Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 14 A gift from a fool

In the conference room of Weisenberg Castle, Frederick and Afu, who had just returned from Nuremberg, Administrator Frick, Tax Officer Neuer, Judge Otto, old knight Franz and other Weisen leaders Richard Nall, Manuai and others sat around the round table, with question marks all over their heads.

Manuai, the learned sage of Constantbul, was searching for the adjectives he had mastered. Finally, he could only ask Frederick directly: "Is your king... a fool?"

"With such an important resource like population, he actually said he didn't want it and just sent it here?"

Frederick replied seriously: "Your Excellency Manuel, this is our country's national secret, please do not leak it!"

After a burst of laughter, the administrator Frick said to Frederick: "Sir, I kind of understand the king's thoughts."

"According to the information from the merchants, there are between 50,000 and 60,000 refugees who are about to enter the Wesen Territory this time. Such a large number of people is enough to collapse our finances."

The old knight Franz sneered and continued: "Our King seems to have forgotten one thing. How much damage will these victims bring all the way to Wesson and how much time will it take."

Everyone laughed again. At the walking speed of the disaster victims, it would take one to two months to walk from the disaster area to Wesenland.

If these refugees arrive in Frederick tomorrow, they will die, and they will grit their teeth and persist in half a month. Now there is so much time, enough for them to prepare.

Frederick smiled enough and said to everyone: "Now let's continue discussing the victims."

"For a long time to come, food will be the first problem we have to solve."

Afu said: "Master, Johnny has already negotiated with several big merchants in Mingxing City. Wesson syrup can be exchanged for 5 times the weight of wheat or oats, barley, rice and other grains equivalent to wheat."

Everyone already knows this news, and they also know that the cost of 1 kilogram of maltose is about 2 kilograms of wheat. This is their confidence in dealing with the victims.

Frederick said: "Let him continue talking. As long as there is food, there will be Wesson syrup. You can exchange it for more cheap beans."

"By the way, don't forget the livestock and the cloth. Winter is coming in a blink of an eye."

Today Ogilvy also came over from the blacksmith shop for a meeting, and continued: "We have reached an agreement with our suppliers. They provide raw materials such as coal, iron ore and pig iron. We pay the bill with steel ingots and elemental steel of different specifications, which is faster than grabbing money. "

"It is imperative to expand the scale of the blacksmith shop, and I suggest that blacksmiths and carpenters among the victims be gathered together."

"Recently, we have installed trial-produced bearings in two water mills. The efficiency of flour grinding has increased several times than before. I suggest that the next step is to focus on comprehensive upgrades of the mills in the territory."

Frederick nodded and said: "We have a lot of people to feed next, and we have to save money."

"Afu, Wesson Sugar Factory is going to expand, and we will depend on it to survive."

"Tell Nina that the steam bakery will be expanded into a steam bread workshop and spread to other towns. From now on, she will be responsible for the steam bread workshops in the entire territory."

Steamed buns save fuel and time than bread, and they can also use coal as fuel, which is very important for maintaining the lives of disaster victims and saves money.

Frederick continued: "The next work of the blacksmith shop and carpenter shop will focus on three things, making tools in conjunction with the steam bread workshop, producing agricultural tools and producing bearings."

"I'll go to the blacksmith shop tomorrow to get a coal-burning stove for the steam bread workshop."

The food problem was solved, but there was still a big problem to be solved. Administrator Frick said: "Sir, we will open up nearly two hundred villages in the future, which means we need so many village chiefs and sheriffs."

Under the current village governance model, the management of a village consists of the village chief and elders, with the sheriff also partially involved.

The village chief and the constable are appointed by the lord. The village chief is responsible for holding village meetings, publicizing laws, and collecting various taxes. The constable is responsible for organizing militia to patrol day and night, defend the village, and guard prisoners.

The village elders are elected by the villagers themselves and are responsible for cooperating with the village chief and the peace officer.

Now that there is so much new population, there is also a huge gap in management personnel.

Frederick didn't have any good ideas for this, and he didn't have a system that could bring out the living people. Even if he could, he would have to give priority to summoning Artoria Pendragon to dig canals or the like. This would save a lot of money.

There is no need to think about small villages merging into big ones. These days, there are no motorcycles for you to ride to the fields. If the village is too big, some people can almost have lunch just walking to the fields.

Frederick thought for a while and said to Frick: "I don't have any good ideas. I'm afraid not only the village chief, but also the town office will be short of people."

"Let's do this. Recruit some people and teach them how to be village chiefs and sheriffs while you have time. If they pass the exam, they can be sent there to try. If they do well, they will be officially hired."

"You should also take advantage of the time to plan the location of each village. The principle is along the river and the road, and the management scope of the town will also be re-optimized."

"The land from Weissenburg to the river will be reserved. I decided that the expanded ironmaking workshop, blacksmith workshop, carpentry workshop, and textile workshop to be built in the future will be arranged there."

"We can't all use our land to grow food. Some people should work in workshops."

Frick took note of Baron Wesson's instructions.

Faced with the orderly instructions, no one treated Frederick as a child. Manuel and the others were a little frightened. Are all the children of the Rhine League monsters?

At this time, Psyche, who was pulled over by Frederick, said: "How do you plan to resettle the orphans?"

Frederick slapped his forehead. This was a big problem.

When these disaster victims were driven all the way here, many of their families must have been broken up and their families separated. The adults were fine, but the orphans were in trouble.

"Build an orphanage to adopt them." Frederick sighed.

Manuai said at this time: "Let's build it near the university. We will send people here to teach them some books. Those who are talented can continue to study. They can help the territory in the future."

Everyone understood what he meant. If these orphans could save their lives under Frederick, there would be no need to question their loyalty in the future.

The old knight Franz immediately said: "It's time for the army to recruit people."

Frederick said to him: "We will talk about the army later. I have some new ideas. I will talk about it after thinking about it carefully."

Frederick had some thoughts about the army. He was disgusted with the old army, which was full of corporal punishment and oppression. Transforming it into a people's army was more difficult than landing on the moon. He could only look at the feudal armies such as Yue Jiajun and Qi Jiajun.

But the premise of all this is that the soldiers can have enough food and clothing, and in the end they have to make money.

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