Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 25 First Arrival at Wesen Territory

The port of Weissenburg is different from other places. The moat is like a centipede surrounding the city. The river is the trunk. Piers that can accommodate two boats are dug out on both sides of the river bank, like legs on both sides of the trunk. Colored flags distinguishing regions.

Ships sail directly from the Swabian Rezat River into the moat. At this time, you will see a huge wooden sign like a city wall on the riverside. The words half a person high on it tell you which goods should be unloaded at the port in which area.

A cargo ship loaded with chickpeas and salt is about to dock at a dock in the blue area, and the three passengers on the ship are also preparing to disembark.

Armand, who came from the Kingdom of Gaul, said to his two followers: "Baron Friedrich von Wesson, who is only eight years old, is now in charge of Wesson. There should be chaos in the territory. You should be careful and don't be afraid of trouble. And don’t cause trouble.”

The fat red-haired man and the short blond man behind him immediately agreed.

The cargo ship quickly docked at the dock, and the planks for disembarkation had just been laid. Immediately, tax officials boarded the ship to inspect the goods. The agent man, known as the "Ninety-Eight Man", and the foreman of the dock workers were waiting on the shore for the captain to disembark. Talk business.

Armand was not in a hurry to get off the ship. He followed the cargo owner and the captain to see how the taxes were here.

This is the first time the cargo owner has been doing business here in Weissenburg. He has several silver coins ready in his pocket. If necessary, he can do a trick and the silver coins will appear in the tax official's pocket.

As long as the tax officials count less goods and share the tax savings, the cargo owners will make a profit.

The tax official got on the boat and saw that it was all chickpeas and salt. He took out a piece of parchment from his bag and handed it to the cargo owner. He said with a smile: "Wesen now claims all the grain, salt and oil entering the customs are tax-free. You just need to Just go through the process and that’s it.”

The cargo owner had a bright smile on his face. The tax exemption was not a small amount, so he filled out the form immediately.

The agent brother off the boat knew what the boat was carrying when he saw the tax official's gestures when he got off the boat. By the time he got on the boat, he had already taken out several orders from his wallet.

Armand and the cargo owner were studying the list, which showed the price at which the local Weissenburg Chamber of Commerce purchased chickpeas, as well as warehouse rent and handling fees. Even the 2% commission from the intermediary brother was clearly marked.

Table salt is simple, sold exclusively by the Wesson family.

The prices of bulk commodities are all determined by internal negotiations within the local chamber of commerce. They are all the same price, but each chamber of commerce has its own advantages and can purchase the chamber's flagship goods at a discount.

The owner was very interested in Wesson syrup and kept asking the agent. Armand was surprised that the steel ingots were so cheap, only 60% of those in the Kingdom of Gaul.

In addition, Armand also felt something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong at the moment.

The owner decided to purchase a batch of Wesson syrup. At this time, the agent took out another order and said to him: "I suggest you find a mill to grind the beans into powder and then exchange them for syrup. This way you can get more money." .”

"Recently, a big customer came from the south. The syrup has been out of stock for the past two days. You can go to the Yelena Chamber of Commerce with me with the mill contract. I still have some respect there, so you can wait in line until the soybean flour is ground. It’s your turn, hand me the bean powder in one hand and syrup in the other.”

The cargo owner thought for a while that this would save the cost of renting a warehouse and moving multiple times, so he agreed.

At this time Armand coughed twice slightly.

The owner of the cargo immediately said to the agent according to the prearranged words: "This is the young master of our family, come out together this time."

The agent's eyes lit up. When he saw Armand just now, he thought this young man was an accountant, but he didn't expect him to be a big shot.

When he took another look, he realized that he had made a mistake. Although this young man was in his early twenties, with an unimpressive appearance and wearing ordinary clothes, his bookish aura could not be concealed upon closer inspection. He was just like the scholars who came to Wesenland not long ago.

"Nice to meet you!" He immediately took out a wooden sign and handed it over with both hands, "You can enjoy discounts in Wesenland as long as you go to pubs and hotels with this sign."

Armand took the wooden sign and looked at it. The wooden sign was the size of a palm and was polished very smooth. The words and patterns on it were all stamped with fire. The pattern on the front was a hand with a thumb extended, and on the back it read "Welcome to Wesson" Collar, it feels like home here." There is also a series of numbers in the lower right corner.

The young people still don't know that Weisen's tricks are so deep that they can save money when they go out, so they happily put away the card.

Armand asked the agent: "Why is the price of the mill so low and the mill is kept for free for two days? Is there some hidden secret that we don't know about?"

Although he had never done business, there was a mill in his family's territory, and he was a top student who graduated from a military school and another academy. After calculating the currency exchange rate, he found that the price of the mill on the list was half the normal price.

The agent immediately shook his head nervously and denied: "No, no! There is absolutely no hidden secret!!"

“Ever since the young master’s stewardship, it has been a law to clearly mark the price. If the price is not suitable, you can negotiate, but if you charge extravagantly for items that are not on the price list, you will be fined a large sum of money!”

Armand was shocked, and his view of Frederick changed a little, and he thought: "Maybe there is an expert behind him."

But that doesn't explain why mills here are so cheap.

"With the young master here, isn't it normal that our waterwheel is powerful?" the agent said matter-of-factly.

Bearings are no secret to the people of Weissenburg, but ordinary people's ability to express and understand is limited. After spreading it several times, everyone only knows that the young master and the scholars who came to him have made something very powerful.

Armand decided not to visit Frederick first, but his intuition told him that he should look around here first.

As long as the mill is cheap, it will be cheap, and no one will have trouble with money.

Next the cargo ship began to move the cargo.

The foreman of the dock workers took a look at the goods on the ship, immediately quoted the price, and started arranging manpower after the owner agreed.

Armand and his two followers stood at the bow of the ship, watching the dock workers on the shore unloading materials from the carriage, building a human crane, and then began to unload the goods.

After a while, the cargo owner suddenly shouted to the dock worker: "Enough is enough! Don't be greedy, just make two more trips, don't throw away my salt!"

His ship of salt was all packed in wine barrels, because he had heard that there was a lot of demand for containers such as wine barrels in Wesenland. Once the salt was sold out, the wine barrels could also be sold.

Now the carriage is filled with a cart full of salt, and the barrels are stacked on two levels. It was not even loaded with that much when it was loaded onto the ship.

If there are too many things in a cart and the horse cannot move, pulling hard may cause the goods to fall down.

The driver looked back at the goods on the car and said, "It's okay. I only have a few things, so I can pull them."

The agent said proudly: "Don't worry, because of the young master, our carriage can pull more things than other places!"

Armand frowned, realizing what he felt was wrong just now.

Not only is the mill here cheap, but the freight is also ridiculously cheap.

It would make sense if the carriages here could pull more things than elsewhere, but what was the secret behind the increased transportation capacity?

Armand couldn't figure it out unless he got under the car.

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