Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 12 More money is needed

"Not bad, I didn't expect you to be a genius!"

Psyche pinched Frederick's cheek, looking satisfied.

An ice mirror was set up in the stone pavilion. Frederick looked at ten ping pong ball-sized elemental balls of different colors above his head spinning around his head. Among the nine recognitions, one was the first time. See.

"Driving magic elements with mental power is like tightening a screw." Psyche said from the side. "Different magic elements are like different screw caps, with a letter, a cross, and an inner hexagon. Mental power is Although a screwdriver can do wonders with its force, it takes the least effort to tighten the screws that fit.”

"Some people can only use one kind of magic, some are multi-talented, and some can be proficient in the number system. The reason is whether their mental power and magic elements are naturally matched, and whether they use technology to drive other skills through acquired practice. Elements of magic.”

Frederick immediately said in Mandarin: "The way '10' is written in this world is not crossed horizontally and vertically."

However, Psyche's reaction was the same as before, turning a deaf ear.

Frederick had no choice. This mysterious figure hinted that she knew things about another world from time to time, but he never took his doubts seriously.

This made Mr. Fei very depressed. He couldn't understand for a while that the other person was also a time traveler and could still use magic like mind reading.

Psyche continued to smile and said: "I didn't expect that you can not only match the nine commonly used magic elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, electricity, light, and darkness, but also be able to control the rare annihilation. This talent In novels, it’s a treatment only the protagonist gets.”

Frederick asked doubtfully: "Excuse me, is this kind of 'annihilation' also a kind of magic element? Have you never heard of it before?"

Psyche folded her hands on her chest and said proudly: "You haven't heard of many things. Have you heard of the space element? You can use it to achieve anti-gravity, teleportation and open space doors."

Frederick's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this. Wouldn't it be a great achievement to have such magic?

"Don't think about it." Psyche poured cold water on him, "Why don't you think about why you haven't heard of these magical elements before?"

Frederick was stunned for a moment. Indeed, even if the magic is rare, there will still be a few words left. Maybe it will be specially recorded because of its rarity, so it should also be mentioned when reading books and chatting with Ogilvy and others. But why was there no news before?

He fell into deep thought, and then the magic element balls on his head exploded because they lost control.

Frederick was stunned by the explosion. He reached out and touched his head. He had become bald but not stronger. He cried "Wow".

Psyche suppressed her laughter and stretched out her glowing hands to rub his head. After a while, the hair follicles were stimulated and the hair grew again.

"I told you everything." Psyche said with a smile, "Now you have to practice keeping the ten elemental balls rotating around your head without being distracted for a moment."

"Controlling magic elements makes you perfect with practice. It requires long-term practice. Only when you are so proficient that it is almost instinctive, you will be able to cast spells faster than others in the future, and you can do two things at once. I generally don't tell others about this method."

"You will definitely want to learn compound magic in the future, which requires precise control of two or more magic elements at the same time. If there is any mistake, I will blow it up for you right away."

After saying that, she took out a ring from the sleeve of her long dress and handed it to Frederick. The gem on the ring was gray and there were stars inside.

Frederick's face suddenly turned red, and he said coyly: "Well... I'm only eight years old this year... it's too early... um..."

As he said this, he stretched out his right hand and raised his ring finger.

"You want to drive a big car, right?" Psyche kneaded this guy's face like dough for twenty minutes.

After being rubbed, Frederick burst into tears. He wiped his tears, took the ring and studied the magic crystal on it.

There are two kinds of magical elemental energy in the world obtained from nature. One is the magic crystal dug out like a mineral, and the other is the magic core grown on the skull of a monster.

According to the current theory, magic crystals and magic cores are magic crystals formed after rich magic elements have been enriched for a long time and changed the properties of the surrounding materials. After forming a crystal core, it will continue to absorb the surrounding magic elements and gradually grow.

The place where the magic crystal mine is located has a very high content of magic elements. For example, areas with volcanic activity are rich in fire magic crystals, there are wind magic crystals on the tops of mountains, fishermen can fish out water magic crystals from the bottom of the water from time to time, etc.

Warcraft will instinctively gather magic elements into their bodies, with the most being the heads. Therefore, magic cores formed by the crystallization of bones will appear on their skulls.

These magic cores are all formed later. For the same kind of magic beast, the position of the magic core on the skull will be slightly different.

The color of the magic crystal is determined by the type and concentration of the magic element. The higher the concentration, the darker the color. The best magic crystal is almost opaque.

However, gray magic crystals and starry magic crystals were unheard of, and their elemental concentrations were frighteningly high.

"Put it on." Psyche sat on the stone bench and held a tea cup and said, "If you are able, put it on your ring finger."

"This is a magic crystal that annihilates elements. Let's start by controlling the magic elements."

She took a sip of tea, thought for a while, and said seriously: "I'll leave you with a long-term homework. Why are there so many magical elements in the world and the reasons for this phenomenon? If you can explain this question, I will answer it. Questions that interest you.”

"I don't accept the hypothesis. I need experimental data to prove your theory."

"Work hard. Many people, including Richard Nall, are studying this problem. I promised them that if they can answer it, they can become my true disciples."

Frederick put the ring on the middle finger of his left hand, held up his teacup, drank tea and thought.

After a moment, he looked at Psyche, frowned and asked: "So, the entry requirement for your true ability is to master the essence of magic elements?"

"Smart little guy." Psyche replied with a smile, "Wrong."

Frederick was stunned for a moment, and then heard Psyche say: "Among the many magics, there is a kind of magic that does not require magic elements."

"Soul magic!" Frederick shouted in surprise, "Magic driven by pure spiritual power! Are you good at this?!"

Psyche nodded and continued drinking tea.

Soul magic is no stranger to the world. The magic used by beast tamers to control beasts is a branch of soul magic.

Monoflo is an animal trainer at Weisenberg University. He now keeps a lynx as a draft animal, but it is as fat as an orange cat and has become a campus pet.

There are several types of soul magic: attack type, control type, auxiliary type, and illusion type. Because the pre-casting wave does not have a marquee effect like other elemental magics, it is hard to guard against.

Frederick's face was terribly dark, and he asked her angrily: "Have you read my memory?"

Psyche gave him a roll of her eyes and said disdainfully: "Are you the Ten Man of the Night or the Love of a Mermaid? Is it worth watching?"

Frederick was speechless for a moment.

The next moment, this guy put on a doggy smile and said in a flattering and disgusting voice: "Teacher Psyche, please teach me soul magic."

Soul magic is Yin Ren's first choice in battle. He will definitely face various battles in the future, so it won't hurt to learn some.

"Okay." Psyche agreed immediately, "But I'm here to teach you the basics of magic. If you want to learn additional soul magic, you have to pay extra!"

Frederick's face collapsed instantly, he had no money.

"Can I get it on credit?" He asked pitifully, "I'm going to start papermaking and printing, so I'll use the profits from these two businesses as collateral."

Psyche lowered her head to drink her tea and ignored him.

Frederick had no choice but to ask: "Then... physical payment?"

"Okay!" Psyche nodded and agreed, "I want to eat pork belly every day!"

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