Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 18 Give you some magic

A heavy rain that started in the early morning cooled the hot summer air, and the summer crops in the farmland were moistened as soon as they sprouted.

That morning, Walter taught logic to Frederick with a copy of "The Art of Debate".

Frederick put aside what happened last night and listened carefully to Walter's explanation of what categorical words were and what non-categorical words were.

The sound of rain and fresh air came into the study through the half-open window, making Frederick's swollen head feel a little better.

Logic is quite unfamiliar to him, but he can use it in official documents and laws, so he has to learn it.

He was trying to demonstrate "smart logic," and then Walter showed him the four uses of the ice pick technique.

In the eyes of scholars, "gong jing" is the same as picking up the ball and rushing into the opponent's goal in a football match. If you can kill with one stick, hit it with more sticks.

After class was finally over and there was still some time before lunch, Frederick rushed to Psyche's room.

Psyche sat on the bedside, holding a lollipop in her mouth and a novel in her hand, watching quietly as Frederick broke in and locked the door.

Frederick cast a few magic spells beside the bed, and then asked with a black line: "What the hell are these?"

Pea shooters, big-mouthed flowers, clovers, etc. appeared on the soft carpet, and they were shaking there.

Psyche replied calmly: "This is a composite magic based on shaping magic, elemental puppets and soul magic. It is the highest masterpiece in the current field of composite magic. Just snicker."

The black line on Frederick's forehead did not disappear at all, and he cast a few more magic spells.

This time four people appeared, the assassin brother of the Assassin Brotherhood who was wearing a white robe and could not see his face, the dark ranger sister with dark purple skin, the tall and muscular barbarian brother with tattoos on his body, and a A silver-haired girl wearing a maroon skirt, a hood of the same color, a dark red cloak, and holding a scythe.

Psyche continued to say calmly: "Assassins, archers, warriors and wet nurses, elemental puppets based on shaping magic, elemental puppets and soul magic, are the highest masterpieces in the current field of elemental puppets. Just continue to snicker."

Frederick waved his hand, and the peashooters and elemental puppets disappeared. He sat down by the bed and frowned and asked, "How did I suddenly know these magics?"

When he woke up this morning, he felt that he knew something. When he thought about it carefully, he found that he actually knew how to summon these magical beings.

Whether it's a pea shooter or an elemental puppet, they are all made of magical elements and are as hard as iron.

Psyche pointed to her head and replied: "Soul copy and paste, I will give you a copy of what I know."

Frederick's eyes widened and he asked worriedly: "Will it affect you?"

Psyche reached over and rubbed his hair, and said easily: "If you copy the contents of one book into another book, what impact will it have on the first book?"

"Then I'm relieved." Frederick breathed a sigh of relief, "Will there be any additional impact on me?"

Psyche patted the novel in her hand and said to him: "I just wrote something in the blank space. It doesn't matter if I write a little, but don't be greedy. If you write too much, the book itself will be affected."

"Don't expect to use it on a large scale. This is a delicate job. Even I have a hard time. If there is a mistake, both parties will become fools."

Frederick nodded and said sincerely: "Thank you."

Psyche scratched his head, stood up and said, "Take your time with these magics. With your current strength, you can only last for two minutes."

Frederick nodded seriously, thinking that he would just use it as a trump card.

Psyche continued: "Don't underestimate this magic. Although you are a novice, it is not."

"Let's talk about the four elemental puppets. Each of them has its own merits. Each of them has its own unique skills. Their fighting spirit and patience are even more astonishing. Their secret weapons can give you unexpected surprises!"

Frederick's tiger body trembled and he said sincerely: "If I encounter danger one day, can I ask you for help? For example, if I shout, 'Psyche, save me!' you will appear in a blink of an eye."

Psyche asked with a wicked smile: "Did I show up to watch the fun?"

Then she pinched Frederick's cheek and said earnestly: "Your own strength is your real strength. This world is far less peaceful than you think."

"I might as well tell you that people at Richard Nall's level sometimes take on assassination jobs."

"You are restless, and you will definitely make countless enemies in the future. Dealing with you yourself is the best way to solve the problem."

"You still have a lot to learn, not just magic, but also social rules and ways of thinking based on the personal power gap brought about by magic."

Frederick suddenly figured out something in his mind. When he was studying logic, he always felt that something was wrong, but now he discovered it after Psyche reminded him.

In my hometown, after stripping away social factors such as economic and social status, the gap between people is not big, so it will happen that Caesar was assassinated in the Senate, and the No. 1 Yumitori Nara Town of Tokaido attacked the Taikaku. event.

But it's different here. If Caesar has the strength of Richard Nar, even if there are people of equal strength present, as long as the number is not overwhelming, at least escaping will not be a problem.

Because the basic power gap between people has widened, the "final interpretation power" is not only attached to a certain organization, but also attached to the fist.

The most obvious thing is that as long as your fist is big, you can hit a target with one punch.

In the existing political system, extraordinary force has been incorporated into and constrained by status and wealth through laws, morals and traditions. If the political system is to be changed, the inequality of personal force is a hurdle that is difficult to get around.

Frederick's face turned into dough in Psyche's hands, and his thinking was interrupted.

"Don't think so much." Psyche said while rubbing it, "Some problems cannot be solved by sitting in a daze."

"Walk more, see more, think more. You don't need me to teach you what to do, right?"

Frederick said "hmm" softly, understanding what she meant.

"By the way." Frederick changed the subject, "Why not use torn linen cloth and old hemp rope as raw materials for paper making?"

Psyche replied: "Of course there are better ingredients."

"What is it?" Frederick asked her curiously, "The only materials used to make paper are hemp, bamboo and wood. There is no bamboo here."

Psyche replied: "The paper made from grass pulp is too brittle. If you want to use it to make newspapers or magazines, it won't be enough."

Frederick frowned and said: "But I remember that grinding wood pulp requires a lot of power. It can only be driven by a steam engine. The water wheel is not powerful enough."

Psyche smiled and said, "I will teach you when you make the 'lion head'."

Frederick's head was full of black lines and he said: "Tomorrow, I will go to the blacksmith shop this afternoon."

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