Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 172 Flying

It was late at night and people still didn't want to sleep. They gathered around the square in the city center and watched the tailors and embroiderers stitching a big thing.

Someone thought that this was related to what was said on the radio in the afternoon about the master marrying a wife, so he asked a tailor he knew: "Are you sewing the wedding dress of the master and his wife?"

The tailor shook his head and replied: "I don't know, we just know how to work."

After saying that, he continued to sew a piece of red and a piece of yellow cloth together.

Liebherr came over soon after and carefully checked whether the cloths were sewn twice as required and whether the distance between the stitches was too wide.

In Frederick's opinion, the cutting of the hot air balloon balloon required a series of calculations. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be very simple for the tailor, who referred to the method of making a hat.

After the model is turned out in the carpenter's shop, the paper is pasted on it, and the paper is divided into grids. Then it is peeled off and cut according to the grid. Finally, it is enlarged in proportion to the size of the cloth.

In addition to tailors, many people were mobilized.

A businessman selling cables at the port simply asked his warehouse to be emptied, and he only took a nominal fee so that he could brag about his contribution to the master's marriage.

The large hanging basket under the balloon was very complicated to make. We also found a large and strong rattan basket directly from the port. However, the first rattan basket smelled too much of salted fish, so we later changed it to another.

The workshop that makes tarpaulins moved all the tools directly to the central square, and sewed a large piece and processed it immediately.

The busiest thing was the blacksmith shop. Schmidt suddenly had a brain twitch and modified an alcohol blowtorch on the spot.

The alcohol blowtorch relies on part of the heat of the conductive flame to vaporize the alcohol and then spray it out. It mixes fully with the air and burns violently.

So he improved the lamp head, and the pipe passed around the flame. The alcohol inside was fully vaporized and then sprayed out. The pipe was made of copper pipes obtained from the pressure gauge factory.

The fuel barrel that stores alcohol is directly modified from a pressure cooker. A copper pipe is welded to the safety valve of the pot lid and the sealing valve used for the pressure gauge on the steam engine is used to pump air inside. At the pressure valve, the inner end is connected to a pipe that extends into the pot near the bottom of the pot, and the outer end is connected to the main sealing valve and copper pipes leading to the blowtorch matrix.

Before igniting, just use a pump to inflate the pot. When the air pressure is enough, close the pressurized pipe sealing valve, and then open the main sealing valve. The alcohol will be sent to the blowtorch matrix under the action of air pressure, and the firepower can also be adjusted. size.

Experiments have proven that this burner is quite powerful.

There is also an umbrella valve on the top of the hot air balloon that controls the exhaust. It is like an open umbrella. It is pressed against the top of the balloon from the inside under the action of rising hot air, and is controlled through ropes, pulleys and a control rope. When you need to vent, just pull the control rope, the edge of the umbrella valve will be separated from the balloon, and the hot air will be discharged. When you need to close it, you only need to loosen the rope, and the hot air will push up the umbrella valve to make it fit with the balloon, and the gas will not leak out.

In addition, Frederick also prepared a thermometer and a barometer with a special dial. The dial of the barometer can be rotated and the scale is converted into altitude, which can be used as an altitude reference.

When the sun reaches the top of the sky, the hot air balloon is finally ready.

Frederick immediately ordered a test flight and asked for one chicken, one duck and one sheep to serve as the first passengers.

He asked people to fix one end of the tethering rope at the upper and lower air vents, and then used this as the end point to set the positions of the other two tethering ropes so that the four points formed a square with four corners.

A giant trebuchet has been assembled around the hot air balloon, with heavy objects placed in their counterweight baskets. A more than ten meter long horizontal bar is erected high, and the upper part of the balloon is lifted up through ropes. And hold it open.

After making sure that the fixed ends of the tethering ropes were tied firmly, Frederick got under the ball bag and asked Liebherr to light it.

The alcohol blowtorch matrix sprayed out 16 blue flames more than one meter long, and the hot air quickly filled the inside of the air bag, which became more and more bulging.

After confirming that the alcohol blowtorch matrix was operating normally, Liebherr and Frederick slipped out, leaving a chicken, a duck, and a sheep in the hanging basket.

Not long after the rope at the trebuchet was loosened, the hot air balloon rose into the air.

The hot air balloon rose higher and higher, and was finally caught by the tether rope about 500 meters above the ground.

After almost ten minutes, the fuel was gone, the flames were extinguished, and the hot air balloon slowly fell back to the ground.

Someone quickly ran over, untied the top rope on the burner shelf, and then pulled it with several people. The other end of the rope was the top of the air bag to control the direction in which the air bag landed.

More people followed and ran over to check whether the air bag and various components were damaged.

The chickens, ducks, and sheep have all been taken out of the hanging baskets, and they are all alive and kicking, so there is no need to delay the extra meal tonight.

Frederick waited quietly until Liebherr came over and then asked anxiously: "How are you doing? Is there anything broken?"

"No," Liebherr replied, "everything is normal."

Schmidt also came over at this time and said excitedly: "I think we can hold more fuel and fly longer."

Frederick shook his head and said, "Don't go to such trouble. If you want to put it into practical use in the future, you will use a magic circle to replace the burner. Now, pack everything up and transport it to the Principality of Mainz overnight."

The next day, under the noon sun, the fiery red hot air balloon attracted the attention of the entire hunting camp. The yellow double-headed eagle coat of arms on it was particularly conspicuous.

In the hanging basket 500 meters above the ground, the Grand Duke of Mainz said calmly: "Well, this gadget is somewhat interesting, just give it a try."

Next to him, Archduke Byrne sneered and said, "If you have the ability, don't shake your feet when you speak."

The Grand Duke of Mainz replied: "Don't be afraid if you have the ability."

Philip asked Frederick: "How long until we go down?"

They roughly understood the principle of a hot air balloon, but not completely. At the same time, they felt that something made in one night was not very reliable, and they were very worried that they would fall down after the blue flame above their heads went out.

These three people were all clinging to the edge of the hanging basket. If they hadn't been wearing gloves, they might have cut their hands on the cane.

Frederick didn't answer. He had only been flying into the sky for less than two minutes, and he continued to throw an apple into the air with all his strength.

I saw a flash of golden light, Dawn swooped down from the sky, bit the apple in the air, chewed it twice before swallowing it, and then hovered around, waiting for the next apple to fly out.

At this time, Frederick rolled his eyes and said, "Let me tell you a joke. There was a bear, a pig and a crow sitting on the hot air balloon. The crow kicked the bear and said, 'You idiot, get over here and give me some space.'" When the pig saw it, he also kicked the bear to make it shrink a little. Then the bear got angry and threw the crow and the pig out of the hanging basket. The crow smiled and said to the pig, "You are stupid." , I can fly'."

The joke was told, but instead of making the three passengers laugh, they all looked nervously at the flames above their heads.

Frederick smiled and said nothing, just waiting for someone to agree to something.

He quietly reached out to the valve of the alcohol tank and twisted it slightly. After a moment, three people exclaimed from behind him.

"Ah! The fire is going out!!!"

The fire did not recover due to the shouts of the passengers, and even showed signs of slowly weakening. The passengers shouted louder.

Archduke Byrne wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and was the first to realize what Frederick was doing. He thought to himself why he couldn't control his curiosity and waded into the muddy water. If he didn't go down, he would probably lose a few years of his life.

He immediately shouted to Philip and the Grand Duke of Mainz: "You two, hurry up and agree to Wesson's marriage!"

Two minutes later, the hot air balloon slowly landed on the ground, and the three passengers jumped out before the gondola touched the ground.

Frederick left the hanging basket, walked to Maria, and with a smile on his face, picked up his rosy-cheeked fiancée and spun her around a few times.

Maria lowered her head and punched him, and then asked: "How much should we charge the guests for letting them go to heaven this time?"

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