Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 10 Strategic Deterrence

A new store recently opened in Weissenburg. The proprietress is Nina, the former head maid who has served the Weissenburg family for more than 20 years.

Nina is forty years old this year. Her father, a family businessman of the Wesson family, died of illness a few years ago.

Nina's husband, Janis, inherited his father-in-law's job and behaved quite well. Now he is sent to Mingxing City to sell "Wesson Syrup" and "Wesson Candy Bars", that is, maltose and Ding Ding candy.

It's just that Nina has a habit of telling people about things in the castle. Frederick has always disliked her, so she was voluntarily resigned after the new master took over the housekeeping.

Frederick remembered her years of hard work, so he paid for her to open a "steam bread" shop.

Compared with bread, making steamed buns saves fuel, time, and space, so it is cheaper. The freshly made steamed buns are much softer than bread. Coupled with the bonus of the "little master's invention", the sales volume is not bad.

On that day, the carriage convoy of Baron Philipp von Ertal, a diplomat from the Principality of Mainz, was passing through Weisenberg on his way to Mingxing City in the Principality of Bayern. When the convoy passed by a steamed bun shop, he saw steam outside the shop and was curious. Then he stopped the carriage and went over to see what was going on.

Nina saw a customer coming and was about to greet the business, but was stunned for a moment. She immediately saluted behind the counter and said: "Welcome to our store, Lord Baron Eltar."

Phillip was startled. He didn't expect that a roadside landlady here actually knew him, and her courtesy was so standard. Are all the residents of Wesenland monsters?

He had a good memory, and he quickly remembered that he had seen this landlady himself, and she must have been a servant in the castle when she came to Wesenland as a guest three years ago.

Nina remembered Philip simply because he was a handsome and gentle man, and he was the most dazzling person among the many guests.

Phillip asked her curiously: "What are you selling?"

Nina replied respectfully: "Replying to your lord, I sell the steam bread invented by our Baron Wesson."

She said using a tong to pick up a few steamed buns and put them on the tray on the counter.

In Weisenland and many places, because bread is an important material to ensure the survival of residents, the public sale of bread is subject to special legal provisions, commonly known as the "Bread Law".

There are four types of wheat flour ground in the mill: coarse flour with bran, ordinary flour with only bran sifted out, excellent flour blown out of ordinary flour by windmills, and fine flour.

Wesenland's law stipulates that all bakeries can only sell six kinds of bread: excellent white bread, excellent white bread with salt, ordinary bread, ordinary multigrain bread with ordinary flour mixed with chestnut flour or bean flour, bran bread and bran bread. Crust multigrain bread.

If you want to buy high-quality bread made with high-quality flour, you have to go to the castle to buy it. Ordinary people cannot eat such expensive bread all year round, and there is no sales at all.

At the same time, the prices of various types of bread are fixed. If food prices fluctuate, only the size of the bread can be changed, but the price cannot be changed.

"Steam bread" is also bread and is also governed by the "Bread Law", so there are six types of steamed buns.

The main reason why Frederick did not sell steamed buns was because the legal issue of whether steamed buns were bread or snacks was not clear.

The tax on selling snacks and selling bread is different. The tax rate for survival necessities such as bread is very low, but the tax rate for snacks is much higher.

Law scholars at Weisenberg University have been discussing this matter, and with multigrain bread and flower rolls disrupting the situation, this matter has risen to a philosophical issue of how to define quantitative change and qualitative change.

Philip didn't know that this incident would later give Frederick a place in the philosophical world. At this time, he was concentrating on studying the several kinds of steamed buns in front of him.

The excellent steamed buns are as white as snow and soft when poked with your finger. They are made from local high-gluten flour and are slightly elastic. They are warm when they come out of the steamer, reminding him of his daughter's little face.

Nina habitually gossiped about things in the castle: "This kind of steam bread is delicious. Even Lord Richard Nar likes it. I heard that he has a plate of roasted pig's trotters and a plate of steam bread every night. Bread and a large glass of beer. After finishing the roasted pig's trotters, I also ate sauerkraut with steamed bread..."

Philip immediately grasped the key point of this sentence and asked casually: "Is the Lord Richard Nall you are talking about the Sword Master Richard Naal?"

"Of course!" Nina said proudly, "Lord Richard Nare came here last month. He is now the master of our Lord Wesson. I heard that he has to teach him how to use forbidden spells every day."

"I also heard that Mr. Richard Nall will go to teach students in a university in the north in the future!"

"Those of us who used to work for the master all have a quota as a student of Mr. Richard Nare, but the one in my family is not up to the mark..."

Philip didn't listen to her talk about the family's shortcomings, so he asked his servant to come over with a basket and buy a few steamed buns of each type, and then left.

In the carriage, Philip quickly wrote a letter to Frederick, saying that he was in such a hurry that he had no time to stop and would definitely visit him on his return trip.

Frederick received the messenger at breakfast after the first day of training, and let him leave after a few polite words.

After completing the mission of delivering the letter, the messenger settled in the city and inquired about local news every day.

In the restaurant, Richard Nall sneered and asked Frederick: "Did you spread the news about my arrival?"

Frederick did not make excuses and answered bluntly: "Yes, now the neighbors nearby and the king far away want to take a bite of us while we are weak. They will definitely not act rashly after knowing that the master is here."

Richard Nall pointed his chin at Manuel and several other scholars who were having breakfast together and said: "We can indeed scare those jackals for you here, but I have to set a rule for you."

"We can help you protect your territory, but you have to do it yourself when it comes to expanding your territory."

Manuel continued: "With Sir Richard Nar and us here, the enemy will not attack openly, but there will definitely be various small moves."

"I have studied the surrounding situation. The Wesson family and several surrounding nobles are the pawns arranged by your king between the Principality of Mainz, the Principality of Bain and the Free City of Nuremberg."

"Last year's defeat caused your king to lose face and dignity, and the surrounding chess pieces were a little unstable, so your king used you as meat to feed the surrounding chess pieces so that they would continue to be loyal to him."

"We are not good at political matters, otherwise we would not have escaped from Constantbul. I suggest that you recruit at least two professionals in the future."

Frederick stood up and thanked them both solemnly.

Now that there is a sword master and many magicians from Weissenburg University in the territory, it is equivalent to a country having a nuclear warhead and an elite army.

The problem is that King William and the neighboring Archduke Bain and the Archduke Mainz have more nuclear warheads in their hands. The Wessen Land only leads in per capita number, which makes all parties feel that it is not worthwhile to go head-to-head with the small Wessen Land.

Strategic deterrence is the greatest role played by Richard Nall and Manuai in the Wesen Territory.

Just because he would not act rashly in the military does not mean that he would not act politically, and Frederick knew nothing about this field.

Frederick said to everyone, "The most precious thing in the world is talent. If the territory wants to develop and grow, it cannot do without the help of all kinds of talents."

"Now Master and other scholars have provided a protective umbrella for Wesenberg University. This is an advantage. We can now use this advantage as Wesenberg University as a platform to attract talents from all over the world."

Richard Nall glared at him coldly and said angrily: "You want to use me as a gimmick again, don't you? Believe it or not, I will hang you on a tree and whip you."

Frederick had a cute smile on his face, trying to be cute.

Manuai said with some embarrassment: "This advantage is not obvious."

Frederick thought for a while and asked: "What if our school treats all scholars and schools equally?"

Manuel frowned and asked, "What if the pagans come?"

Frederick was stunned for a moment. He had never thought about this question. After thinking about how long it took to finish a white sausage, he answered: "Only for academic purposes."

He was not very interested in religion, and attending church team-building activities was just a formality.

The Light Church is not very powerful now, and its strength is directly proportional to the degree to which the lord has been deceived.

But the church also had value, and Frederick decided to discuss business with them later.

However, this business is also useful for the development of the university, so Frederick said to Manuel: "Recommend two students with good character and flexible brains to me. I have important research to entrust to them. If they do a good job at least A knight."

Because "knight" and "cavalry" are often confused, "sir" is often used instead when referring to knighthood.

Although the knights were just workers among the nobility, they had their own fiefs and belonged to the family of the landlord class who broke away from the proletariat.

Traditionally, the knighthood is not hereditary forever, but only for two or three generations. If the descendants fail to make meritorious service and keep the family property, they can only return to the proletarian family.

In this era, except for the children of businessmen and craftsmen, there were very few opportunities for civilians to receive off-the-job education and training. Therefore, as long as there was no cessation of heirs and no weird things happened, the knighthood could be inherited.

This reward is extremely attractive to civilian scholars, and even Manuai is thinking about whether his own children should take up a quota.

Richard Nall had one experience with maltose, and this time he asked first: "What are you going to do again?"

Frederick replied: "I don't know if something that can replace parchment will succeed."

He decided to use papermaking and printing as a means to attract scholars and make money on the way.

At the same time, it can also gain a reputation among scholars, making some people hesitant to do it themselves.

If there is no talent, there will be no talent. It is not impossible to start from scratch and slowly explore.

Richard Nall asked again: "Is it okay for a woman?"

Frederick raised his eyebrows and asked his master with a wicked smile: "Is it beautiful?"

Richard Nall sneered and said: "My daughter."

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