Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 204 Business at Sea

Frederick knew that maritime business was very profitable, as you can see by looking at this house.

But he doesn’t know exactly how much money he can make, so he needs to ask professionals.

Adikan said to him calmly: "Thank you for your generosity, I used the 40,000 florin voucher to purchase dehydrated vegetables, fruits and concentrated soup in Weissenburg City, and hired a ship to transport them to the dark land of the north in exchange for iron ore. Stone. These iron ores are being exchanged for ships in Amstel City. After being sold in Weissenburg City, the final profit will be 400,000 florins."

"Half of those profits belong to adults."

Frederick was instantly autistic. In the past, the Wesson family had to cultivate fields for 800 years before their income could match his trip in less than a month.

The gold that Psyche "picked up" from the vault of the Royal Library in Constantbul was just enough for 70% of this vote.

He recently made a fortune. Duke Hegel donated his family property in Cologne to the church in order to escape. The church split it half with him, which is equivalent to 90%.

Adiken saw that he was depressed, so he said: "This business trip is not representative. It contains a lot of coincidences."

"I was able to make this deal, first of all, because your lord generously provided a huge amount of principal, and secondly, I saved several nobles from the Dark Land Polar Night area at sea before, so I can do business with them directly."

"Maritime trade has its own rules. First, maritime merchants must purchase a trade charter from the local lord before they can trade at the port. If they are affiliated with a chamber of commerce with a charter, they need to pay a considerable commission. Chambers of commerce that can provide affiliate services are often opened by the lords themselves. Yes, other chambers of commerce do not have such power."

"This practice was originally intended to put an end to pirate trade at sea so that pirates could not sell their stolen goods. In the end, it became a channel for transactions between lords and pirates."

"Secondly, whether a territory accepts maritime traders from another place depends on the political environment. If the two areas are hostile, the lord will deprive the merchants of this area of ​​their trading rights."

"In the dark land of the north, the coastal cities in the south are okay and are willing to accept pagan merchants like us. But the farther north you go, the less friendly they become. Very few of us can go there to do business."

"Another very important point is that conditions in different sea areas are different. Not every captain is familiar with any wave, so sea ships have certain routes. If you want to transport long distances, you must change ships multiple times."

“I was lucky this time and met an older captain who could lead the fleet northward against the wind, sailing directly from Amstel to its destination with almost full sail.”

"If it were someone else, they could only sell the dehydrated vegetables purchased from Wesson State to merchants in the south of the Dark Land. Because there are many people selling them, the profit is not high. The iron ore is also several times more expensive than the place of origin due to layer upon layer of price increases. .”

"Generally speaking, the maximum profit for each sea trip is two to three times. A route that exceeds five times will be called a golden route. However, such a route will only have a life span of half a year and no more than two years due to the influx of a large number of new people."

"Speaking of capital, few people dare to risk all their wealth to start a business like me."

"The risks at sea are great. Harsh weather, monsters that don't know when they will appear, and ferocious pirates can make a fleet disappear without a trace."

"So the maritime merchants will diversify their investments. A large part of the investment will be in safe but low-profit routes. They will not risk most of their wealth. If it fails... the original owner of this house is a role model."

"I can do this kind of business again this year. The northern coast will freeze soon."

He was talking as he ate, and by the time he finished speaking, he had eaten most of the calf's hind leg, and he looked like he wasn't full yet.

Judging from the appetite alone, Adiken is a master.

Frederick took a sip of beer from his glass, thought for a moment, and asked: "If I invest all the 400,000 florins on this trip, can I make 4 million?"

Adikon smiled bitterly, shook his head, and replied: "This won't work, because the size of an ocean-going fleet is limited. There are too many ships to command effectively. There will be ships that can't keep up with the old captain and fall behind. No captain is willing to Join this fleet."

"The next trip I will take in 100,000 florins. This is the limit."

"There may not be so much iron ore this time. I plan to have furs and ice magic crystals. If they are not prepared enough, maybe some dried venison and fish."

"The remaining money can only be deposited in the bank. This winter I will be looking for companions to join."

Frederick nodded, thought for a moment and then asked: "If ships can communicate with each other two or three kilometers away, can a large enough fleet be formed?"

Adiken shook his head slightly and said: "This is not a problem. The key is to determine the location. If a ship gets lost, there is no way to catch up without knowing where the fleet is."

Frederick pondered, and after a moment he asked solemnly: "Baron Adikon, are you interested in running the Wesson family's fleet?"

He has some new technologies that he can use on the ship, but some of them can only be used on his own people.

Adikon was stunned for a moment, then replied: "I'm very sorry, my ambition is not to become a maritime merchant, but to destroy pirates."

Frederick raised his eyebrows. The navy was more difficult to deal with than merchants, so he said, "I have some new weapons that can be used on ships. I want to cooperate with you."

Adiken thought for a moment and asked, "Sir, are you interested in getting involved in maritime business?"

Frederick nodded and said, "Yes, but not now."

"I met a girl about my age in the city of Amstel. Her ambition is to do business in every port in the world. I want to hire you to teach her."

After he finished speaking, he saw the corner of Adiken's mouth twitching slightly.

After twitching the corners of his mouth, Adiken immediately replied: "That's no problem, but life at sea is very difficult. If she can't stand it, there's nothing I can do about it."

Frederick nodded and said: "There is a professor at Weissenburg University who is studying some equipment for sea ships. I would like to ask you to take him to the sea to let him know what life at sea is like."

"Professor Heinrich was once a member of the Royal Mage Group, and his strength is not weak."

"Ah?" Adiken looked surprised, "Why is he thinking about tinkering with things on the ship?"

Frederick asked curiously: "Do you know him?"

Adiken nodded and replied: "He is friends with my father, so there is no problem in bringing him along."

Frederick continued to ask him: "I want to select people in the territory to train a group of sailors. I wonder if you can help?"

Adikon hesitated for a moment and said a little cautiously: "Sir, the hull of the five three-masted sailing ship I ordered now costs 500 florins, and the weapons and other equipment cost a total of 900 florins, but this money is nothing compared to the salary. .

"An ordinary sailor at sea earns 11 to 15 florins a year, an excellent sailor earns 30 to 35 florins a year, a good seaman 60 florins a year, an ordinary sea soldier 40 florins a year, and an excellent sea soldier 1 80 florins per year, and at least 150 florins per year for elite sea warriors and captains, plus commission.”

"It's not unreasonable for their income to be so high, because people can die at any time at sea, and more importantly, they get seasick. Many people are very strong on land, but become as soft as slimes once they reach the sea."

After hearing this, Frederick said: "I understand what you mean. You are worried that the people I sent will get seasick."

Adikan admitted.

Frederick thought thoughtfully and said: "This is indeed a problem, but I will try to solve it."

"When are you leaving?"

Adikan didn't know what he was trying to do, so he replied: "I'll take the boat back to Amstel tomorrow."

Frederick thought for a moment and said: "Come to me before leaving tomorrow and help me bring a letter back."

There is no way to send the drawings through wireless communication now, so I can only ask him to bring the letter.

When preparing to say goodbye, Adiken seemed to suddenly remember something and whispered: "Sir, I heard that Shupaiya, the president of the Guild Hall Alliance, is seeking the position of Minister of Commerce in your territory. He plans to organize a group of maritime merchants to Weihai. Sembilan investment.”

Frederick's eyes narrowed slightly and he just smiled and thanked him for bringing the news.

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