Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 171 Be a hot air balloon

Recently, a new teahouse has appeared in Weissenburg City. The private rooms are spacious and bright, equipped with comfortable seats and bookshelves. Guests come here in groups with their own books to exchange ideas. , read the discussion.

On this Sunday afternoon, many guests came to the large box of a teahouse. The sound of music played by Wesson Broadcasting Station came from the radio. It was the music program time, and the performer was the former Wesson family orchestra. member.

This time Frederick did not take Vanessa to the Grand Duchy of Mainz. She needed to sort out the documents from various departments and wait for the leader to process them when they came back. At this time, she was sitting shoulder to shoulder with Schmidt, studying a book from England. Kingdom's book titled "Natural and Political Observations on the Bill of Death."

On the sofa next to them, Katie and Koehler looked serious as they jointly analyzed the colors in a manuscript storybook from the Kingdom of Gaul.

BASF and his wife, who was five or six months pregnant, sat on the other side, listening to Duval promoting the latest insulated baby bottle.

Duvall's newlywed wife Wagner was on the sidelines introducing the information he had collected on unmarried young women of the right age to his fellow senior Liebherr. This was an order from Professor Omet to find a companion for this nerd, and Get out more.

Liebherr was on pins and needles at the moment, wanting to run back to the laboratory and continue tinkering with the excavator.

Suddenly, the voice from the radio broke the tranquility in the box: "Now an emergency announcement! Schmidt, BASF, come to the castle immediately after hearing this. It's up to you whether the principal can get a wife!!"

All Might's voice was all too familiar to them. The emergency notification was repeated three times before everyone who was looking at each other came back to their senses.

"Hurry up!" Katie jumped up first, "Go back to the castle and see what's going on!"

Although her name was not mentioned, she was the most excited when it was about Frederick.

The second person to jump up was Liebherr. He said, "I'll call a taxi for you" and quickly ran out of the box.

BASF said to the wife: "It seems that things are not simple this time. You should go home first."

As soon as his wife agreed, Wagner said to her senior brother: "Don't worry, I will take her home."

Schmidt looked at Vanessa. Vanessa naturally wanted to go back and take a look when her boss was in trouble.

Koehler and Duval saw that everyone else had run away, so they followed to watch the fun.

When they arrived at the living room of the castle, they saw Frederick glaring at Omet. Minister of Administration Frick and several other important ministers had also arrived. They were happily discussing the future duke with the tailor Romon and Psyche. Lady's wedding dress style.

Katie immediately went over and rubbed Frederick's face, which had been rubbed by Psyche, and said, "Oh, our Frederick has finally grown up."

Frederick giggled a few times and said, "Sister, you have to work harder, don't let me get ahead... Oops!"

Katie pinched his face angrily.

When Frederick saw that everyone was gathered, he asked the maid to bring a blackboard, and then stood in front and said: "I received a project and needed to build a machine that can make people fly into the sky without magic or magic beasts."

Schmidt and others were startled, and then became excited.

Many people have studied such a machine, but no one has been able to build it. In addition, there are flying monsters, so the investment in this area is not large and progress is very slow.

Now Frederick called everyone together to show that he had a clue.

Frederick had ridden in a hot air balloon before when traveling. He drew a hot air balloon on the blackboard and marked the dimensions. The balloon was 26 meters high, with a maximum diameter of 12 meters, and a hanging basket underneath.

Katie asked him curiously: "Can you fly like this?"

Frederick replied: "Wait a moment, the model will be ready later."

After a while, a maid brought a newly glued Kongming Lantern.

Frederick lit the linen soaked in alcohol in the cup directly in the living room, and soon the sky lanterns flew up.

The sky lantern had just been flying for a while when he threw an ice spell to extinguish it, and then slowly descended.

He has a bit of a psychological shadow over the Kongming Lantern. In his previous life, the safety net at the construction site next door was lit by a Kongming Lantern that flew from nowhere. He suffered heavy losses and no one was caught, so he never came out to play with it.

"That's the principle." Frederick said, "The density of hot air is low, so the balloon generates buoyancy and lifts the basket and the contents below."

"The balloon is sewn with linen, and the outer layer is coated with glue to prevent air leakage."

BASF immediately nodded and replied: "That's no problem. I can ask the factory to transfer the goods from the warehouse immediately."

Frick also said: "You can buy linen in the name of the Executive Yuan, and you can get it together quickly."

This is what Luo Meng said: "I want this kind of cloth to be strong and light enough. I ask my students to check it and not let bad cloth get in."

"Professor Ogilvy, can you use a lathe to make a model that is ten times smaller right away? I will use paper to determine the size of each piece of cloth, and then make a large sample for other tailors in the city to cut. You can also ask an embroiderer to help. Sewing.”

Frick immediately agreed and said that he would let the tarpaulin workshop come to help.

Frederick nodded in agreement, and then said: "There is another question at the moment, what should be used to burn the fire under the hot air balloon. The fire needs to be continuous and violent, and magic cannot be used."

He fell into a cognitive blind spot at this time and regarded the 21st century tourist hot air balloon as a template. Little did he know that the first hot air balloon in his hometown burned straw and flew two kilometers away.

So Psyche smiled and said to him: "Why don't you try burning firewood?"

Frederick shook his head, subconsciously feeling that this method was unreliable. At first he was thinking about acetylene, which is common in construction sites, but he forgot about calcium carbide.

At this time, Liebherr, who had fled here to get rid of the girlfriend he was introduced to, asked: "Is it okay to use an alcohol blowtorch? Set up a blowtorch matrix, which is enough to heat the air."

"Ah?" Frederick was stunned for a moment, "Do you have an alcohol blowtorch?"

Of course he knew what an alcohol blowtorch was, but he had never used one except for heating charcoal and copper oxide in chemistry class in his previous life.

"Of course," Liebherr said, "Isn't this what you use to dehair pig trotters?"

Frederick blinked. It seemed that he had been away from the grassroots level for too long. He recalled it again. It seemed that the burning value of absolute alcohol was higher than that of wood and similar to coal. It should be no problem to make use of it.

"Okay, just use this." Frederick smiled and said to Liebherr, "When it succeeds, you and I will go to the city of Mainz. Maybe you will find a girlfriend."

They had been here for so long, and this was the first time that Frederick saw Liebherr outside of the blacksmith shop. This man had been studying the excavator, but now the excavation system was completed, but there was a problem with the action system.

So All Might has recently been trying his best to get him to leave the blacksmith shop, do something else, change his mind, and maybe he will get some inspiration.

But as soon as Frederick finished speaking, Liebherr's face suddenly turned pale.

Everyone thought he ignored him because of his long trip, so Frederick began to break down the tasks to everyone.

Frederick looked at Schmidt and then at Liebherr. He originally wanted Schmidt to be responsible for this work, but now he changed his mind and said, "Liebherr, you will be responsible for this project. , Schmidt will help you."

Liebherr was stunned. He didn't expect that the principal would assign this task to him, so he immediately refused: "No, no, let Schmidt do it. I have no experience, so I'll just do the errands."

Frederick shook his head and said: "It is precisely because you have no experience in project management that you are allowed to manage this project. Otherwise, how can you manage a factory like Schmidt, BASF, and Duval in the future?"

Liebherr hesitated, then finally said, "Okay, I'll try."

After the task arrangement was completed, everyone began to go about their own business.

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