Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 16 What happened that day

Frederick had been worried about a problem, which was that the newly built villages required a large number of draft horses for plowing and pulling carts.

According to the current tradition, the draft horses in the village are the private property of the lord or a certain rich man, and other villagers pay rent when they need them.

Horses are not cheap. A luxurious war horse costs hundreds of gold florins. A first-class war horse costs about 80 florins. A timid riding horse costs 10 florins. An ordinary draft horse costs 1 florin. Lin can be brought home, and a sturdy draft horse costs 2 florins.

It is impossible for a village to have only one draft horse. The total number is enough to give Frederick a headache. Firstly, there is not enough money. Secondly, there may not be so many on the market. Thirdly, there is not even enough pasture to feed the horses in the near future, so He just had the idea of ​​​​excavating.

Now that the excavator was no longer working, Frederick thought about it and could only settle for the next best thing.

The light element was once again shaped into a model by his mental power. This time it was much simpler, the kind that replaced the cylinder of a single-cylinder internal combustion engine through the deformation of "artificial muscles".

Although this kind of engine has many shortcomings, it is good to have it when there is no better choice.

This kind of engine drives the winch at the edge of the field through gears. The rope on the winch pulls a plow or columbine with several plowshares. The plow is pulled from one end of the field to plow the row of plows, which is more efficient than draft horses. high.

At the same time, it can also drive water carts and small steel mills to grind powder, etc. It has many more uses than draft horses.

All Might thought for a moment and said: "This kind of machine can be made in theory. It can use the cheapest magic muscles. It has enough power and is not expensive. Mass production is no problem."

"However, it has a shortcoming common to all magic muscles. When used at high frequency for a long time, it will become seriously overheated and eventually burn out."

"Because it is controlled by magic, there is no way to use magic to cool it down."

Frederick was not very familiar with this kind of material, so he had just studied the newly moved golem puppets in the past few days, and it was hard to make any comments.

"It's enough to just water it." Manuel suddenly said, "There is someone next to me who carries water and pours it on to cool down from time to time. What a big deal."

All Might was silent and finally said: "It can indeed be done like this. I will arrange for someone to try it tomorrow."

Frederick was speechless, and then arranged: "This machine can be processed first. If the effect is good, we might be able to increase the price to 10 times the cost and sell it."

All Might immediately became energetic.

Everyone discussed some other things, and the meeting ended half an hour before dinner.

Frederick and others simply bragged and chatted here, and then went to the restaurant after dinner time.

Not sure what they were talking about, Ah Fu sighed deeply and said, "Hey... why is the king targeting us?"

The conference room suddenly became quiet, and no one could figure this out.

"It's very simple." Richard Nall said solemnly, "Because His Majesty William achieved nothing in last year's war, other nobles in the country were very dissatisfied with him."

"However, Henry gained great fame for his final battle even though he died in battle, and William became jealous."

Wesson led everyone to immediately focus on Richard Nall.

They knew the general story of how old Count Wesson died in battle, but they knew nothing about the details.

Richard Nall was silent for a moment, looked directly at Frederick, and said: "There are some things that you will know sooner or later. The reason why I didn't tell you in advance is because I was worried that you would be too impulsive. What can an eight-year-old child do? Woolen cloth?"

"Now it seems that you matured earlier than I expected. Let me tell you."

The expressions of Frederick and others became solemn, waiting for Richard Nall's next words.

"I learned of Henry's death in the theater of the Kingdom of Gaul." Richard Nare's words surprised everyone.

He continued in a deep voice: "It was an opera praising Henry's bravery, honor and sacrifice, and the villain was Juste of the Kingdom of Gaul."

"Juste?" Manuai exclaimed, "Is it the Dharma God Juste, the leader of the Gallic Royal Mage Group?"

Richard Nall nodded and continued: "On that day, Just led a team to sneak attack the supply camp where Henry and the others were stationed. At that time, the camp contained military rations that had just been shipped from China. If it was destroyed, the front line would be hungry. , there is no need to fight."

"Juste didn't take any action at first. He just cracked the camp's defensive magic in the shortest time. Then the members of the Royal Knights and the Royal Mage Group launched an attack on the camp."

Having said this, Richard Nall picked up the tea cup and drank all the tea, looked at Afu and asked: "There is something, you didn't tell Frederick, right?"

Afu replied respectfully: "Mr. Henry said before he left for the expedition that if he could not come back, he would not be able to see that thing until Mr. Frederick had a child."

Frederick was startled, and the corner of his mouth twitched. It couldn't be something like "wanting to practice magical skills and wield a sword to kill oneself." His father had already started to grow a beard before going to the war, and he even pulled it out to play with. It was not fake.

Richard Nall glanced at Frederick and said: "That is a magic that the Wesson family obtained many years ago to burn life force and increase strength. It is not a secret, many people know it."

Besides Frederick, Wesson led everyone to nod, and Franz said: "Yes, I learned it too."

Richard Nall continued: "At that time, Henry and his eleven knights used this magic, doubled their strength, and frightened the enemy five times their size in the first charge."

"No one hesitated or flinched in the ensuing battle, and many people died together with the enemy."

"Juste took action, and Henry was quickly suppressed. He promised that the entire lowland area wanted to recruit Henry to surrender."

"Henry's answer was to burn all his remaining life, almost killing Juste by surprise."

"I went to see Juste before I came here and saw his injuries. He was very serious. He almost died at the time. He will need to recover for several years."

"He said that Henry's strength was not inferior to mine at that moment. If he had another half breath, he would lose his life."

Richard Nall looked at Frederick and said seriously: "Juster asked me to tell you that if you want revenge, he will wait for you."

Psyche held the tea cup and continued the topic: "This magic can be stopped at any time. As long as you don't die, the consumed vitality can be slowly replenished later."

"Maybe I won't return to my peak, but I'll have no problem surviving."

There was silence in the conference room for a long time, with Frederick and Alfred wiping away tears from time to time. Franz leaned back in his chair, looked up at the ceiling, and whispered the prayers of the Church of Light in his mouth.

Manuai sighed, as long as the nobles surrendered on the battlefield, they would get the treatment they deserve, and they could go back after waiting for the ransom from their families.

In today's wars, soldiers often suffer numerous casualties, but no nobles suffer any loss. In recent years, there are almost no nobles like Count Henry von Wesson and his knights who fight to the death for the responsibilities on their shoulders.

Manuel once again confirmed one thing. Their king was a fool. With such a loyal minister, the orphan should be rewarded heavily and promoted as an example, instead of trying every possible means to plot other people's territory like now.

The people of the Kingdom of Gaul admire all good things such as romance, bravery, and loyalty. It is not surprising that a model figure like Henry von Wesson is welcomed there.

Even if he is an enemy on the battlefield, in the words of the Gauls, the precious quality does not distinguish between friend and foe.

Manuel wrote a few lines on his notepad and arranged it when he got back.

Frederick looked at the table in front of him quietly for a long time, then raised his head and said to Richard Nall: "Master, please tell Juste that I will settle the grudges on the battlefield on the battlefield."

Then he looked at the people led by Weisen and said solemnly: "This revenge... I will not let anyone go."

There were not many details leaked from the Rhine Alliance side about the sneak attack on the supply camp, which makes this incident very abnormal. There may be some hidden secret in it.

From the beginning, Frederick kept in mind that there are smart people in every world, and he should not think that the other person is a fool just because he is a time traveler.

However, a series of recent events seem to be telling him that he may be wrong.

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