Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 168 Start selling

The hunting camp was located dozens of kilometers southwest of Mainz. When Frederick and other visitors entered the city, in addition to the servants, the following troops went directly to the camp to set up camp.

When the Grand Duke of Mainz arrived at the camp with a group of guests, Duke Wesson's military camp instantly became the center of attention.

When Sarah pulled Frederick and Maria to the Wesson family's military camp, she found her grandfather and Lord Byrne leading a large group of people studying the walls of the military camp, and hurried over to say hello.

The corner of Frederick's mouth curled up slightly, and now business came to his door.

The perimeter of his military camp is not a wooden fence, but a barbed wire fence.

The facade is made of chain-link wire mesh. The processing machine is very simple. There is a sleeve with a spiral groove on the outside of the rotating steel bar. When the iron wire is wrapped around the steel bar, it is restrained by the groove of the sleeve and becomes flat. Wave-like "∽" shape.

The iron wire is rotating when it comes out of the machine. As long as someone controls the clutch to control the length of the wavy iron wire and finally cuts it off, the iron wire can continue to pass through the previous iron wire while rotating, crossing each other laterally, and finally it becomes A barbed wire fence.

Circles of razor wire were placed on the outside and top of the chain-link fence. Frederick was a little depressed. He had been thinking about the old-fashioned barbed wire, and he only remembered this new type of barbed wire after the war.

Blade wire mesh is not produced with iron wire, but with long thin iron sheets. First, a long strip with trapezoidal spiked blades on both sides is pressed by a machine, and finally a groove is pressed into the middle strip to strengthen the structure.

In order to prevent rust, these wire mesh are hot-dip galvanized.

The Archduke of Mainz and a group of others were hiding there and studying the razor wire, all with serious expressions on their faces.

Archduke Byrne pulled out a dagger and slashed at the barbed wire without using much force. As a result, the circle-like barbed wire absorbed some energy due to its deformation and its own elasticity, so it was not cut off at once.

Then he increased his strength, and the barbed wire broke, but because of the material, it only made a small opening and did not fall to the ground.

Maria was curious and wanted to reach out and touch it. Frederick grabbed her hand quickly and said, "Be careful, it's very sharp."

Archduke Byrne carefully observed the barbed wire fence and said to the people around him: "If there are more steel thorns like this, it will be difficult for humans and horses to pass."

Whether you are cavalry or infantry on the battlefield, mobility is very important.

Barbed wire is not indestructible, but it is not as bypassable as an obstacle such as a wooden stake. The time required to destroy it is enough for the enemy to respond.

At this time, Frederick came to them and said with a smile: "Everyone is interested in this. Oh, this is not something powerful. It is just a gadget that prevents livestock from escaping in pastures and farms."

"I am relatively poor, so I can only use these as walls."

The Archduke of Byrne and the Archduke of Mainz gave him a blank look at the same time. The cargo ships traveling to and from Weissen State all passed through their territory. Just counting the number of ships can tell how prosperous this guy's business is.

After Frederick's reminder, everyone found that using this kind of steel thorns on pastures was really good, and could solve the problem of cattle and sheep running out of the fence.

Someone immediately asked about the price, and Frederick offered five times the price of the raw materials. The 100-meter-long razor wire weighed about 7 kilograms, which was not too expensive compared to the fact that cattle and sheep had run away and could not be recovered.

And it can also be used in some important places. Just looking at it can make some people give up the idea of ​​climbing over the wall.

At this time, the Grand Duke of Mainz asked him: "Can I enter your military camp and have a look?"

Frederick immediately replied: "Yes, if you don't mind, you can have lunch like this."

It's okay if he didn't say it, but when he mentioned the Grand Duke of Mainz, he said with a dark face: "What's wrong with you? You have to sing before dinner so early in the morning, and you don't want anyone to sleep!"

A serious aristocratic life, drinking and dancing until late at night before going to bed and getting up almost noon. The Archduke of Mainz's camp was nearby, and he was awakened by singing for the past two days.

As soon as he finished speaking, lunch started in the military camp, and singing came from the camp.

"Okay." The Grand Duke of Mainz said helplessly, "I will also sing it at noon and before dinner in the evening."

Frederick just smiled and said nothing, and invited everyone to visit the camp.

"I've always wanted to ask." Archduke Byrne pointed at a huge thing in the camp and said, "What is that thing?"

Frederick replied: "We will find out when we go over and take a look."

When a group of gentlemen walked over, they all had bad expressions on their faces, because there was a toilet sign on the tent not far away, and the tent opposite was a bathroom.

However, Archduke Byrne and some people who had gone out to fight did not take it seriously and looked at it from the toilet to the bathroom to the sink next to the behemoth.

Archduke Byrne did not ask Frederick, but asked the soldiers standing guard: "Tell me what this big guy does?"

Metzger could tell at a glance that the old man opposite had a noble status, but he did not answer, but looked at Frederick.

After Frederick nodded, Metzger replied: "Sir, this is our army's water tower, and these are the wash basins around it."

When he said this, many people understood that there are many fountains in the city now. The principle is to set up a high water tank at a high place and then connect it to the fountain, so that the fountain can spray water by itself.

This water tower is more than two meters high. The bottom is an iron frame connected with bolts, and the top is a water tank made of thick tarpaulin, which can hold about 3 tons of water.

There is a well as thick as a human leg under the water tank. Mounds are piled around it to prevent the water from flowing in. Next to it is a reciprocating pump driven by a magic reciprocating machine that everyone is already familiar with. It supplies water to the water tank through a pipe. However, the water first passes through a hole next to the water pump. The iron box, no one knows what it is for.

Under Metzger's guidance, the gentlemen turned on the faucet, and clear water immediately flowed out.

"So clean?!" The Grand Duke of Mainz knew his territory well. The water from the well was not turbid, but the earthy smell could not escape.

Metzger pointed to the iron box next to the water pump and said: "The water we use has been purified and sterilized by the water purifier, so it has no peculiar smell and will not upset your stomach after drinking it."

The eyes of knowledgeable people suddenly became sharp. When marching and fighting, the most fearful thing is water pollution. There is no story about a king being lost because of a horseshoe nail. There is no story about an empire that was destroyed because the army was destroyed by a disease when the water source was contaminated before the war. example of.

At this time, some people have begun to advise the master that this filter is not only used in field operations, but can also be used in military camps and can be bought back.

This filter is also simple. The first layer is a fine mesh woven with fine copper wire, using the principle of a Y-shaped filter; the second layer is cotton, which filters out some larger impurities; and the third layer is activated carbon. A necromantic magic circle sterilization was also installed.

The corners of Frederick's mouth curved slightly. At present, the market for this water purifier is not very big. At most, it is just a knife on the filter material, but the meat on the mosquito's legs is also meat.

"Huh?" Sforza, the messenger from the Helvetia Federation, immediately attracted everyone's attention, "What are you wearing here?"

He spoke a little too loudly, pointing to Metzger's left breast when asking questions.

Attracted by his question, everyone looked at Metzger's chest and found that he was wearing something colorful.

Note: I asked Taobao customer service about this.

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