Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 197 The person who repented

A three-day continuous autumn rain caused the temperature to drop a lot. The dignitaries in Cologne put on new clothes, ordinary citizens added sweaters, and the poor could only wrap themselves in more rags.

In the autumn wind, a rather strong old man was wearing only a pair of underwear and a ring of thorns on his head. He was holding a long stick in his hand and stepped on the ground with his bare feet. He slowly walked out of the south gate of Coron City and headed toward the city. Walking towards the south.

Everyone in the city knew Archbishop Victor and made way for him.

This incident of the arrival of angels brought great prestige to the Church of Light, and also consolidated the faith of the priests.

It’s just that Archbishop Victor believes that there are so many priests abandoned by the God of Light in his diocese under his nose, and he bears a heavy responsibility for this.

So he took off the soft and warm divine robe without hesitation, put on the crown of thorns, and embarked on a penance journey to the Holy City with only a crutch.

He didn't bring any money when he set out, and he lived mainly on charity from believers along the way. He could take part-time jobs to make ends meet, or he could accept some gifts that he could afford.

It is already autumn, and the cold winter is coming. Along the way, we need to cross the White Mountains, which is a difficult and harsh climate. Many people think that this is a journey of martyrdom.

Victor walked slowly on the road, holding a string of rosary beads in his left hand, which was given by an officer stationed at the city gate when he first left the city.

This rosary is made of silver, and the pattern is quite exquisite. If necessary, you can remove a bead and exchange it for something to eat.

The sun gradually rose, the north wind became stronger and stronger, and the temperature became lower. The dead leaves were rolled up in the wind, and some fell on the crown of thorns.

Victor didn't care about his surroundings. He just recited scriptures, flicked his rosary beads, and walked non-stop, as if everything around him had nothing to do with him.

Three days later in the evening, he met a forest guard in the forest and was invited back to his small house to spend the night by the enthusiastic forest guard.

Victor wanted to refuse and only asked for a pot of water and two slices of bread, but the forest guard said: "I'm afraid you will light a fire in the forest. The forest is dry and windy now, and the forest will burn if you are not careful." If you don't come to live with me, I'll have to watch next to you tonight."

When he said this, Victor could only follow him to the cabin next to the waterhole in the forest.

The wooden house was very simple, with only a fire pit inside, with wheat straw piled next to it for sleeping, a few pots and a few wooden boxes, and bows and arrows hung on the wall.

There was no bread in the ranger's place, only beans and grain flour ground from other grains, but there was bacon made from rabbits caught with traps.

Mixed grains with a pinch of salt and a few pieces of bacon, and it's dinner for two.

After eating, the ranger took something out of the box and said to Victor: "Yesterday, a gentleman rode a unicorn with wings and said it was for you."

Victor was stunned. Frederick was busy with a lot of things before setting off. He only had a hurried conversation with him for about ten minutes. Unexpectedly, he actually gave him a cotton coat.

This cotton coat looks like Weisenjun’s standard coat, with a large cotton hood sewn on. The most exaggerated thing is that it has four rows of lead buttons. There are two pairs of gloves and two pairs of large socks in the outer pockets, and the hem is extra With all the buttons buttoned up, it turned into a sleeping bag, with a backpack sewn onto the back, and a large piece of folded tarpaulin inside.

There are many pockets inside the coat, which contain a lighter, a magic lamp, a large thermos cup that can hold 1 kg of water, a sewing kit, a dagger, a water filter cartridge, a multifunctional knife, a pack of salt, a few packs of white sugar, and a book. There was a palm-sized "Selected Quotations from Holy Scriptures", several bottles of medicine to treat diarrhea and colds, two revolvers and a bag of bullets, and other miscellaneous things. There was also a note saying "Buttons are full of gold."

A smile appeared on Victor's face, and he accepted the clothes given by Frederick. He couldn't help but wonder what this little guy was doing now.

At this time, the door of Frederick's house was lined up with butlers delivering invitations. Their master said that if the new finance minister could not be invited home, then he should not come back.

Duke Hegel returned to his hometown and the Chancellor of Finance also resigned. William rolled his eyes and the position was taken by Frederick.

Anyway, this position has been half-empty. It was originally used to make money for Duke Hegel. Switching to making money for Frederick made no difference to the king, and it could better play a role in promoting him.

Frederick was too lazy to jump into this big quagmire. After confirming the arms purchase contract with the Minister of Military Affairs, Count Pisto, he sent a letter of appointment to His Royal Highness: Rudolf was appointed as the full assistant to the Minister of Finance. The Minister of Finance was not in Cologne. At that time, all matters were handled by the full-time assistant.

Let the people in the quagmire do things like wrestling in the quagmire.

After finishing these tasks, Frederick took Psyche and fled by boat. After running away, his housekeeper in Cologne came forward and said that the master had run away.

That night, Psyche finally opened her eyes.

"Huh..." Frederick, who was sitting by the bed, finally breathed out, "You finally woke up, you scared me to death."

Psyche looked around the cabin and asked, "How long have I been lying there?"

"It's been almost seven days." Frederick said with some fear, "If I had known this would happen, I wouldn't have let you do this."

After saying that, he opened the cap of a bottle of happy water and handed it over.

Psyche sat up against the head of the bed and drank half a bottle of Happy Water in one breath. Then she shook her head and said, "It's okay. I just left my body and went to the subspace full of light elements to look around. I found a ruin. I studied it for a few more days.”

Frederick breathed a sigh of relief. Before he could ask again, Psyche looked at him with a strange look in his eyes and asked a little nervously: "You haven't done anything strange to my body these days, have you?"

"I've done a lot." Frederick rolled his eyes at her angrily, "I've done everything I can."

Psyche reached out and pinched his face, and said with a smile: "You can learn the summoning technique from Altasha. Then you can raise a few light elemental creatures in the light element subspace, dress them up in the shape of angels, and release them to scare people. .”

Frederick hurriedly shook his head and refused: "Forget it, I will be in trouble when the Holy See asks me to go to war with the heretics."

"You only need to do this kind of thing once. If you do it too many times, the secret will be revealed. Altasha is already a little suspicious."

Altasha would summon fire elemental creatures to fight for her, and she did not believe in the God of Light, so she suspected that the angel was up to something.

It was just that Psyche added some special healing effects, which ordinary elemental creatures did not have, which made her just a little suspicious.

At this time, Altasha came in with a basin of hot water. Hearing the next sentence, he asked in surprise: "Did you really do it? Do you want me to avoid it now? I'll be a guard for you?"

Frederick and Psyche had a black hair and almost talked about her bow as a bow statue.

Fortunately, Psyche is proficient in soul magic and can erase a person's recent memory, otherwise she would be in big trouble.

Altasha put the basin of hot water beside the bed in a daze, and looked at Frederick with Psyche. Frederick blinked and was thrown out of the cabin.

Altasha came here to wipe Psyche's body. She was like this every day after being arranged by Frederick to take care of Psyche, but Frederick didn't know it.

Frederick did not bring the Tarot with him this time because he was afraid of being held back in case of chaos. Altasha was just right. His strength was not low, and he also taught him the art of summoning.

As for Psyche, the condition for getting the angel was that Frederick had to research the roasted duck.

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