Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 199 How about buying some swamp land?

A pungent smell of fireworks entered his nose, and Frederick jumped up from the bed in shock, looking around to see where the fire was.

There was no fire in the bedroom, and there was no sound of shouting for fire outside the door. Outside the window, there was only smoke blown by the wind.

He walked to the window and opened it, and found a fire burning in the swamp in the distance, and thick smoke blocked the sky.

It's just that the farmers in the manor didn't care at all and went about their work slowly and leisurely.

After Frederick washed up, his servants took him to the dining room for breakfast. Françoise had already arrived and was slicing the baguette, which foreigners called the "Indestructible Spear of Gaul" into slices.

Françoise saw him and said, "Come and have breakfast. I don't know if you can get used to it."

The eating habits of the two places are different. In the past, Frederick's breakfast was indispensable with various sausages and milk. However, at Francoise's place, breakfast only consisted of bread, jam and tea. Milk was also included, but it was added to the tea. Made milk tea in it.

Françoise spread amber applesauce on the slices of bread and put it on the plate in front of Frederick and said: "This is the applesauce I made myself. You can try it."

"Since you discovered microorganisms and invented the use of necromancy magic to preserve food, more and more people are learning this magic."

Frederick picked up the slice of bread and took a bite. The freshly baked bread was still warm and soft, and the taste of jam was very sweet.

"It's delicious." He kept nodding.

Francoise immediately said: "I will prepare it and send it to you in the future."

"Okay." Frederick replied.

Breakfast time is often also the time to arrange work in the manor. It didn't take long for the housekeeper to bring the village chief of the manor over to explain what the fire outside was about.

There are many mosquitoes and venomous snakes in the swamp outside the manor, and there are also various dangerous animals in the mud. People and livestock dare not approach it. Wild animals have a narrow escape from death if they enter, causing great trouble to pedestrians and caravans.

Nowadays, reeds and other plants in the swamps begin to wither in autumn, so local people burn them to reduce the number of poisonous insects, otherwise caravans will not dare to approach next year.

The weeds are not burned out, but they grow again when the spring breeze blows. Next year, reeds and other plants will grow in the ground again, and insects will appear again. However, without the protection of tall plants, returning migratory birds will easily eat them.

Generally speaking, a piece of marshland will be burned every two or three years, and this year it was the turn of the land around the manor.

Françoise said to Frederick very depressedly: "I still want to play chess with you today, but I can't stay in the house anymore."

Seeing that the new owner was unhappy, the village chief immediately said: "If you want to play, you can go to the beach now. You can pick up a lot of crabs, as well as beautiful shells and conches."

"The wind blows from the sea and will not be smoked."

"Really?" Françoise asked immediately, "Can you pick up conches?"

The village chief immediately assured him that it was true.

Francoise turned around and asked Frederick: "How about we go to the beach and play, maybe we can also pick up lobsters!"

The expression on Frederick's face was the same as that of the village chief. He wanted to laugh, but he was holding back.

"Why are you doing this?" Françoise found something wrong with Frederick's expression.

Frederick explained: "Lobsters live on the bottom of the sea and they don't come ashore."

"How could this be?" Francoise pouted and said, "Don't lobsters have big claws like crabs? Why don't lobsters come ashore when crabs come ashore?"

Frederick laughed out loud, and when he saw Françoise pouting even more loudly, he immediately said: "Because the lobster's legs are too thin compared to its body, and it doesn't have the strength to walk on the shore. You can only crawl on the bottom of the sea.”

Françoise thought about the lobster she had eaten last night and thought it made sense.

At this time, Frederick remembered something and asked the village chief: "Whose land is those swamps outside?"

The village chief replied: "Who would want that kind of rotten land? I heard that no one would buy 10 hectares of land for one gold coin."

Frederick became depressed when he heard this. He thought that someone would buy the swamp for water pumping and development, so that he could sell high-horsepower steam engines and water pumps. As a result, no one was willing to do such a long-term business.

There is nothing I can do if I want to buy land. The current land sales in the lowlands are the fruits of war victory for the nobles of the Kingdom of Gaul. They are exclusive. People from other countries except them can only watch, let alone people from the defeated side. .

Reclamation of swamps was not technically a problem for Frederick, and some swamps in Wesson were being transformed.

The first and most important step is to reduce the water source in the swamp and reduce the water level, including digging water diversion channels, building dams, digging drainage channels, and installing drainage equipment.

Drainage is quantitative. Wheat has the highest yield when the groundwater level is 1 to 1.5m deep, and barley has the maximum yield when the groundwater level is 0.6m deep. You only need to drain away the shallow water in the swamp, and finally let the water level Just drop it to a sufficient depth below the ground.

The second step is to plow the land to increase the air in the soil, eliminate methane, hydrogen sulfide and other substances produced by anaerobic bacteria, and promote the reproduction of aerobic bacteria to decompose organic matter. If necessary, you can sprinkle some foreign soil to introduce aerobic bacteria. Apply phosphorus and potash fertilizers at the same time. If the soil is too sticky, it can be improved by spreading sand.

The third step is to sow plants with rhizobia bacteria to further improve the land, and then it can be cultivated.

When Frederick came back to his senses, he found that Françoise had finished breakfast and was looking at him with a smile on her chin with one hand on the table.

"You are very charming when you think." Françoise said with a smile, "What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing." Frederick replied, "I was thinking that those swamps could be converted into farmland."

"When you're full, let's go to the beach."

The sea at this time was not polluted, and the beach was clean and beautiful. In the past, villagers would come to catch the sea, but today the leaders were coming, and they were all driven away.

Frederick was sure that Françoise rarely went to the beach before. The old village chief sent his granddaughter, a girl named Lilu who was about the same age as Frederick, and was taking her to dig sand on the beach. Find prey.

Françoise had a great time, showing off to Frederick every time she dug something.

Frederick made a fortune in a muffled voice, recalling the videos he had watched before of going to sea, and soon the barrel was full.

Françoise's servants set up an awning on the beach and hung up wind-proof curtains. They also brought kitchen utensils and cooked them here.

After a seafood dinner, Françoise was a little tired and took a nap in the shed.

Frederick came to the seaside and picked up beautiful shells and conch along the way.

Lilu followed her grandfather's teachings and followed the leader wherever he went. She followed Frederick to help get shells.

Frederick chatted with her one after another, and learned that she usually lived in Amstel with her parents, but recently there were many troops from the Rhine Principality passing through Amstel on their way to the Elbe River. , the public security was not very good, so I came to live with my grandpa for a few days.

"What do you want to do for a living in the future?" Frederick began an industrial investigation.

"Go to sea!" Lilu said excitedly, "In the future, I will build the largest fleet in the world and do business in every port!"

Frederick couldn't help but smile when he saw her eyes shining with excitement.

But Lilu immediately said dejectedly: "There are a lot of things to learn before going overseas to do business. You need to find a companion, apply for a license, and buy a boat. All of these require money. I don't have that much money."

Frederick smiled and saw half a scallop with red edges and yellow bottom on the beach in front of him, so he picked it up, took out his dagger and pierced a hole in the root.

There is a gold necklace around his neck, and the pendant is a double-headed eagle medallion. It is sold for money when necessary, and the scallop is worn on it.

"this is for you."

Lilu's hands were carrying wooden buckets containing shells and conch, so Frederick helped her hang the shell necklace around her neck.

Frederick said: "In the future, when you feel that you are capable of going to sea, bring the necklace to Weissenburg City and find me, and I will provide an investment as your starting capital."

Lilu was stunned, her face suddenly turned red, even the roots of her neck were red, she lowered her head and responded softly.

Frederick felt that his behavior just now was frivolous and a little embarrassing, and he felt it was hard to say anything to avoid getting more embarrassed, so he and Lilu continued to pick up shells in silence.

There are many brightly colored conchs on the seaside. They are the size of a finger, with a smooth back and a high bulge, and a narrow opening in the abdomen.

Frederick picked up a lot and planned to put them into bracelets and take them back to give away.

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