Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 20 Just give orders.

Frederick currently had a problem that he didn't notice, and others didn't pay much attention to it. They treated it as a child who didn't know much.

His requirements for the accuracy of industrial products are too high, without taking into account the current actual technical level.

This is especially reflected in screw production, which is always based on the production level after the three industrial revolutions in the previous life.

Moreover, this guy forgot the "rivet" in "duo rivet steamed steel".

In the end, Ogilvy told him that the accuracy of such a screw does not need to be too high, so that the "Friedrich Pot" can be successfully initially finalized.

"But there is a shortage of people." Omet said a little helplessly, "There are too many things to do now, and even the blacksmith shop and carpenter shop are short of people."

Frederick thought the same thing, so he called Bryant and asked: "There is a shortage of people everywhere now. Do you know where to find a blacksmith?"

Bryant was helpless and said: "Most of the blacksmiths in the territory are here. No matter how we recruit people, there will be no one to repair the farm tools."

"If you want to recruit more people, you can only recruit young people who don't know anything."

"But they can't use it right away when they come. They can only follow us to do some hard work and learn while working. It takes two and a half years to get started."

"Everyone is busy now. If Mr. Auerbach and Mr. Jackson weren't old, I would have invited them back."

Frederick frowned. Craftsmen these days have a master-apprentice inheritance system, but an excellent blacksmith like Bryant has to work and take care of apprentices. The training efficiency is very low. Newcomers have to follow the master for at least two years. Only those who are half a year old can do some unskilled work independently.

"How about this," Frederick said, "How about I ask the Auerbach and Jackson you mentioned to come back to teach the newly recruited young people and do some simple work on the way?"

Bryant's face became a little weird, and he wanted to say something but didn't dare to say it. Finally, he said perfunctorily: "The newcomers are not strong enough yet. It will take at least a year to build up their strength."

Frederick saw it and asked, "Is there something I don't know?"

Bryant looked around and saw that Basf had already gone to find the slime. All Might walked away knowingly, and then whispered: "Master, the guild may not agree."

After some explanation, Frederick understood what was going on.

The blacksmiths' guild, like other guilds, uses occupation as a bond, pursues the spirit of unity, fraternity and mutual assistance, and conducts personnel management and process quality management for craftsmen in the industry.

Members of the Blacksmith Guild are formal blacksmiths like Bryant, or at least ordinary blacksmiths. Rough blacksmiths like apprentices are not eligible to join the guild.

If an ordinary person wants to become a blacksmith and no one recommends a master, he must first register at the blacksmith guild, and the guild will arrange a master. If the master and apprentice have agreed in advance, they will go to the guild to register together.

All guilds have regulations that a master can only have a maximum of 3 to 5 apprentices.

When an apprentice can start his apprenticeship, he must first apply to the master and be assessed by the guild. Only after passing the exam can he officially become a blacksmith.

At work, the master and apprentice also have a relationship of contractor and laborer. When the master receives a job, he will share some of it with the apprentice, and the same goes for the remuneration.

The blacksmithing part of the Wesson family blacksmith shop is actually a group of blacksmiths and foremans. Now it is led by Bryant, the newly promoted foreman. He arranges and subcontracts the work of each team, which is essentially a lot of manual work. A collection of workshops with only simple collaboration.

At the same time, the master craftsman has the power to judge whether the apprentice can become a master, which leaves room for secret operations.

Frederick's idea of ​​recruiting a new group of people and then finding retired blacksmiths to teach goes against the master-apprentice tradition and the economic system. The guild may not agree, and the blacksmiths may not be happy either.

Simple collaboration did not change the labor tools and operating methods of the handicraft workshop, it was just collaborative work under Frederick's command.

To increase productivity, in addition to new machines, new production relations are also needed.

More advanced than handicraft workshops is factory handicrafts. It is production labor based on manual technology and the division of labor of hired workers. It has nothing to do with the master-apprentice relationship. The form of production organization is already the shape of capitalists. Factory handicrafts are the first cry of capitalists and the origin of factories. Preliminary stage.

If there were no upcoming disasters, Frederick would begin to implement gradual reforms.

But it's not possible now. Hasty reform will definitely cause turmoil, and there may be big trouble when the disaster victims arrive. At present, the only way to solve the problem is to change the way of thinking.

Frederick returned to the castle before dinner and called the steward.

He asked Afu: "Can I take care of the affairs of the guilds in the territory?"

Ah Fu replied with confusion: "Sir, you can take care of everything in the territory. Who said you can't take care of it anymore?"

Frederick asked again: "What if the union doesn't listen to me?"

Ah Fu became even more confused and replied: "Of course if the hunting dogs are disobedient, they should be killed and replaced with obedient ones."

"My master's territory is not a free city like Nuremberg, so the guild does not have that much weight."

Frederick blinked and finally understood what was going on.

He often forgets one thing. He is now a member of the big family of the landlord class. He belongs to the ruling class. He is a local emperor who can do whatever he wants in the territory. Even if the right of first night is restored and changed to men, it is not impossible.

The handicraft guild is just a tool in his hands to manage civilians, and he can do whatever he wants.

After thinking about this, Frederick said to Afu: "Let the heads of each guild come to see me tomorrow afternoon."

Ah Fu saluted the master, and then sent people to inform the talkers in various guilds.

In the afternoon of the next day, all the blacksmiths, carpenters, stonemasons, tailors, cooks, coachmen, dockworkers and other guild members came to the castle and stood in a row in the living room. Dare to look up at the master.

Seeing them like this, Frederick had no intention of talking more.

"There are two things that you all know." Frederick said expressionlessly. "The first thing is that a canal will be dug in the territory in the autumn. This matter has been negotiated with the stonemason's guild of Nuremberg. ”

"When this canal opens, countless cargo ships will pass through our territory. At that time, not only can I make money, but also all walks of life can make money."

"I'm going to say it first, whoever has a problem with the canal digging project has a problem with me and the entire Wesen Territory!"

Having said this, Frederick looked at everyone, still looking cautious and accepting.

He continued: "The second thing is that many people will come to Wesenland soon."

"I know what everyone is saying privately, and I also know that some people are planning to take the opportunity to cheat on their wives or something like that."

"Now let me put my words here. Those new arrivals are all pitiful people. As long as they arrive in Wesenland, they are my people. We all work in the same place, and no one is more noble than the other. "

"[Wesen collar swears], who can be nobler than me?"

"When the time comes, no matter who commits the crime, I will treat them equally."

"Especially you, those from all walks of life who want to join the union, must treat them as locals."

"In the future, there will be more people coming and going in the territory, and the number of people needed in each industry will also increase."

"There are not enough people in the territory now, especially blacksmiths and carpenters, and then there are not enough masons, tailors, cooks, and coachmen."

"In order to increase manpower, I am announcing several new laws."

"Article 1: From now on, the limit on the number of disciples a master can take will be lifted."

"Article 2: The minimum wage standards set by various guilds include apprentices."

"[Weisen collar swears]! Someone was beaten to death in the middle of the night a few days ago. Don't think I don't know what happened."

"Article 3. Each guild will formulate technical level standards and assessment standards for employees based on apprentice, ordinary, excellent, sophisticated, epic, and legendary levels, and award gray, white, green, blue, purple, and orange badges respectively."

"I stress again, this standard must be strict, must be able to convince the public, and must be recognized by the entire continent!"

"Article 4: Each guild formulates a charter for establishing a training school, and finds a group of experienced craftsmen as teachers to teach those who grew up locally and those who are new. If you don't understand, go to Weissenburg University for advice."

"Today is July 15th. The first draft of the charter must be handed over to me before August 1st. I will give you a reply within 3 days and come up with the final charter according to my wishes within 15 days after the approval."

"If I can't do it, I'll find someone who can."

"I've finished speaking. If anyone has any opinions, please bring them up so that we can discuss them."

"Once you get out of this door, if you have any opinions, you must implement them for me. If anyone does some tricks secretly, hehe, let's give it a try."

After speaking, Frederick squinted his eyes and looked around at everyone in front of him.

In his previous life, he was in the construction industry and could not manage well without authority. Now he seemed to have returned to that time.

Ah Fu had been standing behind him, slightly shocked. He didn't expect that the master could be so majestic at such a young age.

Richard Nall stood outside the door, originally intending to defend his disciples if necessary, but now it seems that it is not necessary.

Psyche was watching the fun with a lollipop in her mouth, and said with a smile: "Don't underestimate that little guy."

The conversationalists hardly dared to express their opinions, and only one thick arm was raised tremblingly.

"Old... Master..." the talker of the dock workers' guild said tremblingly, "I... we are just working hard, there is no hierarchy."

Frederick glared at him fiercely and said coldly: "How many young people have twisted their waists there? Who the hell threw a box of glass jars on the ground last month and finally had no money to pay and hanged himself?" ?When was the last time a pile of things collapsed and killed someone?"

"Not to mention too many things, you can always get them at apprentice and ordinary levels, right?"

The people in the dockworkers' guild were speechless and lowered their heads in a cold sweat.

"Any more questions?" Frederick looked around and waved his hand after a moment, "If you have no problem, go back and start."

After everyone had finished walking, Frederick picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea.

Sometimes it's good to be a master, just keep on with the work arrangements, and kick him in the butt if he can't finish the work below.

Some small-scale reforms were also simple, and there were too many lords who were messing around. Frederick's grandfather even collected the beautiful tail feathers of pheasants to use them as hat decorations.

The so-called tradition sometimes comes from the whim of a certain master in the past, and the descendants wear it without changing it.

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