Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 8 Martial Arts Master

On the summer solstice of 1024 in the Gregorian calendar, the sun was high in the sky. It had not rained in the past month. The hot sunshine made the grass on the ground a little wilted, and the bees and butterflies were all gone.

Farmers in the fields drove their cattle and horses to the fields at dawn, and used columbians to sow peas, chickpeas and soybeans that the young master bought from overseas pagans two years ago in the fields where wheat had been harvested.

This summer is hotter than previous years. Around 10 o'clock, the farmers had to stop their farm work and take their cattle and horses to rest under the shade of the trees at the edge of the fields.

Fortunately, there are many large and small rivers in Wesenland, and there are water trucks to carry water, so there is no worry about drought in the fields.

On the edge of a farmland near Weissenburg, a group of farmers were blowing in the wind under the shade of trees and discussing strange things on the mountains in the distance.

Not long ago, several people discovered that the scenery on the mountain was distorted. It was the cemetery of the Wesson family.

The farmers thought something big had happened there, and some thought they were dizzy from the heat.

Frederick, who was in the cemetery, didn't know whether the farmers were dizzy or not. Anyway, he was a little dizzy, while Afu had already fainted and almost hit the tombstone of Frederick's great-grandfather.

Just now, old Wesson's friend Richard Nall came to the tomb. His extreme sadness made him lose control of his emotions, and the power he released had a huge impact on the surroundings.

The power of the Sword Master is so terrifying!

A memory came to Frederick's mind. In his previous life, a buddy in the university dormitory went fishing at home. One summer, a rich guy in the dormitory chartered his family's fishing boat and invited everyone to experience fishing. Someone was in charge. seasick.

At this time, he clearly knew that he was standing on the grass of the cemetery, but he felt like he was standing on the rough sea. Everything around him was undulating and swaying, and he had to adjust his center of gravity to avoid falling.

In Richard Nall's eyes, his old friend's young son was like a pin struck by a bowling ball, swaying but not falling.

He stroked his beard, narrowed his eyes slightly, and made a decision in his mind.

Frederick finally stopped after shaking for a few minutes. After standing still, he heard Richard Nall say calmly: "Let's go."

Richard Nall turned and walked towards the cemetery gate. When he passed Afu, he kicked him on the thigh and sneered: "Stop pretending."

Afu got up expressionlessly, as if nothing had happened, and followed Richard Nall and Frederick out of the cemetery.

"After I became famous, there were many people who wanted to know me, but Henry was the most special among them all." Richard Nall told Frederick about the past, "When he saw me for the first time, he asked me, In a dark place, if you dig a hole in the river ice in winter, fish will come out of it."

"At that time, many people wanted to recruit me. I thought Henry was trying to build relationships with me through my hobbies."

"As we spent more time together, I discovered that he really just wanted to ask about any good fishing places on this land."

"Four years ago, when we last met, he told me that you are a smart little guy. When you grow up in a few years, he will take care of the territory for you, and then hire me as a bodyguard to go to the rainforest in the south and the west. The ocean to the north, the ice sea to the north and the end of the east to see what fish I can catch.”

A smile appeared on Frederick's lips. His father could indeed do this.

"He is now fishing in the stars," said Frederick. "I think he will keep the Pisces."

Richard Nall laughed, stretched out his head and touched Frederick's golden hair, and said: "If he doesn't keep it, I will beat him every day."

Frederick's mouth twitched, and then he was startled and asked in surprise: "Your Excellency, you plan to stay here?"

"You're not welcome?" Richard Nall asked.

Frederick scratched the back of his head and said, "I'm afraid there aren't enough pig knuckles in the territory."

Richard Nall smiled and hit the little guy on the head.

He continued: "Over the years, I have traveled to many places, fought with countless warriors, and witnessed countless martial arts."

"Now I need to find a place to settle down, refine my martial arts skills, and take on students."

Frederick immediately said happily: "Well, now I have established a Weissenburg University in the manor by Brombach Lake. I am the president. Now I can appoint you as the vice president. You can There I concentrate on studying martial arts and teaching students.”

"I have Jurgen, Lothar, Andre, Gade, Heinz, Bernd, Matthias, Stefan, Oliver, Michael, Miloslav and so on. Approval of promising young people, they will definitely not insult your name."

Except for Franz, the only remaining member of Wesenland's fighting strength, the older generation has passed away. The new generation is still young. If they can be taught by internationally renowned sword masters and scholars from Constantbul, their future is limitless.

Richard Nall's favorite thing to eat is Weisenling's roasted pork knuckle. This kind of roasted pork knuckle is made by cutting a few slits into the pork knuckle, smearing it with a sauce made of salt and cheap spices, and then marinating it at low temperature in an ice cellar for two days. Then add it to the soup stock and cook it. Remove the sauce and water from the pig skin and apply the crispy water made of honey, wine, vinegar and water. Finally dry it and bake it in the oven over high heat. After baking, place it in the oven. On a plate with a layer of sauerkraut.

Frederick felt that if Richard Nall was willing to open a class at Weisenberg University to accept students, it would be no problem to treat him to nine meals of roasted pork knuckle in three days.

Richard Nall looked dumbfounded at the kid who was counting his heads with his fingers. Anyone else would have understood the hint that he wanted to accept him as his disciple. But it turned out that this guy was lucky. His duties and work were arranged first. Not only did he not consider himself, We haven't talked about the salary yet.

"Have you never thought about yourself?" the sword master said angrily, "or are you saying you don't dare to go to the battlefield?"

"You haven't said anything about the salary of the vice-principal for a long time. Could it be that you want to use roasted pork knuckles as my salary?"

"It's hard to buy honey for roasted pork knuckles, so forget it."

Frederick was stunned for a moment, scratched the back of his head and said, "I'm afraid that my qualifications are too low and I will insult your reputation."

"Honey... Oops! Why did I forget this!!"

Richard Nall saw the little guy startled and asked curiously: "What, what other weird idea did you come up with?"

Frederick replied: "I have thought of a sugar that can barely replace honey!"

Richard Nall said with a smile: "If this kind of sugar were available, honey would not be so valuable."

"Don't tell me it's lead candy, that thing is poison!"

"No, no!" Frederick's head shook like a rattle, "Sugars made from pure grains are not poisonous, and the price is much worse than honey."

Richard Nall shook his head slightly and said: "Don't waste food. How many people have tried to replace honey, but no one has succeeded in so many years."

Frederick said confidently: "No problem, I can definitely make it!"

Richard Nall continued to shake his head. There are many people in the world who want to make candy. The closest thing to success right now is sweet wine, which is far from sugar.

"You can try." He entered the elder mode, fearing that the son of his old friend would go astray, "But you can only use the same amount of food as your weight at most. If you exceed this amount, you must stop, and give up this idea from now on."

Frederick had not lacked nutrition since he was a child, and had done so for generations. Now at the age of eight, he has grown to 1.3 meters tall and weighs 30 kilograms.

He thought for a while and said confidently: "I will definitely succeed in the first try!"

Richard Nall touched his head and said, "If you really succeed, I will accept you as my disciple."

Frederick thought for a while and said to him: "If it succeeds, we will share the profits of this business half and half."

Richard Nall just smiled, treating it as a child's whim.

A few days passed like this. During this period, Frederick asked Afu to go to Mingxing City in the south to buy glutinous rice imported from the south. Because of the water transportation, the price was not very high, so the locals occasionally used it to make porridge. .

On the last day of June, Richard Nall scooped up a little maltose with a spoon. After observing it for a long time, he took a sip and his face immediately became solemn.

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