Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 173 The Hunting Begins

Maria's money-making plans have to slow down a bit because the hunt has officially begun.

The sound of the horn floated in the north wind, the hounds rushed out of the camp, the falcons circled over the forest, and the hunters rode towards the hunting grounds with great expectations.

Frederick rode Dawn on the ground and rushed to the selected area with his men. At the same time, he once again instructed: "Remember, we can't work too hard today. The harvest must be less than Archduke Byrne. In short, the principle is that we cannot be ranked among the guests. First place!”

Little Franz asked him in confusion: "Why are we doing this? The Grand Duke of Mainz said that the first guest will be given a precious gift."

Frederick said seriously: "We absolutely cannot ask for that gift!"

Little Franz had a question mark, but the master said so, so he had to obey.

The hunting competition relies on piling up the prey to see who has the highest pile. If there are monsters in the prey, it is a bonus.

Frederick had already chosen his main hunting area, which was around a small lake with a diameter of more than 100 meters deep in the forest. From the traces around the lake and on-site reconnaissance, it could be judged that many animals came there to drink water every day.

What they have to do is to form an encirclement with the lake as the core, drive the surrounding animals to the lake, and then surround them and eliminate them.

Frederick knew nothing about hunting, so today's operation was left to little Franz to direct.

The team quickly dispersed in platoons, and then something happened.

Although the leaves of the trees in the forest were about to fall off, the sight was still not good, and the command post on the top of the mountain lost the team in the blink of an eye.

Frederick did not take off with Dawn to look for troops, but looked at little Franz scratching his head anxiously.

In the past, troops were dispatched on a large scale, and the movement was much louder than now, and could be seen from a long distance.

If it is a small-scale operation, there are often only one or two teams, and the commander will be in one of the teams, so at least half of the team will not be lost.

Now it is a large-scale small-unit operation. Dozens of people enter the forest without making much noise, just like spreading salt into water.

Whether he is marching or driving, losing control of the situation is the beginning of disaster. This sense of loss of control brought huge psychological pressure to little Franz.

Frederick didn't say anything, so he was left to find a way to solve the problem. He took Liebherr, Schmidt, BASF and more than a dozen people who had come to fly the hot air balloon to a mountain farther away to find the Hell Wolf.

On the way, Frederick asked Liebherr: "Why didn't you say earlier that your hometown was in the Principality of Mainz?"

BASF also said to his junior fellow student and fellow countryman: "Yes, if your father hadn't come and grabbed your ears, I wouldn't have known about it. I haven't seen you back in the past two years."

The main reason why they came here from Constantbul was because there were many locals. All Might's hometown is in the Principality of Bain, and the village is less than 50 kilometers away from the Duke Bain's castle. BASF's family is a famous dye merchant in the Principality of Mainz, less than 100 kilometers away from the city of Mainz. Liebherr's home is farther away, adjacent to the Principality of Bain, but his family is a famous architectural family in the Principality of Mainz, and his father is currently an official in charge of construction projects in the palace.

Liebherr said a little embarrassedly: "I sneaked away to Constantbul by myself. My family was very angry. I heard that there was still a wanted warrant for me hanging in the city."

Schmidt asked him curiously: "There are many people sneaking away to Constantbul to study. How did you make your family so angry?"

Liebherr raised his head, looked at the blue sky through the iron-like branches, and said calmly: "My family wanted me to marry into a family of material dealers. I ran away at noon on the day of the engagement."

After saying that, he sighed deeply.

BASF thought about it and said after a moment: "It turns out that person is you. No wonder, if it were me, I would run away too."

Before anyone could gossip, I suddenly smelled the faint aroma of barbecue wafting in the air, and it was the kind without seasoning.

"Attention!" BASF gestured, "There are hell wolves nearby!"

Everyone immediately cheered up and gathered in a circle, pointing their weapons around, paying special attention to the location of the downwind vent.

The surroundings were eerily quiet, and there was an occasional sound in the wind. It was obvious that something was surrounding them.

Not long after, the temperature of the wind blowing from the upwind outlet became a little higher, and the surrounding circle took shape.

The body of a hell wolf is very hot, and the area it has just stepped on feels hot to the touch. When it bites prey, it can even cook the area it bites. Strong adult individuals can even breathe fire. The meat can warm and nourish the spleen and stomach, and nourish the kidneys and yang. It has the effect of strengthening strength and replenishing blood and Qi, and is suitable for consumption in winter.

This time they came to hunt hell wolves mainly to prepare some wolf meat for BASF's wife. With the current medical level, it is still quite dangerous for pregnant women to spend the winter. Eating some hell wolf meat on weekdays can enhance their resistance and avoid colds.

Like other wolves, hell wolves are good at hunting and sneak attacks. They will surround their prey and then swarm it.

However, these guys who look like prey this time have no martial ethics.

"Throw gas bombs," Frederick said calmly.

Several people in the downwind immediately took out fist-sized smoke bombs and threw them away. After a while, thick white smoke surged toward the woods with the wind.

In less than two minutes, bursts of wailing sounds came from the white smoke, and it became quiet after a while.

The five-florin gas bomb looks very effective. The hell wolf over there should be asleep.

On the other side of the encirclement, the hell wolves not only did not escape after hearing the wails of their companions, but also launched an attack on Frederick and others.

Although this group of people usually worked on machinery, they were all real magicians, and they all held double-barreled shotguns for hunting. Within a moment, the dozen hell wolves that rushed over were killed.

Seven hell wolves were stunned by poison, and their limbs and mouths were quickly tied up. They were later called upon to be picked back with a wooden stick.

With this batch of monsters as a base, everyone will not be left behind compared to the prey this evening.

On the other side, little Franz contacted all the teams through the sound of the bugle, and started to act after seeing that they were all present.

Everyone yelled and ran through the forest, causing pheasants, deer, wild boars, rabbits, red foxes, lynx and other animals to flee.

The encirclement gradually narrowed, and the beasts kept running around the lake, trying to find a breakthrough, when gunfire rang out.

After noon, the soldiers began to collect the prey and pile it up according to species.

Before evening, Frederick ordered his men to be divided into two groups. First, they would move the large prey to the Archduke of Mainz's camp and pile it up. If there were too many people, more would be added, and the rest would be moved back to their own camp in the evening. When he added some food, he also ordered them to be spread out and piled low.

In the end, the Archduke of Mainz had the most prey, and the Archduke Byrne ranked second. Under Frederick's control, his prey seemed to be ranked third, but some people were dissatisfied.

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