Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 167 Make money together

The rain that had been falling for most of the night stopped before dawn, washing the sky into blue.

In the north wind, the last batch of migratory birds migrating south would fly through the sky from time to time. A pale golden-winged unicorn would catch up with them and fly to the front, causing shock waves for the migratory birds to line up on both sides. OK.

Dawn seemed to enjoy the feeling of flying, and Frederick felt its pleasure.

The girl sitting in the back was not so relaxed. Although the strong seat belts on the seats were all tightly fastened, she still hugged Frederick's neck nervously.

Even though she was nervous, she kept her eyes open as wide as possible and curiously observed the white crane not far away. Five florins could not be wasted.

On the side of the withered mountain, many people in the hunting camp looked up at the pale golden shadow in the sky. Some were envious, some were curious, and some were looking forward to it.

Five minutes later, the dawn fell to the ground, and someone immediately went over to unbuckle the seat belts on the back seat and get out the passengers whose legs were still weak.

A young man about the same age as Frederick had already put on a thick leather coat, helmet and goggles, handed 5 gold coins to Maria, and then ran towards the dawn.

A minute later, Dawn took off and soared into the sky amid cries.

Frederick didn't bother to care whether the passengers were crying or not. Since he had collected the money, he had to fly for as long as possible.

A lot of people cried when they first went to heaven, but the boys and girls in line were not afraid at all. Some people were bragging triumphantly, as if they didn't even know that the person who had just boasted was better than themselves.

Five florins is a huge sum of money to ordinary people, but it is nothing to these young ladies.

It was approaching noon, and today's business was over. Frederick took Mingxiao to the Wesson family's camp to eat. Maria carried the money box back to her tent in the camp next door. The three-headed dog was farting. Follow behind.

Today we had a hearty meal at dawn, first a big bucket of barley porridge with eggs, sweet radish and pumpkin, and then a big bucket of honey water.

When it had eaten and drank enough, it ran to the thick hay and took a nap.

When Frederick came to Maria's tent, the little girl had already divided the money.

Each passenger had to pay 5 florins of gold. These people were brought by Maria, and she received two florins.

The count was correct, and she put all the gold coins into a cash box in the tent. Over the past few days, there had been more than a hundred florins.

This was the first money she had ever earned in her life. She smiled brightly while counting the money, and the three-headed dog lay directly on the gold coins she counted to sleep.

Frederick smiled and asked her: "How do you plan to use the money?"

Maria's face suddenly turned red, she wrinkled her nose and said, "I won't tell you."

Frederick smiled and said: "I suggest you deposit your money in the bank. It is safe and has some interest."

"You can deposit the money in my bank. Well, the bank is now offering eggs for deposits. If you deposit all the money, you can get more than two thousand eggs."

Maria said in surprise: "With so many eggs, how long will it take to eat one a day? The chicks will hatch before they are finished!"

After saying that, the little girl's face turned red again.

Frederick was a little surprised why she had been blushing so often in the past two days. Naturally, she was not in high spirits. After asking twice but getting no answer, he stopped asking.

"In addition to eggs," Frederick said with a smile, "you can also ask for olive oil."

Wesson Bank is now trying its best to absorb deposits. The interest rates are not low, and there are various gifts according to the deposit amount. Many citizens have begun to deposit money there.

Maria asked him full of doubts: "Then where did your bank get so much money to buy eggs?"

Frederick replied: "I can lend money to others and charge interest."

"Oh..." Maria asked as if she understood, "If someone borrowed a lot of money from you, bought a lot of weapons with you, and found a lot of people to defeat you, wouldn't that be true? Don’t you have to pay back the money?”

Frederick blinked. This economic theory sounded familiar.

At this time, someone called Maria outside the tent. The person who came was Sarah, the youngest daughter of the Archduke of Mainz. She lost the draw at the ball that night, and was the first one to be pushed out to invite Frederick to dance.

Maria left the tent, and after a while she stuck her head in and asked Frederick: "We are racing this afternoon, will you come too?"

The hunt starts the day after tomorrow, and young people are playing these days. It mainly creates opportunities for the grandsons of the Grand Duke of Bain and the granddaughters of the Grand Duke of Mainz to come into contact, and also gives time for various political creatures to communicate.

Of course, Frederick would not go. It would be too bullying to let Mingxiao compete, and those young ladies like to tease people too much. Just like at the dance that night, he was arrested and teased after just two dances. They thought they were He is an innocent little boy who knows nothing.

However, Frederick asked Maria: "Are you going to play this afternoon?"

Maria said gloomily: "My horse doesn't run fast."

She is not tall, and like most children, she rides a pony. The horse's short legs cannot run as well as ordinary horses.

The corners of Frederick's mouth curved slightly, and he stood up and said to her: "Let's go to my place. I have something for you."

On the way, Sarah stood in the middle to separate Frederick and Maria. She held Frederick's arm with one hand and said to him with a wicked smile: "If the gift you gave Maria is not good, I will Just take her home so you can never see her again."

Maria immediately pulled Sarah's sleeve and said, "Sister Sarah, don't be like this. I will be happy with whatever gift Frederick gives me."

Sarah immediately stretched out her other hand and pinched Maria's face, and said with an angry look: "You haven't even married yet, and you're starting to fall in love with him?"

There were some things that the two children knew, but they had not yet spoken about it when the other person was around. Now both of them were in a red face.

Maria wanted to run, but Sarah was faster and immediately grabbed her arm.

"Don't run away." Sarah said there, "Frederick, I'm telling you, no matter what happens in the future, you can't miss out on paying Maria, do you understand?"

She is older than the two of them, knows more things than Maria, and understands better what marriage between nobles is. Her parents' marriage is the product of a union between families. After the couple has had so many children, everyone will go their separate ways. Each.

Frederick's mind was now full of how to tell Maria about this, so he kept nodding and dealt with the matter.

Maria replied in a low voice: "Frederick won't do it anymore. We have made money together these days, and I have already received more than a hundred gold coins."

Sarah suddenly felt a little stuffed in her heart.

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