Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 13 Conspiracy

The stars twinkled in the endless night, a crescent moon rose from the east, and the owl flew silently across the night sky.

Two people stood on an arrow tower in the castle, looking at Frederick in the training ground with interest.

Frederick was practicing the footwork he learned this morning. Although his movements were slow but very standard, there were ten small elemental balls spinning around his head.

In other positions on the training ground, Jurgen and other young people who have also received the teachings of Richard Nall are also practicing profusely.

Richard Nall sighed: "With young people like this, the future of the Wesson family is limitless."

He didn't arrange for anyone to train on their own during the day, just to see how young people were doing at night.

No one is lazy these nights.

"Let's live on." Psyche said, holding a lollipop in her mouth. "The main reason why you can reach the height of a sword master is that you can live long enough to become a sword master."

Richard Nall smiled bitterly. It was indeed true. More than half of the young people in the training ground were as qualified as he was when he was the same age. When he was young, there was no shortage of geniuses in the world.

War, World of Warcraft, conspiracy, arrogance, being unable to bear the setbacks and giving up... Too many talented people fail on their way to the top.

Psyche continued: "I intend for Frederick to continue my legacy."

Richard Nall had seen countless strong winds and waves, and was frightened by this short sentence. He asked in disbelief: "Could it be that you..."

He was not much older than Frederick when he met Psyche. At that time, his master called Psyche "sister". Now he has reached the point where he is upset that his daughter is older and not married yet. Psyche's One can imagine his age.

"I'm leaving this world," Psyche said quietly.

There was a sad expression on Richard Nall's face, and tears were about to come out.

The legend of Psyche has been circulating in circles at a certain level. When your strength reaches a bottleneck and it is difficult to break through, she will appear to give you guidance. Richard Nall is one of the beneficiaries.

"How long...how long?" Richard Nall asked.

"Three to five hundred years," Psyche replied calmly.

Richard Nall's expression changed several times, and finally said: "I can't send you off."

The stronger the person, the longer he lives. People like Richard Nall can live to be 150 or 60 years old without any problem.

In three to five hundred years, whether the grave will still be there or not will not be a problem.

Richard Nall suddenly said to Psyche very solemnly: "I have a request. Please fight me with all your strength when I am a hundred years old."

People in their circle knew that Psyche was very strong, but they didn't know how strong she was, and no one had ever seen her use her full strength.

Psyche replied calmly: "Let me know when the time comes."

At the same time, in Cologne, the capital of the Rhine League, a conversation related to the Wesson family was taking place in the most distinguished box of a theater.

King William of the Rhine League is in his fifties this year. After losing the war with the Kingdom of Gaul last year, he suddenly aged by more than ten years. He lay feebly on the recliner. The opera on the stage could no longer attract his attention.

Beside him, Count Ehrenfeld, who is in charge of intelligence work, is reporting the latest intelligence collected to the king.

"Recently, the diplomat of the Principality of Mainz, Baron Philip von Ertal, appeared in Mingxing City of the Principality of Bayern." Count Ehrenfeld said in a low voice, "There are signs that the Principality of Mainz and Bayern The Principality will seek to improve relations."

William said "hmm" and said after a moment: "Tighten the control of Nuremberg City. It will be difficult if the three parties unite."

Count Ehrenfeld received the latest instructions and continued: "Intelligence has confirmed that the Weisen Territory is recruiting people through the Stonemasons Association in Nuremberg to prepare to dig a canal connecting the Rhine and Danube rivers."

William was silent for a long time and asked: "Are there many disaster victims this year?"

Count Ehrenfeld immediately replied: "Last winter there was a lot of snow. This year, there were major floods when the snow melted in the spring. It hasn't rained since the beginning of summer. There have been villages fleeing in many places."

William thought for a moment and said, "Just tell the victims that there is a way to survive in Wesson."

"Say hello again and ask them not to stop them along the way, but not to let them go."

Count Ehrenfeld immediately understood what the king meant.

Wesson has a population of 30,000 because the land can only support so many people.

If there were an influx of 40,000 to 50,000 disaster victims at once, these people with nothing would eat up the entire territory like locusts.

At that time, even a few more sword masters will not help.

As for reclaiming land, the landowners can only say "hehe".

To reclaim wasteland, you must first clean up the ground and underground. This requires cutting down trees, clearing shrubs and weeds on the ground, and clearing underground roots.

The simplest of them is to cut down trees. It is very tedious to eradicate shrubs and weeds. The entire land must be shoveled bit by bit. When encountering perennial old vines, you need to bend down and cut them off with a knife.

It is not impossible to set fire to the mountains, but a village needs to leave a firewood forest, and building a house and making furniture also requires wood. If the fire cannot be controlled, it will be "hehe".

Cleaning up the root system also requires hoeing the ground bit by bit to dig out all the grass roots, otherwise it will be "cutting the grass without removing the roots, and the spring breeze will grow again."

The most difficult thing is to dig out the underground tree roots. These tree roots are large and deep, which is very labor-intensive.

Then there is land preparation. All large and small stones in the soil need to be cleaned up, soil clods need to be plowed, slopes need to be leveled, and some depressions need to be filled.

Once the land is leveled, you can theoretically plant things, but there are still two problems. One is the water source, which requires building water conservancy facilities. The second is that the land is not fertile enough and needs to be fertilized and beans planted to nourish the land. Otherwise, whatever you plant will result in a poor harvest.

In addition, there are two huge investments in agricultural tools and livestock.

Even if all manpower is used, the agricultural tools needed for tens of thousands of people to cultivate and cultivate do not fall from the sky. This requires real money and silver to buy.

By the time there is a surplus of grain harvest, three to five years have passed. During this period, land reclamation only involved input and no output.

Everyone's productivity is the same these days, so there is no need to send spies or anything like that. A simple calculation can estimate how much food reserves and funds the Wesson family has.

With these tens of thousands of disaster victims pouring into the Wesson Territory, accepting them is a dead end for the Wesson family, and not accepting them is also a dead end.

The Wesson family is powerless to do anything about it. With their power, they cannot stop the arrival of the victims. They can only choose between a dead end and a dead end.

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