Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 22 Unexpected Harvest

Some changes had taken place in Frederick's life since Katie's arrival.

For example, the last exercise every night was for Katie to slash him with a sword for about ten minutes, making him run and block until he was exhausted before stopping. After the exercise, he was given jelly.

Katie grew up by the sea and is familiar with all kinds of seafood, including seaweed, which is used to cook agar.

In the inland areas, the biggest role of agar was to clarify beer and wine. Frederick had no chance to see it, so he ate jelly at this time.

Frederick had a rest that day and planned to sleep until he woke up naturally, but Katie grabbed him out of bed and went to have breakfast.

Just after breakfast, Friedrich, a toxicologist from Weissenburg University, came to visit.

Frederick used some of his small funds to research roundworm drugs, and he came here today to report on the preliminary results.

In the living room, Friedrich poured a bottle of medicinal powder into a saucer and began to introduce it: "Principal, this is the roundworm medicine I recently developed, and it has been barely successful."

"In order to meet the requirements of reducing the side effects of drugs on humans, I no longer continue the previous idea of ​​poisoning the roundworms, but chose to anesthetize the roundworms."

"The medicine I am making now can effectively anesthetize the roundworms for a long time, so that they no longer crawl on the intestines. With a slight laxative, the worms can be expelled."

"I have done experiments with cattle, sheep, pigs and dogs. After eating it for three days, all the roundworms in the intestines can be expelled."

"But there is still a problem. This medicine will cause severe stomach pain when you first take it. This problem has not been solved yet."

"The medicinal materials used in this medicine are not expensive. The cost of three days of medicine is equivalent to a day's meal for an ordinary person in Weissenburg."

Frederick nodded slightly. The cost of a course of medicine was equivalent to a day's meal for city residents. It was not expensive. Plus the labor costs of packaging and doubling the profits would make it affordable for village tenant farmers.

It's just that the side effect of stomach pain is unacceptable. You can't just boil water and pour it in from behind.

"Is it just stomachache?" Katie asked suddenly.

The senior sister was very curious about what the junior brother was doing, so she followed to watch the fun.

Now she understood clearly that Frederick had someone make a medicine, but there was a problem with this medicine. It would cause stomachache if eaten.

Friedrich replied: "It's mainly stomachache. When the medicine reaches the intestines, you will feel a little dizzy and dozed off. This is not a big problem."

"That's easy." Katie showed a confident smile on her face, "Just keep the powder away from the stomach when it's in the stomach. Let's go to the kitchen."

Then Friedrich and Friedrich saw Katie's hand-rub capsules in the kitchen.

Boil the agar in some water. If you don't have any special tools, you can insert the handle of a table knife into it and dip it into a layer.

When you take out the knife, it doesn't take a moment for the agar to cool and solidify, and a small pouch is revealed when you take it out.

Use a small spoon to put the medicinal powder in, without putting the other half on it. Use two table knives to heat the backs of the knives and pinch the capsule to seal it.

"Hiss..." Frederick took a breath, "If poisoning in this way can delay the onset of the poison, it will be difficult to detect."

"Yes." Katie said calmly, "They are usually used for dead soldiers."

Frederick fell silent, deciding to pretend that he had heard nothing.

Back in the living room, Friedrich held a few capsules in his hand, observed and thought, and soon said: "If this method can effectively prevent the medicine from irritating the stomach, then many medicines can be taken directly."

"I'm also thinking of a powder for diarrhea and a powder for colds."

"Principal, let's build a pharmacy workshop."

Like everyone else at Weissenberg University, Friedrich also suffered from the problem of "looking at money."

A smile appeared on Frederick's face and he said, "No problem, it's just that I don't have that much energy recently."

Friedrich seemed to have considered this issue, patting his chest and promising to handle everything by himself, and the principal would just wait and count the money.

Frederick let him go and wrote a note on the spot asking him to go directly to Administrator Frick to get a piece of land to build a workshop.

During the next chat, Frederick asked curiously: "Wouldn't these powders irritate the intestines if eaten directly?"

In the afternoon, he, Katie, and Koehler were going to talk to Psyche about papermaking. In the morning, his mind was full of fiber. At this time, he remembered that eating wood fiber directly would cause physical stimulation to the intestines.

Friedrich asked curiously: "Why does it irritate the intestines?"

Frederick replied: "Those plant powders enter the intestines without being digested. They will irritate the intestines."

Friedrich understood and said: "Don't worry, these medicinal powders are obtained by boiling medicinal materials and dehydrating them. This makes them easy to store and will melt when exposed to water."

Frederick blinked, then his eyes widened.

He immediately put a little powder in the teacup, poured in the tea, stirred a few times, and the powder quickly dissolved.

"Is this method of drying medicine difficult?" he asked a little excitedly.

"It's not difficult, just a water-dispelling technique." Friedrich became excited, "Why, can it be used to make money?"

Frederick said happily: "Of course you can. After drying the milk into powder, it can be stored for a long time. When you want to drink it, just add water..."

He suddenly noticed that Friedrich and Katie were shaking their heads together, and he felt a little thump in his heart, and asked: "Why, is there something wrong with what I said?"

Katie touched his head and said in a coaxing tone: "Your idea is good, but you don't have to go to such trouble if you want to drink milk."

Frederick blinked and realized that he seemed to have made a mistake.

He was indeed wrong about milk's place here.

Because fresh milk is difficult to preserve, people prefer to eat processed dairy products such as cheese and butter that are easy to preserve.

And the nobles didn't like to drink milk and only used it in cooking.

Frederick was different. In order to drink fresh milk every day, he raised rotating cows in a special place at the foot of the castle hill. Everyone regarded it as just his hobby.

It is farmers in the villages who drink fresh milk, but they mostly drink whey left over from processed cheese, butter, and skim milk.

Cheese and butter are important sources of income for farmers. It is better to process them for money than to drink them yourself. The fresh milk that cannot be processed in time will be drank directly.

Seeing Frederick's disappointed look, Katie comforted him: "It's okay, the caravans and sailors might like it."

Frederick sighed. Selling milk powder in the pastoral era was indeed problematic. Only when the city develops in the future can this market be cultivated.

But he thought of another direction, so he asked Friedrich: "If it is broth, can you dehydrate the soup and the vegetables inside, and add hot water when you want to drink it."

Friedrich asked a little dumbfounded: "Is this necessary?"

"Yes." Frederick said with certainty, "For example, if you want to drink the best soup in the city, you can only go to that restaurant to drink it."

"If you store it dehydrated, you can just take it out and pour hot water into it when you want to drink it at home."

Friedrich was stunned for a moment, thought for a while, and said, "I think we can give it a try."

So they returned to the kitchen, where there was a pot of lentil soup stewed with lentils, onions, carrots, garlic, thyme, etc. ready to eat.

Frederick asked the cook to ladle a bowl of soup and put it on the table. Frederick asked the cook to put another empty bowl next to it, and then began to cast a spell.

As Friedrich sang, a blue magic circle appeared at the bottom of the soup bowl. After a moment, the fountain-like water element passed through the soup bowl without any hindrance and slowly gathered above.

In less than a minute, all the water molecules in the soup bowl were taken away by the water element and placed into the empty bowl under the control of Friedrich.

The soup bowl was full of soup, leaving only shriveled vegetables and some greasy residue. The water in the other bowl was very clear.

Friedrich said: "This magic has many functions, such as drying wood, extracting drinkable clean water from dirty water, and making low-alcohol wine into high-alcohol wine."

Katie added: "And killing people."

Frederick frowned. There must be this magic in the washing machine from now on.

Next comes the most important moment.

There was hot water in the kitchen, so I took a spoonful of it, stirred it, and soon a steaming bowl of lentil soup appeared again.

Everyone picked up the spoon and tasted it, then tasted the original lentil soup in the pot, and finally came to a conclusion.

"The taste is 90% the same as before," Friedrich said.

Katie chewed and said, "The taste of beans and carrots is a bit different, but it's passable."

Frederick nodded, thinking that the only pre-processing technology for instant noodles now is the packaging bag.

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