial park construction site and stayed there. Maria and Susan spent more time than he did.

When Maria heard that Susan had a cold, she immediately said: "Then you need to give her onions."

Folks here regard onions as a panacea for common diseases. They eat them when they have a cold, when they have diarrhea, and when they have a fever. Adults eat them cooked with wine, and children eat them cooked with milk. The effect is somewhat good.

The smell made Frederick determined to exercise and avoid getting sick.

Frederick smiled and replied: "I gave her onions boiled in milk, but she didn't want to eat it, so she drank it by holding her nose."

Maria could glare at this guy and say, "You can't bully her!"

Frederick just smiled.

After the carriage entered the city, it arrived at a mansion five hundred meters away from the palace where the Grand Duke of Mainz lived. It was originally the residence of a wealthy businessman, and this time it was voluntarily donated for Duke Wesson to stay.

As long as you can register with Duke Wesson, it will be much easier to buy souvenirs there in the future.

Over a dozen wealthy businessmen fought over this quota.

Maria wanted to stay and play with Dawn, but was immediately taken away by Philip and asked to go to her mother, who had something important to say.

The homeowner, Bransch, was a fur trader who traveled between the Rhine League and the dark lands in the north, and even reached areas further east by boat in the summer.

He immediately gave a big gift - a fiery red bear skin. The bear was estimated to be four meters tall when it stood.

Frederick had never heard of this kind of bear, so he heard about it out of curiosity.

On the other side, Maria returns to her mother.

Sofia called her daughter to her side and asked softly: "Have you met Frederick?"

Maria immediately nodded and replied: "Well, he is here, but Susan is not here. I still want to bring her to see her mother."

A kind smile appeared on Sophia's face, she touched her daughter's long black hair and asked, "Are you happy when you are with Frederick?"

Maria can answer: "I'm so happy, he can make a lot of toys, he is also very smart, and he can tell a lot of stories!"

The smile on Sophia's face grew wider. She needed to talk to her daughter about some things, but she was only eight years old, so she didn't know if she could understand the meaning of the next words.

"Maria," Sofia asked seriously, "if you were allowed to stay with Frederick from now on, would you be willing?"

Many question marks appeared on Maria's head, and she asked in confusion: "Are you asking me to go and play with Frederick often?"

Sofia shook her head slightly and said, "Let you live with him until your hair turns white, just like me and your father."

Maria suddenly opened her mouth wide and asked her mother in surprise: "Mom, do you want me to marry Frederick? Are you going to have babies in the future?"

She is not living in a vacuum. People around her gradually understand the meaning when discussing related issues.

Sophia said: "Yes, are you willing?"

Maria's face suddenly turned red, she fell into your mother's arms, and didn't speak for a long time.

Sofia just stroked her daughter's back gently. It seemed that her daughter understood the meaning and there was no need to say anything more.

"Mother..." Maria raised her head, her face as red as a ripe apple, "I don't want to leave you yet."

"Little fool." Sophia touched her daughter's head, "I'm not asking you to marry him now. If you want to marry him now, I'm not willing. I'll keep you by my side for at least ten years. It will take eight years.”

Ten years and eight years are a long time for Maria now. She threw herself into her mother's arms again and said in a very small voice: "Listen to mother."

The smile on Sophia's face became even brighter. In a marriage between nobles, love is just an accessory. She was lucky to have met a good husband. Now she has a handsome husband in front of her, and her daughter doesn't hate him. So, then We can't let him run away.

Some things will still go wrong before they are finally implemented. This hunt has gathered nobles from all over the world. Who knows if there will be any accidents.

Sophia coaxed her daughter and asked her to stay in her apartment. After dressing up, she was ready to go to her own battlefield.

In the afternoon, at the ladies' tea party, Sophia chatted about Earl Wesson with several acquaintances and noble ladies whose husbands had high status.

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