Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 21 Incredible Senior Sister

The servants in the castle have recently had something new to talk about secretly. Everyone is guessing why the master calls the meatballs as big as fists "lion heads".

Oxo, the maid in charge of the kitchen, has been watching the master doing it, and feels that the "lion head" method is quite complicated.

First, chop the fat pork and lean pork into 50-50 pieces, sprinkle in a little spice powder and salt, pour some water soaked in onion, ginger and wine, add a little starch and egg white, and stir with your hands in one direction. Mix, add some "vigor", and finally shape into fist-sized balls.

Then the chopped pork leg bones and skin were put into a pot of cold water for what is called "blanching" to remove the foam. The remaining broth was eaten by the servants as vegetable soup for dinner.

Wash the bones and meat skin and put them in the pot, add a few mushrooms, add water and boil, put the meatballs in, cover the lid, bring to a boil again, then simmer on low heat for an afternoon until dinner time, do not uncover it during this time cover.

Finally, the meatballs were put into a bowl, the soup was poured out, and the fat on them was drained out before being poured into the bowl. The excess went into the bellies of the servants.

It stands to reason that there should be a piece of Shanghai green leaf in the soup, but Frederick could only do this. The Shanghai green and other things could only wait for the next time the pagan who tried to sell soybeans to him as an oriental elixir came over. Let's see if she can get the seeds of Trichosanthes at some time.

"It's interesting." Richard Nall took a bite of the lion's head, "No wonder Miss Psyche asked for this."

Next to him sat a tall lady, twenty-seven or eighty years old, with black hair and eyes. She looked very quiet, and her figure was much stronger than that of ordinary women.

Richard Nall's daughter Katie just arrived in Weissenburg today. She previously lived on an island in the south of the Kingdom of Sardinia and was a well-known local painter and poet.

Psyche knew Katie, and she would make a fuss when she met her, but then she was skillfully dodged.

During the dinner, Richard Nall said to Frederick: "Frederick, Katie can be trusted. If you have any tasks, you can give them to her."

Katie said shyly: "I don't know if I can do it well, but I will try my best."

After receiving the letter from her father, she rushed over with all the cash, one person and three horses. When she saw Frederick for the first time, she thought he was the son of her junior brother.

She was very curious in her heart, what ability did this young junior fellow apprentice have that could make her father value him so much?

Frederick naturally trusted his senior sister. After taking a look at Psyche, he said: "There is something that can replace parchment. It is not high in cost and is very light. It can be used as a carrier for books, which can greatly reduce the price of books. There are many books. Everyone can afford it.”

"Really?!" Katie's black eyes widened in surprise. As a poet, she naturally understood the importance of this.

Frederick smiled at her and nodded, then looked at Psyche.

"Okay, okay." Psyche said dotingly, "Since little Katie is in charge, I will teach her myself."

"But I've said it first, there must be a portion of Katie's private money, just 30%."

Katie hurriedly refused: "Aunt Psyche, this is too much. Let's start counting again when we have a celebratory drink."

"Thirty percent is no problem." Frederick agreed immediately. "Weisenberg University recommended a bachelor named Koehler to participate. If he does a good job, he will be greatly rewarded."

Now papermaking is equivalent to Psyche's industry, and Frederick will agree to whatever arrangement she makes.

At this time, Richard Nall said to his daughter: "Bachelor Koehler is a professor at Weisenberg University. I met him once. He is very smart. If you have anything you don't know, you can discuss it with him."

Frederick raised his eyebrows and immediately discovered the problem.

He had previously asked Manuel to find someone from the school to take charge of the papermaking process. Manuel found a few candidates and gave them their names and basic information, but he didn't have time to interview them yet.

What's going on with Richard Nall that he can actually decide on the final candidate?

Just when Frederick was puzzled, Psyche was eating, and a voice penetrated his ears: "Koehler is the best among the unmarried candidates for the head of the papermaking industry."

Frederick instantly understood that the master was going to choose a husband for his senior sister.

He thought about it, the senior sister was not young, and his mother had already caught slimes for fun when she was her age.

Katie didn't seem to hear her father's words, so she turned to Psyche and said, "Aunt Psyche, my mother's manor has brewed a lot of good wine in the past few years, and she often talks about when you will go drink with her. "

"Forget it." Psyche immediately shook her head, "I still want to live a few more years."

"Also, Frederick is still young, so don't lead him into trouble."

Katie cried out as if she had been greatly wronged: "Don't make me look like a bad person."

Psyche just sneered, and others could tell at a glance whether she was wronged or not.

Katie looked at Frederick, with a kind smile on her face, and asked softly: "Brother Frederick, who do you think is more of a bad guy, me or Aunt Psyche?"

Frederick immediately replied seriously: "None of you are similar, I am the most similar."

Intuition exists, and it tells someone in Fei that this senior sister cannot be offended.

"Sister Katie," Frederick immediately changed the subject, "Can you tell me about the Kingdom of Sardinia? I haven't been to that far away place yet."

Katie smiled and said softly: "In the future, when you go to the Kingdom of Sardinia, especially to the south, if any gang bullies you, report my name. No one will dare to bully my brother."

Frederick was stunned, and the piece of preserved egg on the fork in his hand almost fell to the table.

Only then did he notice that Katie's nails were painted with black nail polish.

Psyche glanced at Frederick and saw that there was no one else in the restaurant, so she said to him: "Katie's mother comes from a famous gangster family in the south of the Kingdom of Sardinia. If you want to eat citrus, you can go to her."

Frederick's mouth twitched and he looked at Richard Nall.

Lord Sword Master didn't seem to notice anyone looking at him, he lowered his head and ate breakfast quietly.

Frederick put aside his gossip and asked about the tangerines.

Katie asked curiously: "Do you want to eat oranges? I wrote and asked my family to bring two cars over."

The level of fruit preservation these days is limited, so only thick-skinned fruits like citrus can be transported over long distances.

However, the logistics speed is too slow. Wesen is fine, but it cannot be transported further north.

Frederick curled his lips slightly and said, "I'm doing some experiments here. If the experiments are successful, the citrus pulp can be preserved for at least half a year."

He thought to himself that the teapot of broth that Manuel had cast necromantic magic on was almost ready to be opened.

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