Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 202 No more fishing

Hanma City is a large city that straddles the east and west banks of the Elbe River estuary, connecting the inland areas and the North Sea. To the north is the Cimbrica Peninsula, which goes deep into the North Sea. Commerce and handicrafts are very developed.

When the Second Pulan Empire fell, the royal family retreated all the way, and finally defended the city, and established the Rhine League with the middle and lower reaches of the Elbe River and the Saale River as the boundary. Only the east city of Hanma City was on the east bank of the Elbe River.

Frederick arrived in Hanma City in late September and moved into the newly purchased mansion in Xicheng.

This house was originally owned by a maritime merchant who loved astronomy and built a star observation tower in the yard.

But not long ago, his fleet was wiped out by a storm, and he lost everything. He had to sell his house and go back to his hometown to live an idyllic life.

Frederick was interested in the stargazing tower, and it is now a place where wireless communication equipment is installed.

The first thing he did when he came here was to send a long letter to the city of Weissenburg.

When people come in with their front feet, the guests will arrive with their back feet.

"Wow! It's so luxurious!" Archduke Byrne's expression was extremely exaggerated when he carefully touched the gold-plated leather sofa.

The original owner of the house was a nouveau riche who got lucky and sold popular products several times in a row. His taste was naturally high-end and classy.

It was not unknown to Grand Duke Byrne that his own palace was much more luxurious than here. He just had another purpose. Then he frowned and said, "But I always feel that something is missing."

On the other side, the Grand Duke of Mainz covered his head with his hands and said painfully: "Oh, I seem to have a disease that requires me to tell Maria no matter what rumors I hear."

Frederick was confused and couldn't figure out what these two old guys were doing.

Then Grand Duke Byrne said seriously: "It would be a pity not to have ten or eight beautiful girls living in such a beautiful house."

The Grand Duke of Mainz continued, "Oh my head hurts so much".

Frederick understood that some rumors from the city of Amstel must have spread here.

At this time, I couldn't follow their words, so Frederick said to Archduke Byrne: "Then I will accept your suggestion, and tomorrow there will be an open audition for ten or eight beautiful girls."

The two old men looked at each other, and Grand Duke Bai En shook his head and said: "Young people nowadays are not a little bit subtle. When he was looking for a lover for the first time, he hid in Mingxing City and often came to me in disguise. Run away, at that time my grandfather thought they were going to attack us and sent him to spy on the military situation."

The Grand Duke of Mainz glared at him fiercely, refused to answer the question, and his head ached no longer, and asked Frederick: "How many girls did you give shell necklaces to in Amstel, and I’ll tell you the truth, and Maria will mention me in the future to help you fool her.”

Frederick was stunned and asked doubtfully: "What shell necklace?"

"You don't know?" The Grand Duke of Mainz was also very surprised. "Around the North Sea coast, young people show their love by giving shells. If you put a necklace with shells on the other person with your own hands, it means that the other person is one of yours."

Frederick blinked, and cold sweat suddenly broke out.

Grand Duke Byrne understood immediately when he saw him like this. He laughed for half a minute and said with a gloating look on his face: "It seems that you have foolishly put a necklace on some girl. Now there is something good to watch."

The Grand Duke of Mainz suddenly said seriously: "It's normal for you to find a lover, but you must be careful not to attract wolves into your home."

Frederick frowned, decided to change the subject, and asked: "Have you heard about my assassination in Amstel?"

Archduke Byrne said: "Otherwise, why do you think we are in such a hurry to come to you today?"

The Archduke of Mainz asked him: "Do you know who did it?"

Frederick nodded and said: "Someone once tipped me off that those pirates are related to the Piast Kingdom."

The expressions of the two grand dukes became solemn. The Piast Kingdom, 300 kilometers away, assassinated Frederick. Either Frederick had a personal enmity with a high-ranking official, or there was some big conspiracy.

Frederick was certain that he had never offended anyone from the Piast Kingdom, so there was a conspiracy.

The Archduke of Mainz made a gesture, and his entourage took out a map from his bag and spread it on the table in the living room, and then placed various chess pieces on it.

This is a map from the east of the Elbe River to the center of the Piast Kingdom. The south includes part of the northern part of the Osmaga Empire and the entire Bohemian region.

Although the map is rough, the mountains, rivers and cities are basically clearly marked.

At present, the Rhenish Alliance troops are arranged in a long snake formation along the boundary river. In Frederick's view, there is no strategic depth and they are just blocking it quietly.

In the Bohemian region 500 kilometers southeast of Hanma City, in this basin that is more than 200 kilometers from east to west and more than 100 kilometers from north to south, the 120,000-strong army of the Osmaga Empire is in the south, and the 80,000-strong army of the Piast Kingdom is in the south. In the north, the two sides are facing off.

The main force of the Piast Kingdom's army is stationed in a mountain pass about 30 kilometers away in the northern mountainous area. If this is breached, there will be no danger of defending the vast plain behind.

A 60,000-strong coalition of loose nobles from the area east of the Elbe River, under the command of the Osmaga Empire, is gathering outside the city of Burling, 260 kilometers east and south of Hanma City.

About 80 kilometers further east is the Odra River, the border of the Piast Kingdom. If necessary, they can go east into the Piast Kingdom, or they can go to the southeast and join the main force of the Osmaga Empire in a north-south pincer attack. The army of the Piast Kingdom in northern Bohemia.

To the west of the Piast Kingdom, an army is gathering to deal with this coalition of nobles, but the number and composition are unknown.

Overall, the Osmaga Empire is stronger and can maintain the initiative on both the north and south lines, while the Piast Kingdom can only be on the defensive.

After listening to the introduction, Frederick asked: "Is the number of troops real and credible?"

Archduke Byrne, whose territory borders the Osmaga Empire, replied: "The Osmaga Empire often forces troops to be allocated, so it can organize a quite large army."

"In contrast, the lords in the Piast Kingdom do not obey the king's orders very much, so even if they have a large population in the plains, they cannot form a large-scale army."

"However, I heard that they have recently been very close to the people on the easternmost coast of the North Sea. It is very likely that they have formed an alliance. Maybe the people there will send a large number of reinforcements."

"There is also the Kingdom of Damma on the Cimbrica Peninsula. They seem to be seeking an alliance between the southern and eastern coasts of the North Sea."

The Grand Duke of Mainz said to Frederick: "Currently, the commander of the central army of the Piast Kingdom is Prince Casimir. He is 18 years old. Like you, he went to the battlefield at a young age to fight against the Ant people in the east. The winning rate is not low.”

"The person commanding the Osmaga Empire's army is Archduke Hicks. He is a long-famous commander among our generation."

Then he pointed at Archduke Byrne and said, "Archduke Hicks almost beat him to death."

Archduke Bain smiled bitterly and nodded.

Frederick looked at the army arrangement on the map carefully and thought about it, feeling that he might not be able to fish this time.

"The 60,000 people outside Berlin City may be doomed." Frederick suddenly said, "Their role is to serve as deadly spearheads to distract the attention and strength of the Piast Kingdom. I am afraid they have not thought about how to defend themselves. .”

At the same time, in a military camp in the Kingdom of Piast, more than 400 kilometers east of Hanma City, a young man less than twenty years old said to a group of noble generals in front of a map: "We are composed of 100,000 people. The Army of the North, 60,000 from the 80,000 men in northern Bohemia, formed the Army of the South, and attacked the area between the Odra and Elbe rivers on the same day."

In Hanma City, Frederick continued: "Now all the troops in the eastern region are concentrated outside the city of Burling. Once they are wiped out, the Piast army will definitely be like no one in this land."

On the other side, Casimir pointed at the map from north to south and said: "After the northern army destroyed the main enemy force outside Burling City, there was no obstruction in the front. It marched westward and separated some people to occupy the northern coastal area. The southern army quickly occupied In each area, we mainly occupy Linden Tree City, and the remaining troops go north to join forces with the Northern Army."

Frederick pointed to his defense zone on the map and said: "The Piast Kingdom will not attack me for no reason. Their purpose is most likely to open a gap from me and cross the Elbe River. The only thing worthy of them is The only target is Hanma City."

Casimir's finger clicked on "Wesson" on the map and said: "The Northern Army led across the river from Wesson. Duke Wesson was frightened after an assassination in Amstel City a few days ago. Tian fled away. He would definitely be frightened when the army arrived, so he had nothing to fear. The whole army did not stop after crossing the river, and quickly moved northward to surround Hanma City from the west."

Frederick drew a circle outside the northern part of the map and said: "They must have made huge profits if they worked so hard to plot Hanma City. For example, the Damma Kingdom on the Cimbrica Peninsula in the north, Hanma City Enough for them to assist the Piast Kingdom in its fight against the Osmaga Empire.”

Casimir pointed at Hanma City and said: "After we encircle Hanma City from the west, the army of the Kingdom of Danma will go south, surround the eastern part of Hanma City, and occupy the surrounding areas. This is a prerequisite for our alliance. "

Frederick folded his hands on his chest and said with a sneer: "The Piast Kingdom made a good move, but the error tolerance is too low. The Osmaga Empire must cooperate with us."

Casimir punched the map, looked around the generals, and said categorically: "The Rhine Alliance can only mobilize 8,000 troops around Hanma City. We and the Kingdom of Danma have a total of 160,000 troops, and 160,000 pairs of troops." Eight thousand, the advantage is on our side!"

Frederick looked at the map and said lightly: "Now that they are here, don't go back."

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