Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 23 Preliminary layout completed

As the head cook of Weissenburg's kitchen, Oxo is young but has outstanding abilities and manages the kitchen in an orderly manner.

However, when the master became so playful that he kept drying various foods and then soaking them in water, she didn't know what to do for a while.

When Frederick did enough experiments, he found that his lunch had also been used to dehydrate him.

Katie scratched his head and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, you can eat some pies, just drink more soup."

Lunch was spent amid Psyche's grumblings about the food, and Frederick pretended not to hear.

Koehler came to the castle to have lunch with the principal for the first time. He couldn't figure out for a while whether the principal liked dry food, so he chose to shut up.

Richard Nall has been chatting with him about home affairs. He carefully answered questions such as how many acres of land his family has, how many people they have, and whether they have bought a house.

Frederick thought that Koehler was in his early thirties, a man of talent, gentle manner, and clear in thinking when talking, which was considered good.

Katie merely maintained table manners and concentrated on eating the dry offal pie.

After the boring lunch, Psyche took Katie and Koehler to Frederick's study, which she had commandeered for the day.

She drew a lot of drawings in the morning, and now she explained them one by one to the two of them. Frederick was listening to her papermaking skills.

Then Frederick looked confused when he heard this, thinking that this could still happen? !

Psyche's method of making paper doesn't sound very complicated.

The raw materials used in papermaking are commonly used white pine and other pine wood. The trunks are peeled and then sawed into sections. They are placed on a machine modified from a hydraulic lathe to cut out 2 to 3 mm thick slices. Finally, these slices are cut into 16 mm thick slices in the direction of the wood fiber. ~20mm, several centimeters wide, parallelogram-shaped wood slices, cut at an angle to increase the exposure of fiber cells in preparation for the next process.

At the same time, pound the green acid slime and boil it in a clay pot with water. Boil the water until it turns green, then filter and dehydrate to obtain dark green pure acid slime. Store it for later use.

Add water to a large earthenware pot and then add one-fiftieth of the volume of slime acid and mix well. Steam the thin wood chips in the steamer for an hour and then put them into the pot while they are still hot to ensure that all the wood chips are not submerged in the acid.

Then cover the lid and light the fire to heat, let the acid boil slightly, open the lid and stir occasionally, and let the wood chips cook in the acid for about 3 hours, until the wood chips are very soft.

There are three grinding mills prepared in the mill. They are made of stone and the grinding surface is made of steel. The pattern of each grinding wheel is different, from coarse to fine.

The wood chips are taken out of the acid solution, rinsed in clean water, and then undergo three grinding processes: coarse grinding, medium grinding and fine grinding, and finally the wood pulp is obtained.

After adding water, agar as a dispersant and calcium carbonate as a filler, the wood pulp can enter the papermaking process, followed by flattening and dehydration.

This set of process flow does not seem complicated, but in actual operation there are still many details to be solved. Just the concentration of wood pulp, the proportion of dispersant and filler, and the thickness of paper during papermaking require a lot of experiments, not to mention the It is necessary to build factories, order special equipment and train employees.

Frederick estimated that it would be good to produce usable paper in a year.

Next, there is printing, the materials of the metal typefaces, and the ink formulas, all of which need to be continuously studied.

After Psyche explained the process and started talking about the details, a guest came to Frederick.

BASF looked very happy today, and the bright smile on its face changed from the 10 o'clock sun in the summer morning to the 12 o'clock sun after seeing Friedrich walk into the living room.

Frederick saw some dark circles under his eyes and bloodshot eyes, and couldn't help asking: "What, did you stay up late?"

BASF immediately responded: “As long as it can relieve the principal’s worries, it doesn’t matter how tired I am!”

Frederick shook his head and pointed to the sofa for him to sit down. After Tarot served the tea, he said: "No matter how busy you are at work, you must have a good rest. Don't trade health for money when you are young. Trade money for health when you are old. .”

BASF immediately stood up and said loudly: "Remember the principal's instructions!"

Frederick, with a black hair, waved his hand to let him sit down, and asked with a smile: "Why do you feel so much pressure to pay for your wife?"

BASF's face suddenly turned red and he was speechless.

Frederick stopped teasing him, pointed to the leather bag at his feet and said, "Show me what you brought."

BASF immediately took out the slime glue samples he had brought and placed them one by one on the coffee table.

Frederick studied it calmly and sighed.

BASF's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly became nervous. His hands clenched into fists, his face looked ashen, and he wondered if he was doomed.

"I can't figure it out." Frederick asked with a question mark on his head, "You have a chicken that lays golden eggs in your hand, why are you still worried about your wife?"

BASF was stunned for a moment and replied with a smile on his face: "Without your wisdom, principal, the hen would not be able to lay eggs."

Frederick gave him a look. Who do you think he is, a friend of hens?

BASF immediately changed the subject and said: “When we were in Constantbul, we scholars received high salaries every year and we didn’t have to worry about money at all.”

"There is nothing we can do now. Everyone has lost such a high income after escaping here. Although they will not starve to death, they cannot live the same life as before. They can only find ways to make money."

"Professor All Might has recently received a lot of commission from making bearings for the principal, and his wife has lifted his drinking restrictions."

"Professor Osram and his students borrowed money from various places to install street lights in Weisenberg, and the principal approved land for him to build a workshop. After a long time, 10% of the borrowed money was repaid."

"There are even businessmen who are willing to lend money to Professor Osram to build a workshop without any interest, as long as the professor first satisfies the goods he wants."

"If Vice-Chancellor Manuel hadn't reminded us, everyone would have been focused on making money and forgotten to recruit students."

After hearing this, Frederick smiled and said, "I told everyone to go to the cities and villages more and take a look. Maybe we can get some inspiration."

Then he picked up a piece of transparent slime glue and flicked it, making a crisp sound.

"Have you ever thought of using this material instead of glass?" asked Frederick.

BASF replied: "This kind of transparent hard glue is somewhat brittle. It becomes more brittle than the original after it is colored. It is easy to break when used to make utensils."

In addition to windows and mirrors, the glass these days is all kinds of colorful cups, bowls, jars and handicrafts.

Frederick pointed to the window and said: "Try to use it to replace the glass on the window."

BASF smiled bitterly and replied: "No, I have tried it. It is too brittle and will break if the vibration is greater."

Frederick nodded, picked up a similarly transparent piece of slime glue and thought about it.

This piece of glue is a little hard when pinched and has some elasticity, a bit like an eraser.

"How about you try this." He said with a hard glue in one hand and a transparent soft glue in the other. "A layer of this elastic glue is sandwiched between two hard boards and see if the effect improves."

BASF will try it as soon as the expression comes back.

Frederick picked up another piece of elastic glue, which was yellow, softer and more elastic. He pulled it twice and then started playing with it.

He asked Tarot to get a knife, cut out a piece of yellow glue, hollowed it out, and used it as a rubber band to pop on BASF's forehead.

"Yes!" Frederick said in surprise, "This is of great use!"

BASF replied somewhat proudly: "I once used this slime glue to improve the seat of the carriage, and it was not so jarring when I sat on it."

Frederick nodded and said: "If there is a stronger, more wear-resistant and more elastic glue, it can be used as the sole of the shoe, or it can be used as a layer on the outside of the wheel."

"This kind!" BASF immediately picked up a piece of black slime glue and handed it over. "I made this kind of black glue by accident. I originally wanted to use it as a helmet lining."

Frederick took the black piece of slime and studied it. It looked a bit like a rubber tire.

He nodded and picked up the next slime film.

This slime glue is milky white, has good strength and toughness, and reminds him of the fork in the bucket of noodles in his previous life.

"Can this kind of glue be used to make tableware?" Frederick asked. "When two molds are pressed together, a bowl can be made."

"Tens of thousands of disaster victims will arrive soon. Just having a bowl for each person to eat is enough to give people a headache."

"Yes!" BASF immediately replied, "I originally planned to use this glue to make a folding fan. It is strong enough."

Frederick smiled and asked him: "Are you planning to imitate Ivory?"

BASF smiled and said nothing.

Frederick picked up the last slime glue, which was the kind of film he had seen in the blacksmith shop.

BASF used its ingenuity and came up with two finished products.

A plastic bag that can almost hold a watermelon is made by brushing a layer of slime glue on the outside of the iron pot. After it cools and solidifies, it can be peeled off and used.

Weave fine linen threads into a net, place it between two pieces of dyed film, and then use an iron or the like to iron them to combine them into one, which can be used to directly make a rainproof cloak or tent.

After reading all the slime glue, Frederick wrote a note approving land and money and said, "Very good. Next, I will give you a task. Produce as many tableware, plastic bags and tarpaulins as possible in a short time." , are there any difficulties?"

BASF immediately responded: “I don’t have the manpower.”

Frederick had no idea about the manpower problem, so he could only say: "Ask the blacksmiths and carpenters, if any woman is willing, just go to work."

BASF thought for a while and came up with an idea to use public interests for personal gain, and immediately agreed.

After the two discussed some details, BASF left without even having dinner.

Frederick leaned on the sofa, closed his eyes, and recalled the recent arrangements.

Canals, agriculture, steel, maltose, bearings, pharmaceuticals, papermaking, slime glue, etc. have been arranged, which is enough for the current Wesenland.

There is no opportunity in the glass industry, and I don’t have the energy to take care of it now. I can only talk about it later.

The textile industry needs to be developed, but we need to open the canal to make trade routes smooth before we start thinking about it. Otherwise, raw materials will be a problem.

Frederick rubbed his face, and then he had to concentrate on welcoming the victims.

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