Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 206 A bastion filled with explosives

The shipbuilding industry in Hanma City is quite developed. There are many shipyards along the Elbe River. There is no shortage of hydraulic sawing machines, excellent carpenters and raw materials.

A lot of gold coins were scattered, and the shipbuilding stopped for a while. Planks, carpenters, and nails continued to come to the construction site in the east of the city.

The farmers who came here earlier were farmers who had just finished harvesting oats from the surrounding villages. They brought tools and dug trenches according to the lime lines on the ground.

If you look down from the air, you can see that the ditch dug in the ground is in the shape of a "☆".

In Frederick's hometown, the use of the first generation of artillery led to the emergence of bastions, and here, the reason why he opened the bastion was to promote the power of the revolver rifles equipped by the armies of the Archduke of Mainz and the Archduke of Bayern.

The carpenters quickly nailed the templates under Frederick's instructions, and the stone merchants also transported the stones.

The militiamen from Wesson's army who were responsible for building the fortress brought steam engines, mixers and cement from Wesson. They were originally intended to build a dock for Baron Wesson next year and advertise it, but it was just right now.

The bastion he designed is in the shape of a "☆". Each side of the pentagonal area formed by the five obtuse angles of the bastion is 120 meters long. The usable area is about 25,000 square meters. It can accommodate more than 4,000 people and supplies without any problem.

The total length of the exterior wall is 1942 meters. The design refers to the upright shoulder retaining wall. The above-ground part is about 4.4 meters high, the underground part is 1.1 meters high, the top is about 1.4 meters wide, the bottom is about 2.5 meters wide, and the top is 1.5 meters high and 0.5 meters thick. The parapet wall has no crenels but is equipped with a shooting port every 0.5 meters so that people can kneel down and shoot. Each corner has a shooting port for a triple pea gun. The project volume is about 22,000 cubic meters.

Dig a trench more than ten meters outside the wall parallel to the wall, 3 meters deep and 4 meters wide. The excavated soil is piled up on this side of the wall to form a 2-meter-high right-angled slope. It takes 5 meters to climb up from the bottom of the trench. The meter-high distance is enough for the firepower behind to call names calmly.

However, there was not enough cement, and Frederick could not build a pure concrete bastion, so he used rubble concrete walls.

Time was tight and the task was heavy. Party A’s father was willing to spend money, and the surrounding farmers were willing to take advantage of the slack to work part-time. In addition, there were enough meat tubes for three meals a day and midnight snacks, so the original three shifts became two shifts. The city wall grows upward at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Frederick and a few old men who had worked in the industrial park were the busiest. On the one hand, they had to keep an eye on the mixer, and on the other hand, they had to watch the farmers working who could make people hypertensive.

Placing stones is a technical job, and attention must be paid to the overlapping of stones, the pulling of stones between different layers, etc.

The magicians responsible for vibrating were also very tired. Several local magicians who knew the earthquake magic came to see the fun and chatted with them. They immediately changed jobs after learning that the wages here were high and the work was not dangerous.

Some spies and onlookers observed the construction site from a distance for a while, and left with disdain after seeing that this so-called fortress was just stuffing stones into wooden boards.

The formwork was dismantled at night. These wooden boards are still useful. A wooden platform needs to be built inside the wall. Otherwise, the top of the wall is less than 1 meter wide and there is no way for people to stand on it.

Then Frederick asked people to hang the large pieces of cloth that had been prepared sealed with old sacks, broken sails, etc. on the wall, arranged for people to water them from time to time, and began to maintain the wall.

The spies took a look and saw rags hanging on the wall and watering them. They thought that the wall was made of stone between two wooden boards. At most, it was compacted with soil. Sprinkling water on the cloth must be to prevent the wooden boards from being ignited.

Outside the bastion, the Archduke Byrne and the Archduke of Mainz arranged for farmers to dig trenches, and barbed wire was stretched between the trenches.

They also worried about what if the enemy used a giant trebuchet.

"Don't worry!" Bruce said to the two archdukes, "A large trebuchet needs to be 200 meters away from the city wall to throw heavy bombs, and rifles can hit it. If it can throw light bombs, it can be 500 meters away, and we still have this!"

After the craftsmen in the bastion left, Frederick allowed reinforcements and supplies from the territory to enter.

This time, the Springfield Arsenal formed a team, led by factory director Bruce himself, and brought some experimental weapons. Frederick arranged them in the bastion.

What they mainly brought was a weapon that gave Frederick a bit of a toothache. The launcher of this thing was actually a mortar, using a 100㎜ jet tank originally prepared for a jet cannon, with a caliber of 50㎜. When necessary, it can fire Cherry Cannon grenades, but the arsenal has equipped it with several types of super-caliber artillery shells.

These cannonballs have a large head with fins around the head to keep the flight stable, and a steel tail tube at the end that is inserted into the barrel.

Bruce held up a long-tailed cannonball with a small head and said: "This can hit a place of 1,000 meters. Even if the magic crystal cannon comes, you won't be afraid."

Nowadays, the magic crystal cannon has a range of 700 to 800 meters, and it is large and heavy. It is generally only used to defend cities, and its range is not as good as the new weapons.

At this time, Archduke Byrne held his chin and said to the Archduke of Mainz: "How about we get a magic crystal cannon from Hanma City and point it at the gate. If the gate is breached, we will fire a cannon."

This was the first time that the Grand Duke of Mainz heard that the magic crystal cannon had a bayonet. After thinking about it for a moment, he said: "I think it's okay, so let's get a small one, otherwise it would be bad to enlarge the doorway."

Bruce was convinced, and pointed to other boxes and said: "There are some grenades here. The master said they were too heavy. The distance they can throw is not much greater than the killing range. They are suitable for defense, so he asked me to bring them." .”

Nowadays, insufficient firepower syndrome is spreading in the Springfield Arsenal. For example, this experimental grenade is so heavy that even warriors who have begun to embark on the road to extraordinary power can only throw it more than thirty meters, and its killing radius 30 meters.

After opening the box, the Archduke of Mainz picked up one, weighed it, and said to Archduke Byrne with a smile: "Should we have a competition then?"

Archduke Byrne picked up the instruction manual and studied it. He snorted and said, "I'm afraid you'll just throw it out without pulling the string, and it will be a waste of good stuff."

He turned to Bruce and asked, "What other good things did you bring?"

"Landmines." Bruce walked aside and opened a box and said, "There are mines for cleaning infantry phalanxes, there are mines for preventing sneak attacks at night, and there are also mines designed to bomb cavalry."

"Specialized in bombing cavalry?" The two archdukes were a little surprised. Wesen State's weapons are so smart?

Bruce saw their thoughts and explained with a smile: "Actually, its fuse is relatively tight. If ordinary people step on it too lightly, it will not explode. If it is stepped on by a man and a horse, it will explode only if the weight is enough. Heavy infantry can also do it. "

"By the way, if any idiot jumps on it, it will explode too."

Archduke Byrne nodded and said, "That's good. Who came up with this ghost idea?"

Bruce scratched his head sheepishly.

At this time, he suddenly thought of something and said hurriedly: "These weapons need to be dispersed and stored. It is best to dig pits and put them inside. If they are burned by fire, we will be completely ruined!"

This reminder made the two Grand Dukes break into a cold sweat. They had watched the training of the Wesson Army. The power of a small cherry cannon grenade was so powerful. Look at the piles of boxes containing big ones around them...

The two men immediately asked people to dig a hole in the ground and put all these things in.

At this time, a soldier from the Wesson Army came to report that the wireless communication equipment had been installed and debugged.

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