Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 198 Pen Pal

Instead of catching up with the main force in the lowlands, Frederick's ship turned around and came to the place where old Count Wesson died in battle.

The location of this logistics camp was very carefully selected at that time. It was a small basin surrounded by mountains on three sides, and a large river flowed in front of the basin.

Four years have passed since the war, and now it is a sheep land. A group of sheep are eating the last bit of hay. The shepherds took a look at the carriage and clothing of the visitors and made sure they were not here to steal sheep, so they ignored them.

There is a three-meter-high stone tablet standing not far from the river. On the front, it says "Passenger, please tell the world that a warrior has set an example of loyalty with his life" in Gallic. On the back, it is also written in Gallic. About the deeds of old Count Wesson.

Frederick stood quietly in front of the stone tablet and remained silent for a long time.

He only brought Tony here today.

Tony received support from the old Count Wesson when his father was seriously ill. After his father recovered from the illness, he went to Wessonburg City to repay his kindness. Later he joined the Guards Cavalry Company and is now in charge of Frederick's bodyguard.

When Frederick was about to leave, Tony whispered: "Master, someone is coming."

At this time, a carriage was parked on the road by the river, and a girl in a red silk skirt got out of the carriage and walked slowly over.

The girl was between 14 and 15 years old, quite tall, and her appearance reminded Frederick that he had seen her before somewhere.

She walked up to Frederick and said happily in Gaulish: "You are indeed here."

Frederick thought for a moment and asked in Gaulish in surprise: "Are you Françoise?"

A bright smile appeared on Francoise's beautiful face and she nodded excitedly.

Frederick did not expect to meet his pen pal from the Kingdom of Gaul here. He wrote her a letter before he went on the expedition, saying that he would write to her after he settled down.

He asked happily: "Why are you here? How is your brother Armand doing recently?"

Francoise smiled and said: "Because of your help, I now have a lot of money, so I bought some land here. I guessed that you would come over, so I came to see you and take a look at the land I bought. "

Frederick kept a smile on his face and sighed inwardly at the message contained in her words.

The war four years ago was essentially between the Rhine League and the Kingdom of Gaul to seize control of the lowlands. The Kingdom of Gaul won, so now their nobles could come here to buy land.

If the Rhine League had won four years ago, it would have been Frederick's family who came to buy the land.

There is no such thing as a war without a cause. The root cause of all wars is economic conflicts of interest.

Françoise blushed slightly and asked Frederick: "Can I have the honor to invite you to my manor as a guest?"

Frederick nodded and agreed, and asked Tony to tell Psyche and others that he would stay here for a few days and let them play in Amstel City for a while.

Françoise immediately laughed, went over to take Frederick's hand and walked towards the carriage.

There are some mountains to the east of the lowland area, and some farmland around the mountains. The other three sides are basically low flatlands and swamps, with very few places for farming.

Francoise was the general agent of Wesson paper products in the Kingdom of Gaul. Frederick originally wanted to use her family to establish sales channels, but he did not expect that the girl would handle this matter by herself.

Her method was very simple. She found a bunch of big nobles as regional agents, and she only sold goods to them. She didn't care how they sold.

So Françoise now has money of her own, but the money came a little late and she can no longer buy a good place. She can only buy a piece of land with slightly higher terrain on the seaside more than 20 kilometers west of Amstel, surrounded by It's a swamp.

The manor owner's house is at the highest point. Standing on the terrace on the third floor, you can see the entire manor and the sea to the west.

Chestnut trees are planted around the manor as a border. Now is the season when chestnuts are ripe, and many people can be seen threshing chestnuts.

Françoise said to Frederick with some pride: "I will prepare delicious food for you tomorrow."

Frederick was flattered and immediately said seriously: "Then I won't eat anything from now on and look forward to a delicious meal tomorrow."

Francoise was amused by his words. After laughing, she said, "That's a pity. I cooked today's dinner myself."

"Oh?" Frederick said immediately, "Then I'm looking forward to the delicious meal tonight."

In the afternoon, Françoise asked Frederick to help himself and went to the kitchen to get busy.

Frederick was a little curious, so he followed to the kitchen and found that there were two kitchens, one was dedicated to Françoise, and the servants were busy in the other.

He saw a purple lobster lying in a large basin in the special kitchen.

Françoise had just changed into a cook's clothes, put on an apron, and tied a headscarf to wrap her golden waterfall-like hair.

She opened a wine barrel, poured the alcohol into the basin, and drunk the lobster to death.

Then she deftly used professional-looking tools to remove the shells from the lobsters and marinate them in white wine, salt and pepper.

During this time, she lit the oven to preheat, then chopped the onions, and then put oil in the pan to heat up.

Put the marinated lobster into the oil pan and fry it for a while. She did it skillfully and carefully, so that the oil did not splash out.

After the lobster meat is fried and taken out, she heats butter in another pot, adds diced onions and stir-fries until fragrant, then adds the lobster meat and stir-fries evenly.

Francoise finally took out the lobster meat and onions and put them in a baking pan, sprinkled them with shredded cheese and roasted them in the oven until the surface was slightly burnt.

Frederick watched quietly from the side and saw that she was attentive from beginning to end, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised, looking very happy, and her sapphire eyes seemed to glow.

"Huh?" At this time, Françoise noticed that the way Frederick looked at her was a little different from when they were chatting just now, "What's wrong?"

Frederick said subconsciously: "You are beautiful when you concentrate."

Françoise blushed slightly, pushed him out of the kitchen door, and asked him to wait in the dining room.

Frederick followed the servant to the dining room, and soon dinner was waiting for him.

Françoise changed into a simple blue housecoat when she came to the restaurant. After the dinner started, she watched with some nervousness as Frederick cut off a piece of lobster meat with melted cheese and slowly put it into his mouth.

After Frederick finished the bite, she immediately asked: "How does it taste?"

Frederick nodded with a smile and replied: "A delicious meal that I have never enjoyed before."

Françoise immediately laughed, her smile was particularly bright, and she could tell she was happy from the bottom of her heart.

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