Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 201 Assassination Operation

After Frederick arranged to dig canals and build embankments in the swamp, he seemed to not want to leave in Amstel. He rented the most luxurious mansion and spent everything but money every day.

He first visited a university in Amstel, which has more than 200 students and teaches history, medicine, philosophy and theology. After seeing that the university's library building was extremely simple and there were not many books, he Two thousand florins were immediately donated for the purpose of building and enriching the new library.

Because of this library, the university embarked on the fast track of development and eventually became one of the top universities on the North Sea coast.

At a dinner that night, Frederick heard a shipping businessman complaining about the inconvenience of not having a new lighthouse after the lighthouse at the mouth of the sea was in disrepair and collapsed. He immediately offered to donate 400 florins to build a high enough and strong one. Lighthouse, and ask for paper and pen to draw the Fresnel lens concept on the spot.

Later, the lighthouse became a local landmark and was printed on the back of banknotes in the paper currency era. The Fresnel lens was finally manufactured many years later through the efforts of many scholars and craftsmen.

The next day, an organization called the Zoological Society came to the door. The three leaders of the society hoped that Duke Wesson could invest in the construction of a garden to raise animals for people to visit.

Frederick immediately gave them two sums of money, and allocated 100 hectares of land to the west of Weissenburg City for them to build two identical ones. He also proposed that the exhibition hall should restore the life scenes of animals as much as possible.

That night, when he returned from a dance, he found a group of night watchmen patrolling the night in the howling north wind with torches blowing out from time to time.

So he went to the city government the next day and said that he would donate a thousand high-brightness magic lamps to night watchmen in the entire lowland area. Now he has sent people back to adjust the supplies.

On the third day, Frederick made big news. He reached an agreement with the bishops of the lowlands to donate a reading room to each church and open it to everyone.

On the fourth day, Frederick reached out to the tax department and said that he would give away ten calculators, and gave one for personal use to them to familiarize themselves with, indicating that this one would not be included in the ten.

This morning, after Frederick got up, Altasha helped him get dressed. At this time, Tony came over, and Altasha immediately left the bedroom.

"How's it going over there?" Frederick asked, sitting on a chair.

Tony replied: "Report to the commander, Deputy Chief Helmut called. At present, all ministries have been deployed according to the previously reported plan. With the cooperation of Baron Wesson and other local lords, fortresses are being built at key intersections. The black cat has crossed the Elbe River. Reconnaissance eastward.”

Frederick nodded, as long as everything goes as planned.

The wireless communication equipment can communicate with the front within an hour after passing through a relay in the middle, and will not lose control of the army because it is separated from the main force.

Frederick picked up the wooden shoes and put them on. This kind of wooden shoes is a local specialty. It is carved from a large piece of wood and is strong and waterproof. In order to appear to have something in common with the locals, he specially ordered a pair.

"What about the city?" he asked again, "What new topics do the gentlemen and citizens have to talk about?"

Tony hesitated and said, "Many people think the commander is a fool. Only some businessmen who have been to Wesson think you are going to create another miracle."

"There is also a rumor that someone may be trying to harm the commander. It seems to be pirates in the North Sea."

Frederick smiled, walked to the window, opened the curtains, and could see the sea from here.

"Others laugh at me because I'm too crazy. I...well...I don't laugh at them. After all, they have their limitations and don't have to be too demanding on everyone."

When he said this, his face was full of confidence, and he didn't take the news that someone was bad for him to heart at all.

There was no legend about him in Amstel City before, so when he did things he didn't have the aura that he did in Weissensee. People around him were watching his every move with suspicion.

He doesn't care anymore, wait until next year, he will give the entire lowland area a small Wesson shock.

Seeing that the commander was not worried about the pirates, Tony didn't say anything, but asked: "Aren't you worried about them swallowing up those lands?"

Frederick looked at the not-so-calm sea through the window and asked Tony calmly: "What do you think can be done to conquer an area with the least amount of effort?"

Tony scratched his head and replied tentatively: "Please ask Master Richard Nall to take action."

Frederick smiled and said: "Then he will be busier than the Ammi donkey in the village."

Tony thought about it again, and finally shook his head. This kind of thing was too far away from him.

The corners of Frederick's mouth raised slightly, and then he said: "Don't reveal this topic to anyone. Let's go. We are leaving tomorrow. There are still many things to do today."

Tony immediately shut up, wondering whether the Commander's spending money now had anything to do with his future plans to conquer this place?

In the restaurant, Francoise prepared breakfast. When she saw Frederick coming over, she said happily: "I made the croissant you mentioned."

Frederick found a few croissants on the dining table. They looked decent and tasted good. Psyche had already eaten half of them, which meant they were pretty good.

Françoise asked Frederick: "Where are you going again today?"

After sitting down, Frederick replied: "I'm going to the church's orphanage in the morning. It's time to pack things in the afternoon."

Françoise looked very calm and placed the breakfast in front of Frederick and said, "Let's see if it tastes good. If it tastes good, I'll make more for you later."

Frederick smiled and nodded.

At this time, someone came over and whispered a few words in his ear. He narrowed his eyes slightly, whispered a few words to the person, and then did what he should do.

After breakfast, Frederick took Tony and the box containing gold coins and set off. He did not take Dawn with him here, but rode a rented horse.

Frederick put the box on the rack behind the saddle and tied it tightly.

When they walked across a bridge, more than a dozen people suddenly jumped out of the water. Most of them attacked Tony. A few people rushed towards Frederick with shouts. One person quietly approached from behind, and... Twenty or thirty people who originally looked like citizens rushed up from both sides of the bridge with weapons drawn.

This bridge is not far from the city center, and there are many pedestrians coming and going. The sudden attack made people panic and suddenly became chaotic.

Frederick took a look and didn't look panicked.

He also saw Tony put on the gas mask with a calm face, and was speechless.

Previously, when the large army came to change ships, they caught up with the burning swamps around Amstel. The entire city was shrouded in smoke, so the entire army wore gas masks.

This seems to confirm a rumor that Duke Wesson's troops are actually terrible demons who sometimes take human form.

People who make a living at sea believe in gods and ghosts, but when they saw Tony put on a gas mask, they thought he was just pretending.

However, what happened next moment made these pirates a little frightened.

Two fists are no match for four, and Tony inevitably gets stabbed several times when faced with the siege of a group of masters.

However, the pirates found that the sword seemed to be struck on an iron plate after passing through their clothes, and the force of the shock made them almost let go.

Tony's military uniform was cut open, revealing the black skin underneath.

"Have you not eaten yet?" This guy was still in the mood to mock.

Tony's body-building skills from the peach blossom stone were brought back by Psyche. Some improvements were made over the decades. Recently, they were optimized by Psyche and started to be promoted in the military this year.

What left Frederick speechless was that this magic had a name on the Peach Blossom Stone that made him complain: Iron Shirt.

Thinking about it, the skin will turn black when you practice this Kung Fu, and ordinary iron will turn black after being left for a long time. There is nothing wrong with calling it that.

I saw Tony's fists surrounded by blue light, and the "battery ram" that could knock away iron cans hit the pirate masters one by one.

Frederick was too lazy to watch him show off, and his enemies were getting closer.

But he didn't move, and the pirates thought he was stunned.

A white shadow flashed, and the assassin brother never took action a second time. All the pirates who were close to Frederick had their necks wiped, and then disappeared without a trace.

The pirates disguised as ordinary citizens rushed onto the bridge. Unexpectedly, two more people jumped up from the river.

The tall, muscled and tattooed barbarian brother jumped in front of Frederick and roared at the enemies in front. The howl that struck straight into the soul made these people feel unprecedented fear.

The pirates paused for a moment, as if the Internet speed was stuck. In this moment, the barbarian brother rushed over with a broadsword like a door panel. The scene was like chopping a watermelon.

Behind Frederick, a silver-haired girl wearing a maroon skirt, a dark red cloak and a hood waved the sickle in her hand and swept across the pirates who rushed onto the bridge from behind.

The few pirates who rushed at the front were scratched, and blood-red light poured out from the wounds and was completely absorbed by the scythe.

The pirates died, and Frederick found that he was suddenly very energetic.

The pirates following behind turned around and ran away. Sharp arrows shot from a short distance pinned them all to the ground. After a moment, all the arrows dissipated into magical elements.

Within a moment, the pirates were all wiped out by the elemental puppets summoned by Tony and Frederick, leaving only corpses on the ground and blood filling the air.

In a room not far from the bridge, two people watched everything happening on the bridge through the curtains, not missing a single bit.

"The guards around him are very strong." A person said in the Venede language of the Piast Kingdom.

He waited for the companion next to him to answer, but the other party did not make a sound. He suddenly saw Duke Wesson turning his head to look this way, with a sarcastic smile on his face.

He suddenly felt a pain in his neck without warning, blood instantly poured into his lungs, and the feeling of suffocation instantly filled his mind.

When the two corpses in the room were discovered by the landlord, Frederick had already left by boat as if nothing had happened and arrived in Hanma City.

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