Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 207 Talents cannot be let go

On the second Sunday in October, Frederick and several of his men participated in the team-building activities of the Church of Light in the church in the city, and then chatted with the local bishop for a while.

After the "Angel Coming" occurred in the city of Cologne, a three-day and three-night meeting was held in the Holy City. After the meeting, an important internal document was issued, identifying Frederick as an important member of the secret investigation team of the headquarters, and requiring churches, monasteries, and Departments such as the chapel must speak nicely when receiving guests, making him feel as if he is home. They must attach great importance to his requests and try to satisfy them as much as possible. If they are unable to satisfy them, they must immediately report them to the superior department.

When the bishop of Hanma City faced Frederick, his smile was like the warm spring breeze, and he was very energetic.

Fortunately, Frederick just paid for the church to send a batch of food to the bastion outside the city in the name of the church, and the bishop immediately agreed.

Although the grain depot in Hanma City caught fire the day before yesterday and is still smoking, the church has many branches and has its own system, so purchasing food from the rear is not a problem.

After walking out of the church, Frederick said to Helmut and Tony, who were following today: "Let's walk around the city and see what delicious food there is."

The commander said this, and the two of them obeyed.

However, they walked on the street for a while and discovered that the most popular delicacy in Hanma City was Weisen Bao.

Unlike the two buns in Weissensee where there are only sausages, beef patties, pork patties and chicken patties between the two buns, there are abundant seafood here, including fish patties, grilled fish fillets, shrimp patties, and shell patties. Yes, there is another one that sells crab roe inside.

There are many handicraftsmen and dockworkers in the city. It is noon now, and Wesson bags, a convenient and fast food, are very popular. A store's sales during breakfast and lunch can account for 90% of the whole day's sales.

These shops were all for buying and leaving, and there was no dine-in. Frederick and the others packed a few bags of seafood and went back.

Christian arrived at Hanma City after finishing other things, and Frederick happened to be eating and talking with him.

While eating, Frederick said to him: "You need to go to the city of Edenbura in Caledonia, north of the Isle of England, to look for a scholar named Adam. His last name is unknown. I just found out about him. His hometown is there."

"He visited Wesson State for a period of time from last year to the beginning of this year and published several articles in the economic section of the Wesson Daily."

"I don't know if he has gone home. If you see him, you have to be as obedient as a grandson and invite him to come to Weissensee to be the Secretary of Commerce with an annual salary of 500 florins. If this is done, you will be like him. It’s a baron.”

"After meeting him, please tell him something for me: 'Instead of observing from the sidelines, it is better to join in. Practice is the only criterion for testing truth.'"

Christian immediately took the order.

There is currently no baron in the state of Wessen that can be passed down to the family. The Duke of Wessen announced at the beginning of the year that on his 16th birthday, he would be canonized Minister of Administration Frick, Minister of Taxation Neuer, Justice Otto, and the current Chairman of the Football Association, Mr. Knight Franz, Vice-President Manuel of Weissenburg University, University Professor Omet and several other people with knighthoods are barons.

Some of these people are family elders, and some of them have developed great strength in Weisen State, and everyone has no objection to this.

Christian was a baron when he was with Rudolf. He was lying if he said he didn't want to get another title, but he also knew that his qualifications and merit were not enough, so he was not in a hurry.

Now Adam has the title of baron as soon as he comes, and he also holds the important position of Secretary of Commerce. It can be seen that this person's ability has been recognized by Duke Wesson. Christian is a little envious, but he is more thinking about how to hold his thigh. .

As the foreign minister of Weissensee, he had the authority to use wireless communications. While communicating with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he asked his subordinates to check what kind of articles Adam had published, and asked him to take him to the city of Edenbora to meet him.

This matter was not concealed and soon spread in Hanma City.

Except for someone who fainted from crying in the toilet, many people were talking about Duke Wesson's practice of hiring foreign talents for important positions with huge sums of money.

Some people seemed to see hope, but when they came to introduce themselves, they learned that Duke Wesson was not at home.

They rushed to the scene of the knight's competition more than 100 kilometers away, but no one was there.

"I hope it's too late." Frederick has been a bit distracted these days.

Baron Wesson didn't know why he was like this, so he asked: "Do you feel uncomfortable living here?"

Frederick shook his head. Although Baron Wesson's castle was relatively small and it was indeed uncomfortable to live there, he would not say such things.

"I'm worried about whether this matter can reach Burling City in time." He sighed and said, "The latest news is that Casimir, the crown prince of the Piast Kingdom, sent wine to the coalition forces outside Burling City not long ago. Give your meat to women and hope that the coalition forces will not invade the Piast Kingdom.”

"Now that the autumn harvest is over, the war should break out in these few days."

Baron Wesson asked him curiously: "Do you have any acquaintances there? If so, I can pick them up for you. It will only take two days to get there by changing the horses."

Frederick sighed again and said somewhat depressedly: "No acquaintances, but there is a military academy there. I want to invite them to my place."

"I was worried that they would have concerns, so I let the news out first, hoping that they would be tempted. It would be much easier to recruit them later."

In recent decades, military academies have appeared in many countries and have begun to shift from imparting experience to theoretical research. However, these academies are not large in scale and are only open to children of nobles.

Frederick is planning to build a military academy, but people with experience and brains are treasured no matter where they are. Summarizing experience and refining ideas cannot be done by just anyone. There are almost no qualified instructors now.

He had heard not long ago that there was a military academy in Burling City. It was small in scale and only admitted aristocratic students. It had a good reputation and could be used to build a show.

It's just that this military academy is someone else's family property. If the family's business is doing well, they won't move easily.

In this battle, the city of Berlin was probably going to be breached. No one knew how the Piast Kingdom would deal with this group of people, so Frederick was a little anxious.

After hearing what he said, Baron Wesson smiled and said, "Oh, it turns out it's Principal Gerhard's school. It's a bit difficult to handle."

Frederick was stunned and asked hurriedly: "Do you know where it is?"

Baron Wesson replied with a smile: "Many of us here will be sent there to study for one or two years before inheriting the family business. One day I drank too much, and for some reason I talked to the principal... Oh, he I wasn’t the principal at that time…The fight started, and when I woke up I found myself hanging upside down at the school gate.”

"My eldest son is still there. Gerhard held a grudge and overcharged my tuition fees."

"I'm going to bring my son back now. If you are interested, you can write a letter and I will help bring it to him."

"That guy is quite shrewd and won't believe just what he hears."

Frederick was startled and said hurriedly: "There's going to be a war, so why don't you hurry up and bring your eldest son back?"

"It's okay!" Baron Wesson said, "It's more useful for him to gain knowledge than to be a bookworm in a pile of books."

"Anyway, he still has his second child at home, so don't worry."

Frederick was speechless.

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