Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 170 The prospective father-in-law poses a question

Among the many arms dealers, arms dealers like Yuri Orlov who only sell weapons are just a small business like a small shop. What really makes money is selling organized military equipment and providing training, training, and even contracting for the defense of a country. .

Now, almost everyone, including the Archduke of Mainz and the Archduke of Byrne, has no concept of regularizing the army and systemizing equipment. The army in feudal society does not have the soil for the emergence of such an army, so Frederick has a blank slate. Only a good painting can build a frame.

However, it is still possible for these two principalities to build an elite army directly under the Grand Duke.

Frederick picked up a piece of fried chicken and said while eating: "Such an army consumes a lot of money. I had no choice at the time. I had to survive and tried every means to make money, so I raised two regiments. "

"Although I am a little better off now, I don't plan to expand the scale in the near future. I can't afford any more. My plan is to form city defense armies from various places to be responsible for defense. This army will serve as a fist."

The two grand dukes next to him nodded together, the reason was this.

Frederick picked up a chicken roll and continued to eat while saying: "My suggestion is that the two of them train a regiment based on the original archers who changed their outfits, see the effect, and then consider whether to expand the scale."

The Grand Duke of Mainz asked him: "How much does a regiment cost?"

Frederick quoted the number, and the price was the same as what Ogilvy had quoted, and the Archduke was so frightened that he dropped the fries in his hand.

Grand Duke Bain also asked in surprise: "So expensive?"

Frederick explained: "This is the price that includes a complete set of materials such as barracks, vehicles, mules and horses. The most important thing for us to end the war in such a short period of time is that the entire army is sitting on wheels and relying on The tactical advantage of speed makes up for the strategic disadvantage.”

The two big guys nodded, and then everyone started discussing fried chicken nuggets.

Military matters cannot be decided in a few words. They have to seek advice and make plans from their own staff.

This thing seems to be possible. Now that the three parties have cooperated, the pressure from the rear has been greatly reduced, and the free power can be used to deal with the outside world.

So Frederick was not in a hurry, and told them that there were many people raising chickens in Wesson, and the prices of chickens and eggs had dropped a lot.

At this time, Sarah saw that they had finished talking about business, and then she said to the Grand Duke of Mainz: "Grandpa, just now Frederick said that he wanted to give Maria a great gift."

Over there, Archduke Byrne asked Frederick with great interest: "Oh, what are you going to give this time?"

The Archduke of Mainz said to the guy next to him expressionlessly: "Humph, if you're not a good guy, I won't beat you up."

Maria was holding a three-headed dog and feeding fried chicken nuggets. She immediately raised her head and said, "Godfather, just now Frederick said that he had no money. It doesn't matter if the things are not expensive."

At the long table on the other side, Baron Harald, the tax minister of the Principality of Mainz, smiled and said to Philip next to him: "How did you raise this daughter? Is a gift of less than 100 florins considered a gift?"

Philip replied calmly: "Maria has made more than a hundred florins with Frederick these days."

Then there is another heartbroken person in the world.

At this time, Reiner, who was sitting next to Archduke Byrne, said: "It's impossible for Wesson to have no money. You can look at the tapestries and carpets around you."

"The patterns of these carpets and tapestries are mainly geometric flower and animal patterns. The patterns are arranged symmetrically around the center. They are exquisite and detailed, and the materials are exquisite. They are all treasures of the royal family of the Dashi Empire!"

"The craftsmen there have to learn how to weave blankets when they are seven years old. The children are seven or eight years old when they complete the training, and the grandson is seven or eight years old when he truly becomes a skilled worker."

"There is a story in the Ghazi Empire. When a businessman was crossing the bridge, a tapestry from the Dashi Empire fell into the water. The fairy in the water asked whether the tapestry that fell was a gold tapestry or a silver tapestry."

Maria immediately said: "I know that the businessman must have been honest when he said that what he fell was an ordinary tapestry."

Reiner smiled, shook his head and said: "The businessman immediately beat the fairy into a pig's head. While beating him, he said that the gold tapestry and the silver tapestry combined are not as expensive as the silk tapestry that fell into the water!"

Many people know that Reiner traveled to the Ghazi Empire and the Dashi Empire further to the east in his early years, and there is no mistaking this.

Archduke Byrne said in surprise: "It's so precious!"

Frederick smiled and said to Reiner: "If you like it, just pick one and take it back."

When Hayreddin came to Wesson, he robbed a fleet at sea and used these trophies to exchange for a batch of silver scale breastplates with Frederick.

Others thought that Frederick had bought these, and they couldn't stop admiring them for a while.

Frederick turned back and whispered a few words to Afu, and brought the gift for Maria.

He originally planned to give this gift to Maria at the formal banquet, but this afternoon the young master and the ladies were going to the horse race, so it would be a good time to give it to her.

Not long after, a silver-white unicorn appeared in the middle of the tent.

The Grand Duke of Mainz shook his hand and cracked the cup of happy water in his hand.

If there was anything he was unhappy about, it was that there was a group of unicorns here in Weissensee, but he only had a war horse with unicorn blood, so he was suddenly outclassed in terms of mounts.

He even planned to wait for the unicorns here in Weissensee to give birth to cubs and shamelessly beg for one, or at worst, exchange it for an equally precious three-headed dog.

Regardless of his feelings, Frederick turned to Maria and said, "Mary, this is for you."

Maria's eyes were widened. She knew that Frederick had many unicorns, but she didn't expect that there was one she had never seen before, and it was given to her.

The corners of Phillip's mouth twitched. This gift was too precious. Although the family owned a copper mine, the family probably couldn't afford it if they had not eaten or drank for seven or eight years.

Before he could think of what to do, Frederick had already pulled Maria to the front of the unicorn.

Frederick originally wanted Psyche to make a set of harness necklaces for Maria, but she said that Maria would not need them.

Sure enough, Maria reached out her hand and gently touched the silver-white cheek of the unicorn. The unicorn rubbed her hand with enjoyment, and then rubbed her face.

Maria smiled and said to Frederick: "The child looks very happy, and I am very happy too, thank you!"

Frederick also smiled and said: "As long as you are happy."

As far as he was concerned, as long as Maria was happy, it was none of his business what other people thought.

However, there is another person present who needs to pay attention to his thoughts. After all, he is Maria's father.

Frederick walked towards Philip, when Baron Harald said to Philip: "Hey, I think he is coming to propose to your daughter."

He spoke in a normal voice, but everyone at the scene was looking at Maria and the unicorn, and no one spoke loudly, so the whole audience heard it.

Frederick was stunned, thinking that this matter would be brewing for a few days, but he didn't expect that someone would bring it up now.

There is no turning back, so you can't refuse at this time, otherwise others will guess whether you are trying to please Sophia or Philip by trying to please Maria.

Frederick saw Philip's face changing several times, and finally he looked resigned to his fate, so he gritted his teeth and mustered up the courage to go over and said: "Dear Lord Eltar, at this moment, I have a request, please allow me, Give me your daughter Maria von Erthal in marriage."

The scene fell silent, only Maria suddenly shouted "Yeah" and covered her red face with her hands.

Phillip turned his head and glared at Harald fiercely, sighed in his heart, and then said seriously: "As long as you complete one thing, I will promise you."

Frederick waited quietly for the next step. This was a unique custom here. The prospective father-in-law wanted to embarrass the prospective son-in-law at this time.

If the prospective father-in-law agrees to the marriage, he will make a simple request. If he refuses, he will make a very difficult request. But the prospective son-in-law cannot go back on his word after completing the request.

At this time, the Grand Duke of Mainz came over with an unhappy look on his face, took Philip aside and muttered for a while.

Frederick's mouth twitched when he saw it, it seemed that he couldn't be kind this time.

The two quickly reached a consensus and walked up to Frederick with smiles on their faces.

"My request is very simple." Philip said seriously, "Aren't you very good at inventing machines? As long as you can invent a machine that can make people fly without magic or magic beasts, I will agree to Maria's participation in the project. I will marry you when I come of age.”

At this time, Archduke Byrne came to the rescue of Frederick: "I said, this is too embarrassing, isn't it?"

The Grand Duke of Mainz glared at him and said, "Don't worry about our family affairs."

Frederick was stunned for a moment, this was simply a score question.

"No problem!" Frederick agreed immediately, "I'll make arrangements right away!!"

Philip and the Grand Duke of Mainz's hearts suddenly thumped and they looked at each other. Just now, they just wanted to scare him and make him beg him to lower the difficulty. Now it seems that this matter is not difficult for him?

Frederick went over to hug Maria and said, "Wait until I come back." Then he left the big tent and flew towards Weissenburg City on Dawn.

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