Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 203 Dealing with Possible Enemies

The two old foxes, the Archduke of Mainz and the Archduke of Byrne, had seen a lot of conspiracies and intrigues, and felt that Frederick's analysis made sense, otherwise it would be impossible to explain why he was assassinated for no reason.

It’s right to be careful on the battlefield. The three of them discussed it for a while and decided to make preparations early.

For some things, it's better to complain afterwards about what you did in vain than to regret why you didn't prepare at the end of the day.

At this time, the shortcomings of the king's blind operation appeared. The entire Elbe River defense line of the Rhine League did not have a unified command structure. Everyone just looked after their own one-third of an acre. It was their duty to stay still when friendly forces were in trouble, and it was their duty to rush to support thousands of miles away. .

They can only do their own part in this matter, and others can remind them to listen to the arrangements of the God of Light.

After sending off the two bosses, Frederick thought for a while and immediately sent a report back to Weisenberg City. He unpacked the triple peashooters on several city walls and sent them over together with a large amount of ammunition.

Now there are two ways to go from Weisen State to Hanma City.

One is the route taken by the large army. They take a boat along the Main River and then enter the Rhine River. They change to sea boats in Amstel and go to Hanma. The distance is more than 1,500 kilometers.

The other road is the recently opened trade route. The carriage enters the Principality of Franconia from the north of Nuremberg, and then arrives at a small mountain town. After boarding the ship there, you can go all the way down the river to Hanma City, a distance of about 700 kilometers. , which is half of the previous path.

The lords on the road from Nuremberg to the mountain town used to have little profit, but now they have made a lot of money from customs and taxes, and they bought a house in Nuremberg and lived in luxury.

But this is still the first level. There are many checkpoints along the river, and many territories have laws that force merchants to sell one-tenth of their goods.

The staff at Weissenburg calculated that they would have to stop and go along the shortcut, while for the long detour they could step on the accelerator and only have to change boats once in Amstel.

There have been several heavy rains in the upstream area recently, and the river has abundant water and fast flow. The fleet can travel more than 100 and nearly 200 kilometers non-stop down the river, and can deliver goods to Hanma City in about 10 days.

Frederick thought about the plan sent by the staff for half an hour. In addition to the material transportation plan, they also suggested increasing the number of troops, transferring the city defense army to enrich the regular army, recruiting recruits in the fall to enrich the city defense army, and sending two regiments for reinforcements. There is no problem with the defense of the territory behind Hanma City.

In the end, the plan to increase troops was rejected by him, and he ordered two regiments to be deployed near the borders of the Principality of Franconia in the north and the League of Legens in the east.

When he was looking at the map, he had a hunch that after the Piast Kingdom captured the city of Hanma, they would probably go south along the Elbe River and bypass the mountains around Bohemia from the west. Block the retreat of the main force of the Osmaga Empire.

In this era, the only way to carry out such a large-scale maneuver is to rely on looting to solve the logistical supply problem, and Weisen State happened to be near the marching route.

At this time Helmut rushed back from the front to report the latest situation to Frederick.

Now Wesson's army has built thirty small wooden forts along the river. Each fort has a small team. Once the enemy is discovered crossing the river, it will immediately report and then retreat. The main force deployed on the second line will counterattack the enemy according to the situation.

Frederick nodded after hearing this, and then said: "Well done. Now there is a question. If tens of thousands of enemies cross the river from our defense area and go around to the west of Hanma City, what are your plans?"

Helmut thought that the commander was testing him, so he said: "There are plains all around, and the only things that can hinder the enemy's movement are rivers and forests."

"There are three ferries in our defense area that can cross the river on a large scale, but no matter where we cross the river, there is only one place where we can camp that night."

“It was a pasture with water, grazing and cattle to provide for so many people.”

"We can launch a night attack and ultimately defeat the enemy."

Frederick did not nod and continued to ask: "We had night attacks during the Six-Day Defense War. What if the enemy took precautions against this?"

Helmut replied: "The enemy will have people taking turns to work the night shift. When a night attack occurs, they will buy time for others. As long as our assault is fast enough and does not give the enemy enough time to prepare."

Frederick nodded and gave a serious order: "Order, you quickly formulate a plan based on the annihilation war. The initial estimate of the number of enemies is between 50,000 and 60,000."

Helmut's eyes lit up and he excitedly saluted and accepted the order.

Frederick asked him to sit down and asked: "Your hometown is on the other side of the river, right? Have you ever visited your home?"

Helmut replied: "My family is in the Kingdom of Dama. I want to write a letter home and ask my parents and brother to come over."

Frederick smiled and said he wanted to, but in fact he was asking himself if he agreed. If he didn't agree, he wouldn't want to.

"Hurry up and write," said Frederick. "They can go to Wesson. If they don't want to go, they can help me manage this mansion and other properties in Hanma City."

He currently has this mansion in Hanma City, but there are many properties of Danma Kingdom merchants in the city. If the Danma Kingdom really attacks Hanma City, the properties of these people will definitely be confiscated, and then everyone will line up together. Sit and divide the fruit.

Helmut left happily. It was getting dark and it was time to prepare for dinner.

Today, a guest arrived during tea time. Frederick was busy with military affairs and could not receive him, so he could only invite him to dinner.

To the north of Hanma City is the ocean and is surrounded by plains. It is rich in products and has a wide variety of ingredients.

At the dinner table, Frederick smiled and said to Baron Adicon: "The seafood in Hanma City is very famous in the south, but I heard that people who make a living at sea eat fish caught from the sea every day. For them, what is on the ground is It’s rare to get it, so I’m going to treat you to roasted calf today.”

Adikan originally didn't care about what to eat for dinner today, but he didn't expect Duke Wesson to have this consideration, and he was a little touched for a moment.

Frederick was looking at Adikon carefully. He was about thirty years old and tall. He seemed to have the seriousness and integrity of a soldier, but also the ferocity and viciousness of Hayreddin's pirates.

Raising the wine glass, Frederick said to Adikan: "Thank you for informing me of the news in Amstel that day, otherwise I would have been in a lot of trouble."

Adikon replied: "This is what I should do. I am very happy to hear that your Excellency is safe and sound."

Frederick did not ask him where the news came from, but asked: "Is there any progress in your fleet?"

Adiken replied: "I have ordered five three-masted sailing ships at the shipyard. It will take two years to build them. The down payment will be borrowed money. The money for buying a house and investing will be used as capital to sell goods."

Frederick curiously asked him how much money he made, but when he got the answer, he shut himself up.

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