Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 17 Today is a special day

The top of the hill where the Wesson family's castle is located is nearly a hundred meters higher than the city below. Standing on the arrow tower of the castle's main building, you can have an unobstructed view of the entire city and surrounding areas.

On the towers of the walls around the castle, in addition to the patrolling soldiers, there are also several night watchmen scattered around watching the city, and they will blow their horns if there is any sign of fire.

The night scene in the city has changed in the past few days. Some magic street lights have been installed on several main roads. They are not brightly lit, but they can still clearly see the roads and the faces of pedestrians not far away.

These street lamps were sponsored by a scholar from Weissenburg University and his students. Even the materials and labor did not cost Frederick a penny. They were considered advertising money.

This kind of magic lamp looks like a candle with a luminous magic array inside the flame part. The inside of the lower cylinder is a magic array that absorbs the surrounding magic elements. When it is started, the outside of the "flame" will glow, and it usually absorbs energy automatically without using additional energy.

The base material of the magic array is a cast iron cylinder with grooves for the magic array. After the grooves are filled with magic conductors, a layer of tin alloy is cast and wrapped on the outside. After polishing, the silver shines beautifully, and it is not afraid of low temperatures.

The materials of this magic lamp are very cheap, and the magic circle is not considered advanced. The retail price is 2 Kreuz silver coins, which is equivalent to 100 kilograms of wheat or 12 kilograms of animal fat candles. Buying one can last for many years, and is used by ordinary families. Affordable.

Some cargo ships even bought a box and fixed it around the ship as a warning light, and put several of them together and added a reflector to use as a searchlight.

However, this kind of magic lamp has core technology. The household-type paddle switch has no technical content, but the material and process of the match-head-sized photosensitive resistor at the top of the "flame" is a secret. Only with it can the automatic start and stop of street lights be realized.

Frederick welcomed this "high-tech industry". Not only did he allow the carpenter's shop to only charge cost price when producing street lamp poles, he also became the first customer to purchase the product, even when they rented land to build a workshop. Ground rent is waived for 5 years.

With the forerunner, many people at Weisenberg University are now thinking about whether the technology in their hands can make money.

That night, after practicing martial arts and taking a shower, Frederick took his drawing board and stationery to the highest arrow tower of the castle, where he could see the entire city.

There was a magic lamp installed on the wall of the arrow tower. He flipped the paddle switch to turn on the light, and then stood in front of the crenel and drew on parchment the city divided into pieces by street lights at night.

After an unknown amount of time, Frederick asked about the scent of soap.

Psyche came up behind Frederick, bent down to look at the parchment, and asked curiously: "What did you draw this for?"

"Prepare to divide the city into districts." Frederick said while drawing. "Different blocks are represented by different colors and numbers. If there is a fire, lights of the corresponding color and number will be lit on the city wall, so that the city will know where it is. There’s a fire.”

"Humph..." Psyche asked with a smile, "You said that you can use only a few colors to color blocks with common boundaries?"

A cross tendon almost burst out from Frederick's forehead.

"I only plan to use the four colors of red, yellow and green baskets to color the blocks in a 90° range." He said, "Other colors are not so conspicuous."

"It's boring." Psyche reached out and scratched this guy's head.

She walked to the crenel and sat on it, taking out the hairpin from her bun. Her long brown hair fell like a waterfall, blown by the evening breeze, exuding a plant fragrance.

The entire arrow tower was silent, with only the sound of the friction between quills and parchment, and the distant footsteps of soldiers patrolling the city wall.

After an unknown amount of time, Frederick finished painting the area in front of him, walked to the next crenellation, and found that in front of him was Psyche's silhouette in the moonlight.

She was wearing an ordinary skirt. The straight skirt only had a cheap colorful rope tied around her waist as a belt. At this time, she was sitting sideways on the crenel, with her legs bent and one hand on her knees, and her body was slightly turned to the outside. , raised his head and looked up at the deep starry sky.

"Am I beautiful?" Psyche suddenly asked him.

Frederick replied: "It's blocking me."

Given his size, his line of sight was completely blocked.

"Well..." Psyche said disdainfully, "a cow that eats peonies."

"What?" Frederick raised his eyebrows, "You want me to pick you up?"

Psyche said "hey" twice and said in a very seductive voice: "You can try it."

Frederick took a step back, pretending to be on the phone and said, "Hey, is it a demon spirit?"

For the first time, Psyche reacted to things in another world, and the corners of her mouth curved slightly.

After the joke, Frederick walked to the crenellation on the other side and began to draw from the other side.

Halfway through the block ahead, Psyche asked, "What are your plans for the future?"

Frederick replied: "Make money and get a beautiful wife."

"That's it?" Psyche didn't believe him.

Frederick added: "Career and love."

"It's not the same thing." Psyche curled her lips and asked, "Then what kind of woman do you think is beautiful?"

"There is no fixed standard." Frederick replied, "You will know it when you see it."

Psyche rolled her eyes and said with a smile, "Would you like me to introduce one to you?"

Frederick read: "Ah, if you could just introduce yourself."

Psyche asked him with a black line: "What, I'm not beautiful?"

Frederick said seriously: "My pelvis can't bear it."

"Of course," he continued, "if you can tell me why you don't collect rags and old cables, I will reluctantly sacrifice it."

"Hey..." Psyche asked, "I'm not attracted to you at all?"

Frederick replied seriously: "I still know how much I weigh."

"Boring guy." Psyche shook her head and said, stretching her arm across the nearly 10-meter-wide arrow tower and scratching Frederick's head.

Frederick remained calm, and he wouldn't be surprised if Psyche said she was a sperm-turned-slime.

"What about you?" Frederick asked, "Do you have any goals or something?"

Psyche just sighed and said quietly: "You don't know even if I tell you."

Frederick said: "How can you be sure that I know if you don't tell me?"

Psyche just smiled and said, "Let's talk about it after you master the magic elements."

Then she changed the topic: "Please carefully recall what All Might said today. There is something you will definitely be interested in."

Frederick didn't take the chance. Although they didn't get along for long, he intuitively told himself that there was something wrong with Psyche tonight. She usually didn't talk that much.

"You are a little unusual tonight." Frederick asked directly, "Did something happen?"

Psyche was startled for a moment, smiled, looked at the night sky, and said lightly: "It's nothing, I just suddenly remembered that today is my birthday."

This time it was Frederick's turn to be stunned for a moment, then he packed up his things and got off the arrow tower.

Psyche listened to the leaving footsteps, the expression on her face did not change.

Maybe it’s been too long since I’ve met anyone with whom I have something in common. When I talk, I feel like I’ve gone back to the carefree days of the past. Today I’m recalling those days again, so I talk a little more.

As for Frederick, he had no special ideas.

Everyone's lifespan is not the same. When his grave is covered with grass and cows and sheep, he is still alive and kicking.

Psyche looked at the stars and recalled that on her 64th birthday, her 100-year-old father was lying in bed ordering takeout and bought herself a birthday cake for the last time. No matter how many sunrises and sunsets passed, that moment was still imprinted in the depths of her soul. .


A rush of footsteps came from the stairs, and they paused when they were about to go up to the top floor. .

Frederick lit the candle before going up to the top floor, holding the tray and walking towards Psyche, and said with a smile, "Why didn't you tell me about such an important thing earlier? Now we can only deal with it like this... uh... are you crying?"

He was surprised to see Psyche's eyes were slightly red, and two lines of tears ran across her face and dripped from her chin to the skirt of her clothes.

"The wind was too strong just now," Psyche forced out a smile and wiped the tears from her face with the back of her hand. "Sand got into my eyes."

Frederick said "Oh", and it would be whatever she said at this time.

Psyche looked at Frederick's hand. On the tray was a delicate gold plate and a pair of gold knives and forks. The gold plate contained a fist-sized hemispheric snack, which was coated with a layer of white and slightly yellowish. of cream, with a beeswax candle the size of a pinky finger stuck on top.

"In your opinion, I'm only one year old." Psyche pouted deliberately.

Frederick smiled and replied: "Tao begets one, one is two, two is three, three is ten thousand..."

He received a sharp look from Psyche and immediately shut up obediently.

Psyche jumped off the crenel, blew out the candle, took the tray and placed it where she was sitting, picked up the knife and fork and cut off a piece of butter...


It was the first time that she had seen such a magical item after such a long time.

Frederick scratched the back of his head and said with some embarrassment: "Now the only things left in the kitchen are the steamed buns being heated in the steamer. Fortunately, there is also butter. Let's deal with it like this."

Psyche put the birthday bun into her mouth, with a heartfelt smile on her face, and said while eating, "Thank you."

Frederick smiled and replied: "As long as you are happy."

Psyche hummed a song from somewhere and finished eating her birthday buns.

She put down her knife and fork, licked her lips, turned around and lifted Frederick up under his arms.

"This is a return gift." A sly smile appeared on Psyche's face.

Frederick noticed that her face was getting closer and closer to his.

Psyche lowered her head, put their foreheads against each other, and whispered: "Relax, it's just a simple soul magic 'soul copy and paste'."

As soon as he finished speaking, Frederick suddenly felt his head swell, as if something was forced into his brain.

Before he passed out, he thought he heard something like "wabby wabbo."

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