Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 9 Training starts with the basics

"Tick tick tick..."

There is a clock room on the second floor of the Wesson family castle, where a clock the size of a wardrobe is working hard.

The technical level of this table clock is still very primitive. It is powered by a weight hanging on a rope, and the hourly time is told by a servant on duty in the clock room.

The candlelight in the clock room is bright, and the blackboard on the wall reads such as "Wake up the morning shift in the kitchen, Oxo and Carbo at 4:00", "Wake up Tarot at 5:00", "Go to the servants' dining room at 5:40 to inform Tarot" and the like.

At five o'clock, the servant of the bell room came to the door of Tarot's room and pulled the rope on the door hard. There was a faint ringing of bells from behind the thick wooden door.

Tarot got up as soon as he heard the bell, went to solve the problem, washed up, came back, took off his pajamas and put on work clothes, and then came to the servants' dining room.

The servants' dining room is next to the kitchen. The cooks on the morning shift have already cooked oatmeal, hard-boiled eggs and several kinds of sausages, and are now rolling lye bread and preparing steamed buns.

There are three maids with the highest status in the Wesson family, namely Tarot who is responsible for taking care of Frederick, Oxo who is in charge of the kitchen, and Carbo, the head maid.

They are all children of a wealthy family in Weissenburg. They have come to work for the Weissenburg family since they were eleven or twelve years old. The eldest, Carpo, is now twenty-one years old, and the youngest, Tarot, will be eighteen years old in the winter.

The three of them treated Frederick like a biological brother. In the past, Frederick would help cover up the old lady when he was sleeping in, sneaking out to play, or making strange snacks in the kitchen.

Recently, Afu went out of town for business, and Tarot, Oxo, and Carpo discussed matters at home. The servant breakfast time that started at 5 o'clock was an opportunity for them to discuss today's work together.

At 5:40, the servant in the clock room came to the kitchen to inform Tarot that his night shift was over and he would go back to bed after breakfast.

At 5:50, Tarot came to Frederick's room with a basin of cold water, wetted the water with a cotton towel, and then wiped it on the master's face.

Frederick woke up immediately.

Frederick's habit was to sleep until he wakes up naturally. It didn't matter that he went to bed early when he had nothing to do at night. He woke up after eight o'clock the next day. What was important was to enjoy the freedom of waking up naturally and staying in bed. Sometimes staying in bed can make you stay late. lunch time.

But there was nothing he could do now. At 6 o'clock sharp, he had already appeared on the training ground outside the castle.

After coming to this world, Frederick naturally had daydreams about splitting mountains with his left hand and burning rivers with his right hand.

Now that he has a sword master, he feels that he is not far from this goal.

Richard Nall came to the training ground early, looked at Frederick's expectant expression, and handed over a roll of parchment expressionlessly.

"This is your training plan," he said.

Frederick took the parchment with some excitement. At this time, it was already slightly light, and it was no problem to see the words on it clearly.

After a quick glance, he was so surprised that he could open his mouth enough to stuff a goose egg.

The training plan is clearly written:

① 6:00 to 7:00, general physical training on one day, special physical training on two days;

②7:00 to 8:00, basic swordsmanship training;

③8:00 to 9:00, breakfast;

④ From 9:00 to 12:00, cultural classes are held, covering the introduction to magic, grammar, rhetoric, logic, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music, arranged by Manuel;

⑤Take a break every day when the ending number is 5 or 0.

"That's it?" Frederick asked the master in disbelief.

He thought the Juggernaut's training for him was magical and mysterious, but this training plan didn't look much different from the world without magic in his hometown.

"What else do you want?" Richard Nall said with a look on his face as if you really had this reaction, "Have you forgotten how old you are?"

"Now is the time to lay the foundation. If you want to study further, you should wait at least four years until you are 12 years old."

"The body is the foundation of all martial arts. Without strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, agility, and reflexes, all techniques are empty talk."

"I know you are anxious, but don't be so anxious. Eating ten days a day will only make you exhausted."

Frederick immediately understood what he meant and said seriously: "Thank you, Master, for reminding me."

Richard Nall was very satisfied with his attitude of being open to teaching. He pointed to both ends of the training ground and said, "Let's start now. You run back and forth twice first."

Frederick ran back and forth twice as ordered, and then was called over.

"There are many things wrong with your running posture." Richard Nall said seriously, and then used a stick as a pointer to point at Frederick's body, asking him to adjust his running posture.

Frederick had never received professional sports training in his previous life, but Richard Nall had compiled his own set of theories through years of practice, which was just in use now.

After running for more than half an hour, Frederick's running posture finally became decent, and he was exhausted and sweating profusely.

During the break, he asked his master: "Master, have you ever considered writing your theory into a book and passing it on?"

Richard Nall looked at him deeply and said calmly: "Everyone's qualifications are different. You can't just practice blindly according to the book."

Frederick understood this very well. Students in a class all have good or bad academic performance, and self-study can widen the gap.

"But..." Richard Nall said thoughtfully, "If it can enlighten some people, that would not be bad."

"Go on, run slower this time. Stop again when I ask you to stop."

Frederick continued to run.

At the end of the run, Richard Nall said during his break: "The basic training that follows will be boring, but you have to pay attention."

"No matter what type of martial arts, they are all composed of corresponding basic skills."

"You can think of basic skills as letters, moves as words made up of letters, words made up of sentences, sentences made up of articles, and articles made up of a book."

"You need to practice the basic movements until you can remember them with your body so that you can use them subconsciously no matter when you are extremely tired or encounter an accident."

"The first thing you have to learn today is footwork."

"Footwork is the foundation of all martial arts. Whether a person has been trained or not can be seen from the position and movement of his feet."

"You first learn the most basic footwork such as the jab step, the sending step, the leaning step, the diagonal step and the turn. Once you are proficient, you can learn other footwork derived from them."

"Wait until you finish learning the footwork and then learn several basic postures such as Rooftop, Bull, Hoe, Fool, etc. Similarly, learn the derived postures after you are proficient."

"In addition to long swords, you also need to learn wrestling, short swords, armor fighting, lances and mounted combat. Those who are interested can learn long-handled axes, moon swords, one-handed swords and small bucklers, and long sticks."

"At the same time, you have to learn the four methods of physical strengthening, enchantment attack, magic detection, and magic shield..."

Frederick felt a little dizzy, as if he had gone back to high school and listened to the teacher talking about the test points.

The difference is that you won't die if you don't do well in the college entrance examination, but as a noble, it's your duty to go to the battlefield. If you don't have strong enough martial arts skills, you can only kill the enemy on the battlefield.

After the break, Frederick began to stand as Richard Naer asked, holding a long wooden sword in his hand, and followed the demonstration to learn the footwork.

While he was practicing, Richard Nall suddenly asked: "Do you know the difference between an ordinary sword master and a sword master, an ordinary high-level magician and a magic god?"

Frederick's footsteps did not stop, but he just shook his head.

"Field." Richard Nall said seriously, "I dominate everything in the realm."

Frederick was wondering when he suddenly felt that the surrounding environment had changed. He seemed to be in a very special world, where vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch and mental exploration were all suppressed, and his body movements were blocked. There was a lot of resistance, and even breathing became difficult. At the same time, there seemed to be countless eyes staring at him from all directions.

Richard Nall's voice sounded around him: "This is just the most basic field. Different people have different special abilities in their fields. It would be great if you could force me to use my special abilities."

Frederick gasped for air and asked with difficulty: "Master, how do you learn the field?"

"I don't know." Richard Nall replied, "Everyone will be able to do it naturally after they have extremely high strength."

"As for me, I shouldn't have noticed before I went to bed that day that my domain appeared when I woke up."

Frederick was speechless for a moment, this was too metaphysical and he couldn't understand it for a while.

But this also aroused his curiosity, and he decided that he must reach this level in order to solve this mystery.

Richard Nall watched his expression and eyes change, and smiled with relief.

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