Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 24 Change a style

When Frederick walked into the restaurant to have breakfast, he noticed that Katie looked at him a little differently.

"Sister," he asked doubtfully, "what's wrong with me?"

Katie smiled and said, "Look at your cuffs."

Frederick didn't know why, raised his hand to look at it, and then understood.

Now that he is growing taller, he has been getting enough nutrition and exercise, and the clothes he made a year and a half ago are already too short.

"It's time for you to have a new outfit made," said Katie. "Let the tailor come this afternoon."

Frederick found that the clothes would not last until next year, so he asked Afu to call the tailor in the afternoon.

Nowadays, the textile industry is stuck in the manual stage. In society, only the rich wear new clothes, while the poor don't know how to wear old clothes.

Of course, Frederick wore tailor-made clothes. The clothes he was wearing were made of fine materials. He would see which of Wesson's children was suitable for him and send them to him. there is a need.

But now that the family has no money, silk materials with exquisite embroidery are too expensive, so he decided to wear something simpler.

This morning was Psyche's magic class. The content of the class was the difference between magicians and warriors.

Psyche said straightforwardly: "Magicians have great magical abilities. They can carry hundreds of kilograms of stones and throw them hundreds of meters away. Soldiers' magical abilities are not that great. They can carry stones but can't throw them far. So I carried it to the gym.”

Frederick understood. Magicians use magic power to perform long-range attacks, and soldiers use magic power to strengthen their bodies.

"But aren't the two contradictory?" he said, "Magicians can also use magic power to strengthen themselves."

Psyche was silent for a moment, stretched out her hand and gently stroked Frederick's head, and said in an incomprehensible tone: "Human energy is limited. If you want both things, you often end up getting neither." .”

Frederick said "Oh" and then asked: "So do you have any suggestions for me?"

Psyche replied seriously: "Train 30 hours a day."

Frederick blinked. There are 24 hours a day, 30 days a month, and 360 days a year. How can we train for 30 hours a day?

"You are still too young." Psyche just smiled and said, "Let's talk about it when we grow up."

"Don't be too ambitious. The most important thing is to lay a solid foundation while you're still young."

Frederick could only nod obediently.

Next, Psyche explained to him the principles of exercising mental strength and strengthening the body with magic power, and finally said: "Strengthening the body with magic power is no joke. If something goes wrong... I can recommend you to become a eunuch in the southern palace. "

Frederick quickly shook his head and waved his hands and said, "No, no, no, I don't have to do that kind of thing!"

Psyche sneered: "Oh, man..."

After the day's class was over, when Psyche was about to leave the study for lunch, she found that Frederick had no intention of leaving, but was writing and drawing there.

"What are you doing again?" She walked behind Frederick curiously.

Frederick said while painting: "I am very dissatisfied with the current men's clothing and decided to carry out reforms!"

The decoration style of aristocratic clothing these days is the same as that of the wealthy people in his previous life, which emphasizes splendor, complexity and exaggeration, gorgeous luxury, high-end atmosphere and class.

The clothes are all made of bright and eye-catching colors. Frederick's current outfit is bright yellow. The tailors are eager to embroider complex embroidery on every inch of the fabric. They will never use one lace where two laces can be used. There are also two laces on the shoulders. Make a ball.

Such flashy clothes were okay, and Frederick could accept it when he went to the countryside to do as the Romans did. However, he couldn't accept the colorful tights with bulging bulges. He had been putting up with them for many years, and now that he was the master of the house, he didn't need to put up with it.

Psyche smiled "haha" after seeing his design and said nothing.

The Wesson family previously held the title of earl, and they still have some background. There is an epic tailor in the family.

Luo Meng guessed that the young master should change his clothes. After receiving the news in the morning, he was already gearing up to show off his talents, and then...

"what is this?"

"What is this?"

"What are these?"

Romon looked at the drawings provided by Frederick in confusion, unable to react for a moment.

Frederick felt that the clothes he designed were not very shocking, but they were in the Victorian style of his hometown, mainly shirts, vests, coats, double-breasted coats and trousers, with bowler hats, ties, walking sticks and leather shoes.

But, it's hard to say whether he will be regarded as a "killer" in this era.

"Very simple clothes." Frederick said to Romond. "The fabric of the summer clothes should be linen, the winter clothes should be wool, and the winter lining of the coat should be fur."

Psyche, who was watching the excitement from the sidelines, thought to herself, it’s a good thing this guy didn’t design a military coat, otherwise this epic tailor would have been here today.

Katie was back in curiosity mode, studying Frederick's new design.

"Are you wearing this dress to show off your figure?" She has profound art skills and immediately grasped the key point.

"The most beautiful thing in the world is people!" Frederick immediately quoted a verse from the Light Church scriptures, "Clothes and accessories are just embellishments, green leaves cannot take away the beauty of flowers!"

Psyche complained: "What do you think you are?"

Frederick pretended not to hear.

Luo Meng said worriedly: "That's what I said, but I might be ridiculed by the world, so why not..."

Before he could finish speaking, Frederick spread his hands and said helplessly: "To be frank, my family has no money. I asked Afu to take the money and go south to buy cotton coats for the victims."

The people who went to inquire about the situation of the victims have returned. The situation of the victims who were driven towards Wesson was worse than expected. At least 20% of them may have died along the way.

The victims were like locusts when passing through the noble territories along the way. The seeds and seedlings sown in the summer were dug up and eaten, and there were countless conflicts with local residents.

For a time, the dissatisfaction of the lords and common people with King William increased a lot.

This is why Frederick became interested in dehydrated food and asked BASF to quickly get out the plastic bags, tableware and tarps. He decided to take the initiative.

Luo Meng didn't know these things. He only knew that the master had no money, so there was nothing he could do.

A traditional set of clothes for Frederick cost at least 10 florins. Now the cost of buying this outfit is estimated to be 2 to 3 florins, which can save about ten tons of coarse grains.

Now the grain merchants all know that Weisenling will have a huge grain shortage for a long time to come, and they all want to raise prices.

Fortunately, Frederick was able to use maltose as a bargaining chip, and instead allowed these jackals to take the initiative to lower the price.

Moreover, the cash on Frederick's hand was almost exhausted. The newly made bearings recently were used on the carriages in his own territory and were not sold. He could only rely on bartering with maltose and selling steel ingots to keep the capital chain intact.

With the craftsmanship of Romon and his disciples, a new suit was made in less than ten days after taking Frederick's measurements.

As soon as Frederick put it on and looked in the mirror, someone came to give him money.

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