Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 200 Bought a lot of land

After returning from the seaside, Françoise changed into a cook's clothes, wrapped her hair, and started cooking today's dinner in her own dedicated kitchen.

Frederick stood at the table, studying the plate of chicken he was going to eat tonight.

This kind of golden-skinned chicken is a specialty of the Kingdom of Gaul. The skin of the chicken is the color of gold. Like a country bumpkin, Frederick poked it with his hands from time to time to confirm that it was a real chicken and not a model made of gold.

Françoise took the golden-skinned chicken away, washed it, and rubbed salt and pepper into the belly of the chicken. The surface of the chicken was marinated with olive oil and salt.

Then she heated up the pan and melted the butter, poured in the minced garlic and chopped onions and sautéed until they changed color a little, then added the soaked mushrooms, celery and chopped carrots and sautéed them together, then let them cool down.

Then I cut some leftover bread from this morning into dices and soaked them in milk, chopped rosemary, and peeled and diced the chestnuts I picked yesterday.

After squeezing out the milk from the soaked bread, mix everything you just prepared, add some salt and pepper, and stir into the filling.

Finally, stuff all the stuffing into the belly of the golden skin chicken, stuff it tightly, use iron needles to thread and seal the opening in the chicken belly, and tie the chicken with cotton rope to shape it.

After the oven is hot, add chopped onions, celery, garlic and carrots to the baking pan, add some water, coat the surface of the chicken with a layer of olive oil, put it in the baking pan and then put it in the oven.

Françoise opened the oven lid every 15 minutes and took out the chicken. She poured the juice from the basin over the chicken to make the surface of the chicken taste better. After two hours, when the juice was poured for the last time, she peeled off the chicken. The good chestnuts are roasted around the chicken.

At dinner, Françoise cut into the golden roasted chicken, and placed the chicken, stuffing, and chestnuts on a plate in front of Frederick.

Frederick carefully observed the golden chicken and almost took out a microscope.

He had heard that the Kingdom of Gaul had dishes that glowed with gold, but this was the first time he had seen them.

Under Françoise's urging and gaze, Frederick cut off the chicken and took a bite, and then asked: "Can you sell this golden-skinned chicken to us, alive?"

Françoise smiled and shook her head and said: "Unfortunately, this is not possible. This kind of golden-skinned chicken cannot be sold alive."

"But I heard that the golden-skinned chicken comes from the southern continent, but the ones there are not so big and skinny, and the people there have skin as black as charcoal. If you want, you can go there to find one."

Frederick nodded slightly, thinking that he must get such a delicious golden-skinned chicken back from Uncle Hei.

As for the breed, it doesn't matter if they are small and thin. Weisenberg University has experts who can raise lynxes into pigs, so it shouldn't be a problem to breed golden-skinned chickens with more meat.

The two chatted for a while while eating, and Françoise suddenly asked Frederick: "You looked like you wanted to buy swamp land this morning?"

Frederick replied while eating: "Yes, I have this idea, but there is no way. The land will not be sold to the people of the Rhine League."

Francoise said: "Actually, there is a way. There is a limit on the land we can buy here. Because I bought it in my personal name and not in the name of my family, I only have enough to buy this manor."

Frederick nodded, he had heard of this.

The manor Françoise bought covers an area of ​​more than one hundred hectares, and the four sides are only a little more than one kilometer long. It is not too big for those large manors of five to six hundred hectares.

She continued: "So someone came up with a way. There are no restrictions on local people buying land. They paid local people to buy the land and then rented it for 999 years at a very low price."

Frederick nodded slightly, this gap would never disappear.

But he said in a very embarrassed tone: "I'm afraid this method is reserved for you, I can't get through it."

A bright smile appeared on Francoise's face, and then she said seriously: "If you can trust me, I can help you."

Frederick thought for a while and said, "I'll think about it."

He wanted to consider that it was just a show. The purpose of this investment was not to buy land, but to sell steam engines. Even if the land was swallowed by Francoise, he could make money from selling steam engines. He agreed when the dinner was ready. .

After dinner, Françoise took Frederick to the study, where there was a promotional map she got when she bought the land, which marked the general topography of the entire lowland area.

Frederick studied the map. It was self-engraved and printed by the Kingdom of Gaul on large white paper imported from Weissensee.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and it looked like he was about to file a patent lawsuit.

The patent laws in this world were proposed by magicians. The first ones registered were magic patents, and then developed into mutual recognition of patents in all walks of life and countries. If this system collapses, it means that the magic that magicians have worked hard to develop can be used by others. They can use it casually, so they hate stealing other people's patents and are not afraid of lawsuits.

In the next few days, Frederick concentrated on studying the map in the morning, took time to go to Amstel to bring Dawn, and in the afternoon took Françoise to take a bird's-eye view of the swamp from the air, and came down from time to time to ask questions from nearby villagers. Ask this or that.

During this time, news had spread throughout the city of Amstel that Duke Wesson had purchased a large tract of marshland through his lover in the Kingdom of Gaul.

The news spread like wildfire, and many people believed that Duke Wesson had been kicked in the head by his winged unicorn.

The nobles of the Gallic Kingdom who controlled the lowland areas behind the scenes were confused. After discussing for a while, they decided that it would be fine to just buy the swamp land.

Later, they felt a little sorry. After all, he was the son of Earl Wesson and had many fans. If word spread, people would think they were bullying children, so they decided to sell a little bit of the surrounding land.

When the amount of marshland Duke Wesson wanted to buy - 3,000 hectares - was confirmed, it was agreed that he had been kicked twice in the head.

At this time, the local government department immediately expressed the hope that Duke Wesson could buy more, and it would be best to guarantee the tax for 20 years.

Everyone felt that those gentlemen were too dishonest, how could they be so bullying?

What can be produced in the swamp is to cut some reeds in the marginal areas and sell them. It has always been an ownerless land, and no one collects taxes.

The gentlemen in the local government later felt that this was a bit bad, so they lowered the tax rate a lot.

However, what happened next made everyone think that Duke Wesson had been kicked in the head more than 10 times. He actually increased the amount of swamp land he purchased, buying a large amount of swamp land in the south, and eventually became the man behind the ownership of tens of thousands of swamps. Big landowner.

It took half a day to sign the contract. The landowner was a young girl from Amstel named Lilu. Everyone was accustomed to these white gloves. Frederick and Françoise also found a ready-made one nearby. of.

The land was then leased to Françoise for 99 years, automatically renewed upon expiration, and then subleased to the Duke of Wesson for 98 years, also automatically renewed upon expiration.

Then everyone saw Duke Wesson's resolute actions, and the masons' guilds and engineers from the entire lowland area were invited to Amstel City to take over the task.

Duke Wesson required that drainage ditches be dug and low dams be built outside every swamp. The soil in the drainage ditches was directly used to build dams on the side. The drainage ditches were 2 to 4 meters wide and 1 to 2 meters deep. All are connected to nearby rivers, and the width and depth of drainage ditches that intercept and divert the original rivers can be appropriately increased.

These projects may seem simple, but overall they require a lot of earthwork and will not be completed until next summer.

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