Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 15 Opening up wasteland doesn’t look that difficult

Lunch time came soon, and Tarot brought today's lunch with several maids.

There will be no more "hamburgers" in this world, only "Wesson buns".

Everyone had discussed policy and other issues in the morning, and Frederick planned to study the technical issues of reclaiming wasteland in the afternoon.

During lunch time, we didn’t talk about work, we just chatted.

After eating and drinking, Frederick patted his face to cheer himself up, and then said to everyone: "The most important thing now is to properly resolve this disaster incident and let it become an opportunity for our development."

He looked at Matthias and asked, "I wonder if you have any suggestions for land reclamation?"

After thinking about it during this period, Matthias found that manipulating plants to fight was really not suitable for him, and now he is trying to develop in the agricultural field.

He said: "I studied the map of Weisen Territory and visited many places, and I came up with a plan."

"It is impossible to reclaim the entire Weisen Territory into farmland. The cost of mountain farming is too high. We also need timber forests and firewood forests."

"I suggest that the flat land can be reclaimed into farmland, and a three-bed system should be implemented. After the mountainous land is cleared, oak trees, chestnuts, currants and various fruits can be planted."

"Weeds and shrubs during the land reclamation process are quite troublesome. This can be dealt with by Monoflo, which is generally eaten."

The animal trainer Monofro gave Mathias a hard look and said, "Don't talk like you want me to eat you."

Amidst everyone's laughter, he turned to Frederick and said: "When we were clearing up wasteland, it was very troublesome to deal with the weeds and shrubs on the ground and the grass roots underground. My suggestion is to import draft horses from the Osmaga Empire. At the same time, freshly weaned sheep are imported.”

"As long as there are enough sheep on a piece of land, in two months they will dig out the grass roots and eat them, leaving only some thorny thorn bushes."

"Just burn the lonely thorn bushes on the ground, and let Matthias eat the roots underground."

Mathias laughed with everyone, and continued what he said: "Some time ago, the principal told me that the tumors on the roots of beans and other plants are the key to fertile fields. After thinking about it, I found that it is indeed true."

"For newly reclaimed land, whether it is flat land or mountainous land, my suggestion is to plant alfalfa, vetch, milkvetch and other pastures in the first few years, which can fertilize the land and raise livestock."

"You don't need to take care of the underground roots. During this period, the dead roots will rot and be eaten by insects, and they will be gone in two or three years."

"According to my experience, if I use my method to promote the growth of pasture, the yield can be at least doubled, and it can provide feed for livestock in captivity."

"But this requires using compost, plant ash, bones, etc. as fertilizer to fertilize the land and restore its fertility."

"I have a suggestion: legislate taxation to ensure the supply of these fertilizers."

Frick smiled and said to Neuer, the tax collector next to him: "In the future, in addition to the shit tax, you will also have to add an ashes tax and a bone tax."

Manure has always been an important source of fertilizer, and there is a tradition of collecting manure compost in various places. However, insufficient attention is paid to urine, plant ash, bones, etc.

Matthias thought about these issues after recently reading a pamphlet about fertilizers written by Frederick. The more he thought about it based on his experience, the more it made sense.

Frederick said at this time: "There is no need to impose special taxes. It is too troublesome. We only need to classify the garbage and recycle it."

Neuer immediately said: "Indiscriminate tax increases will cause a lot of trouble. It is better to legislate that different garbage should be thrown in different places."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Judge Otto, and Otto looked at Frederick. After seeing the lord nodding, he said: "I know what to do."

Frederick added: "You will discuss it together later and show me the regulations after you have made them."

"That's right." He remembered another thing, "Ragged linen cloth...forget it, don't be greedy for the little advantage, Ah Fu, open a chamber of commerce specifically to purchase torn linen cloth and old hemp ropes."

Many people present were confused, wondering if these could also be used as fertilizer?

The only person in the conference room who could understand Frederick's thoughts was Psyche. She suddenly said: "It's unnecessary. It won't achieve the effect you want."

People who didn't know Psyche's identity were full of questions, and Frederick asked: "Then what method do you have?"

Psyche said, "Well... 'Lion's Head.'"

Others were shocked. Lions are magical beasts that only exist in the distant southern continent. They are extremely ferocious. Every year, many people cross the sea to challenge them, but they end up delivering food. What can be done to get rid of such conditions? ?

Frederick immediately nodded and agreed: "No problem."

It’s just a lion’s head, it can be steamed or braised, it’s a piece of cake.

After an interlude, Frederick looked at All Might and asked, "Can I make a simple golem puppet now?"

All Might raised his eyebrows, thinking that big business was coming, with a bright smile on his face, and everyone was shocked.

He rubbed his hands and asked, "I wonder what kind of golem puppet the principal wants? Is it a guard type or an attack type? A mage type is also fine."

"If you pay a little more, I can even put a layer of artificial skin on the golem puppet, so it looks like a real person!"

Frederick was shocked. There is such an operation. I wonder if it is realistic.

But let’s put it aside in advance. I am only eight years old. From now on... Damn it, I am an aristocratic master. From now on, I can just find someone to be a cosplayer. There is no need to go to all that trouble.

Frederick calmed down, ignored Psyche's teasing gaze, and asked All Might seriously: "My requirements are not high, I am just a golem puppet used to dig soil."

All Might's smile froze instantly.

Frederick stretched out his hands, gathered the surrounding light elements, and relied on his mental power to shape these elements into a model.

There is no efficient rotating equipment these days, so just use golem puppets to shake the turntable, and use a bunch of golem puppets riding bicycles as power to pull the train. The energy consumption is too high, so steam engines are still needed.

But the Golem's "artificial muscles" still inspired Frederick. This magical material is a bit like muscle fibers, can deform under the influence of magic, and can replace the hydraulic system on the excavator.

"Artificial muscles" can even use a specific structure to push a piston-like mechanism to reciprocate, thereby driving the crankshaft to rotate. The advantage is large torque, but the disadvantages are large weight, low speed, high cost, high energy consumption, and difficult maintenance. Telie intends to use it to make small power source driven machine tools.

Researchers like Ogilvy and Mather have focused their technology on bionics for many years, and no one has jumped out of the shackles and moved towards a new world.

Without going too far, Frederick built a model of an excavator with spider legs.

This excavator is about the same size as a small excavator used in orchards. The chassis is about 1 meter wide. There is a spider leg at each corner. A round plate is installed as a footboard to reduce the pressure on the ground. The upper body is slightly smaller than the chassis, and the arms It is about 3 meters long, has a bucket capacity of 0.05m, and is open-top. You can just set up a shed when the time comes.

Frederick spent a lot of time explaining the function of this excavator, leaving everyone in the audience confused.

It's not like everyone has seen golem puppets before. All Might brought two of them, one was at Weisenberg University, and the other was sent to the castle not long ago, saying it was to protect Frederick.

However, the shape of the excavator... is a spider hybrid with an elephant?

All Might frowned and thought about it. The most difficult part of a golem puppet is to control the core so that it cannot think like a real person. If a golem puppet is built big enough for people to control it...

Frederick didn't know how he was thinking about making a Gundam. After a moment, he said: "If the price of this excavator is controlled below 20 gold florins, it will be our flagship product."

All Might frowned and replied: "Theoretically, one or two of these golem puppets can be made using existing technology, but it is very difficult to mass-produce them like carriages."

Frederick immediately asked: "What's the difficulty?"

"No one." All Might shrugged, "Not to mention anything else, just making screws and nuts and matching them requires a lot of people."

Frederick slapped his forehead and saw that he had no choice. Today's screws and nuts are all turned out by hand on lathes. Whether the screws and nuts can be screwed together depends on luck and strength, so someone specially matched them.

Behind any kind of industrial product is an industrial system. No matter how backward it is, the industrial system is still an industrial system, which is a dimensionality reduction blow to handicraft industry.

"Forget it." Frederick shook his head, "Let's make one or two units first and slowly improve them, and then mass-produce them when we have the opportunity."

Ogilvy replied: "Well, I have a student named Liebherr. He is good at mechanics. Let him be responsible."

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