Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 11 The mysterious woman

Today Manuel brought several scholars to Weissenburg to arrange a teacher for Frederick.

According to the aristocratic tradition, the family will arrange a tutor for the child when he is 6 to 8 years old. This tutor will accompany the child to grow up, provide enlightenment education to the child when he is young, and become his right-hand man when the child becomes an adult. assistant.

Frederick's parents left without being able to arrange such a tutor for their son, and then Richard Nall came and arranged one for himself.

Since there was a specialization in martial arts, Richard Nall found Manuel and asked him to arrange a teacher other than Frederick's martial arts.

In addition to magic, the current enlightenment subjects also include the traditional "Seven Arts" of grammar, rhetoric, logic, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy and music. Among them, people can express accurate grammar, express vivid rhetoric and express implicit truth. Logic belongs to liberal arts, and the other four belong to science.

Courses such as physics and alchemy are professional courses and can only be studied when you are older.

According to Richard Naer's arrangement, Frederick's study was based on a ten-day period. Except for the twelve days of rest every five days, there was exactly one class every day for eight days.

The introductory course in magic is taught by Miss Psyche, who looks to be only twenty years old. She is tall, has long brown hair, light brown eyes, and a straight nose. She is a beautiful woman with a southern style.

Manuel was worried that Frederick would despise Psyche when he saw her young, and explained specifically: "Psyche is a genius who is very good at compound magic. He has a deep study of the basic principles of various magics and teaches magic. The foundation is just right.”

Before Frederick could reply, Richard Nall said: "It is Frederick's blessing that Miss Psyche is willing to condescend to teach Frederick magic."

Psyche just smiled and said calmly: "Frederick is a smart boy. I believe he will achieve great achievements in the future."

Frederick felt that the two people should know each other. Richard Nall said that it was no problem, so it must be no problem, and immediately stood up to salute and greet them.

Walter, who taught Frederick grammar, rhetoric and logic, was also a poet. His hometown was in the mountains two to three hundred kilometers south of Weissenburg. In his early years, he traveled around and came to Constantbul.

Frederick was literate, but being literate and being able to read books and write articles were two different things, so he naturally had to learn obediently.

Arithmetic, geometry, astronomy and music were four subjects that Philip originally did not want to learn, but when he thought of being able to fish in class, he became a good student.

Although the scholars who taught him these four courses are not top-notch in the industry, they are also well-known in the circle.

Frederick got to know all the teachers, and today's class began.

There is a small garden next to the castle. There is a well and a pool. Some aquatic plants floating on the water are planted in the pool, and small fish are kept in it. The spiral water wheel driven by the windmill relay pumps the water to the water tank, and some of it is discharged into the pool. inside.

In normal times, you can check whether the well is poisoned by the fish in the pool. During wartime, this pool can be used for drinking horses.

There is a stone pavilion by the pool. On the first day of class, Psyche arranged the teaching location here.

Because magic teaching requires demonstrations and exercises from time to time, it is a bit dangerous if done indoors.

There were three people sitting in the pavilion, Frederick, Psyche and Richard Nall, and no one else was allowed to approach them.

Richard Nall said to Psyche respectfully: "Grandma Psyche..."

"Huh?!" Psyche's eyes seemed to be able to kill people, even the sword master was a little scared.

Richard Nall immediately changed his mind and asked: "How is Miss Psyche doing lately?"

Frederick looked shocked. Richard Naer, who was in his fifties, actually called Psyche his mother-in-law. This was a huge amount of information.

Psyche replied nonchalantly: "Still the same as before, walking around and looking around, and when you get tired, find a place to rest for a while."

Richard Nall said respectfully: "Frederick is a smart boy. With your guidance, he will definitely succeed in the future."

Psyche stretched out her hand and pinched Frederick's lovely face. Her brown eyes seemed to see through everything, and she said calmly and without emotion: "Let's live first."

"I have to go to class, you can go about your business."

When Richard Nall was about to come, Psyche suddenly said: "If you tell Frederick that you will only come to me today...hehe..."

The sword master immediately patted his chest and promised that he would never say anything he shouldn't say.

Frederick was stunned. Richard Nar was a world-famous swordsman. The only person who could make him so afraid was at least the swordsman and the god of magic.

"Curious?" Psyche asked Frederick with a smile.

Frederick nodded.

Psyche pinched Frederick's nose and said, "You are not qualified to know the answer yet."

Then the corners of her mouth curled up slightly and she said, "However, I can tell you a little secret. There are similarities between the two of us."

Frederick was shocked. If it was just a general similarity, she would definitely not say it on purpose. But the most special thing about him is...

"Add a WeChat V and I get 50%?" Frederick suddenly asked in Mandarin.

Psyche didn't have any special reaction, but entered teaching mode, first asking Frederick a question: "How is magic produced?"

At this time, no special reaction was the most obvious reaction. Frederick stopped thinking about anything else and answered this question first.

There used to be a knight in the Wesson family who was a magician. Frederick learned a few tricks from him when he was a child, and he still understood some basic common sense.

"There are a large number of magic elements around us." He replied, "When these magic elements are controlled by mental power or move in a certain pattern in the magic conductor due to the magic pressure difference in the magic circle, magic appears."

Psyche nodded with satisfaction, and then asked: "What do you think is the most important thing in magic research? Related words appeared in your answer just now."

Frederick thought about what he had just said, went through it word by word, and finally said: "Rule."

"That's right." Psyche said solemnly, "Everything in the world that is repeatable has a pattern, but the road to discovering patterns is extremely difficult and dangerous. There is an abyss ahead, and there are even pig-like teammates behind you. Countless people fell in front of them. On the way."

"You should be able to understand what I mean."

Frederick nodded first. The history of technological development in his hometown was not smooth sailing, and then asked: "So, can we also find patterns in fields like Richard Nar?"

Psyche reached out and touched his head, and said with a smile: "You are too far away from the laws of the world now. Don't think so much, start with the most basics first."

"Do you know the four types of fireballs?"

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