Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 208 Lightning Attack Speed

The sky was dark and the smell of alcohol in the military camp had not dissipated. The men were snoring in the tent with their arms around the woman who was as red as him.

The sound of bugles resounded in the barracks, which became an accompaniment of grunts in the tents.

Some soldiers gathered around the pot, drank a bowl of musty oatmeal, and then yawned and cursed before going to change the guard.

The back gate of the barracks was in a mess. A carriage delivering food overturned when it passed the drawbridge, and sausages in the barrel spilled into the waist-deep trench.

The soldier guarding the gate jumped down from the ditch, picked up the sausages, ate them without saying a word, and stuffed them into his clothes.

The people who came to change the shift followed suit. Soon even the people on the nearby watchtower joined in the process of snatching sausages, and soon they got into a fight.

The sausages that came out quickly disappeared, but someone made more come out.

A knight rushed over and angrily whipped the soldiers with his riding crop, cursing and saying: "A bunch of mice-like things, have you never eaten sausages in your life?!"

One of the soldiers looked up and said, "We've only had moldy oatmeal for so long!"

The knight raised his whip and brought it down, leaving a deep bloody groove on the soldier's face.

Just when the knight raised the whip in his hand again and was about to drop it, he suddenly froze.

"Enemy...enemy attack!"

Under the early morning sunshine, a black wave broke out of the forest one kilometer away, rushing towards the military camp amidst the thunderous sound of horse hooves.

No one in the coalition could have imagined that the Piast Kingdom's hussars would actually bypass the trenches and obstacles on the eastern defense line and fight their way out of the forest at the rear.

There is a pair of standing wings behind these cavalry, and each metal feather is engraved with a magic circle, allowing them to use different magic in battle.

At this moment, there is a metal feather on the wings behind each knight, with twisted light refracting around it. This is a weight-loss magic unique to the royal family of the Piast Kingdom. It can reduce the load on the knights' horses, so that the horses can use their full strength. gallop.

The distance of one kilometer was very short for the Hussars, and they soon approached the wall of the military camp.

A burst of eagle cry came from the sky, and several giant eagles with wingspans of more than 20 meters descended from the sky and sprinted towards the wall.

They suddenly leveled off more than ten meters above the ground, straightened their bodies, and whipped up gusts of wind blades with their wings to hit the wall.

The three-meter-high wooden wall was like water tofu encountering a steel knife under the wind blade, and a large gap was quickly cut.

Thousands of winged cavalry crossed the ditch, rushed into the military camp without any hindrance, and immediately dispersed in groups of dozens of people.

Countless tents were knocked down and trampled, and the horses' hooves were soon dyed red.

The coalition soldiers ran around like headless flies and eventually fell to the sword.

Someone tried to organize a resistance, but was immediately caught by a giant eagle descending from the sky, carried into the sky with a scream, and then fell freely.

There are more than a dozen winged cavalry with a clear goal, specifically to attack the tents where the nobles are.

These people were all highly skilled in martial arts and had the upper hand. The nobles were quickly targeted and eliminated, and the entire coalition command system completely collapsed in less than half an hour.

On the front of the military camp, colorful flags were like a sea of ​​flowers. Tens of thousands of infantrymen advanced slowly in formation, crossed the ditch, moved and blocked horses, broke down the wall, and joined in the massacre.

On a mountain two kilometers south of the military camp, the human nose can still distinguish the smell of blood in the north wind, which attracts many wild beasts to rush here.

A middle-aged man in his forties stood quietly on the top of the mountain and looked at the killing fields in the distance. When he turned around, he saw that the giant eagle had flown into the city of Burling.

"Principal, let's go." Baron Wesson said to the middle-aged man, "Even a person like me, who has never failed exams, can see that it's all over."

Gerhard sighed deeply and said with some self-blame: "I clearly reminded them that if I persisted...sigh..."

Baron Wesson shook his head and said with a wry smile: "Don't you know what kind of people we are? If you had listened to the advice, we would have achieved full marks in all subjects."

Gerhard sighed again. There were many of his former students in the military camp to the north. After today, they may not be alive.

"Wesson," he asked the student with whom he had fought, "is Duke Wesson a person who can listen to advice?"

Baron Wesson thought for a while, shook his head and replied: "I don't know. To persuade him, you have to find out that he has done something wrong. But I think what he said is very reasonable. He is the one who persuades others."

"But when he took time to attend class, he made mistakes and was beaten frequently. He didn't complain."

Gerhard thought for a moment, then glanced at the military camp where thick smoke began to appear, turned around and said, "Let's go, it will be too late if we don't leave."

There was a large team parked behind the mountain. The carriage was filled with various boxes and packages, and children and women were sitting on the luggage.

Many people were fully armed and riding horses. They were teachers and students of the military academy, waiting for the principal to return.

These people looked curiously at the cavalry wearing gray barracks around them, as well as the unicorns ridden by the two knight masters.

Frederick was a little worried, so he sent a company of cavalry guards and a company of magicians for protection.

The convoy set off, and the news soon reached Frederick three hundred kilometers away.

When he learned that the war had begun, he immediately sent two other cavalrymen to respond.

The massacre on the battlefield continued, and by noon, all the prisoners of war were tied up with ropes and handed over to the smiling slave traders in groups of ten.

When the Piast army appeared outside the city of Burling, the city owner expressed his choice to surrender to the two envoys who arrived on giant eagles.

In the largest tent in the Piast army, Casimir, with the help of his attendants, took off his wings, half-armor, and chainmail that covered his whole body, and finally took off all his sweaty inner clothes.

When the adjutant brought the news of the surrender of Burling City, several female slaves were carefully wiping his body.

Casimir said calmly: "Let them provide food, gold coins, and women. Tell the others that as previously agreed, go to the richer Hanma City and give them another ten days of vacation. Send someone to tell Danma Kingdom, we attacked Burling City as planned and asked them to move out."

The adjutant bowed and saluted and left. After a while, there were complaints from outside.

Whether they were nobles, soldiers, conscripted farmers from the Piast army, or Ant allies and mercenaries from the east, everyone was looking forward to entering the city and looting it.

As for Hanma City, not many people have been there.

But Casimir didn't want to waste time, so he could only draw a big pie for them, and then use the things handed over by Burling City to stabilize them.

On the same day, 60,000 men from the Piast Kingdom's Southern Legion suddenly appeared in the upper reaches of the Elbe River. They divided into 10 teams of two thousand men and took advantage of the empty defenses to capture important towns.

The 40,000 main force of the Southern Army rushed directly to Linden City, more than 100 kilometers away. They attacked and occupied this important city that night. After leaving 5,000 people for defense, the main force headed north to capture other places and prepare to fight with the north. The legions converge.

The next day, the Northern Army demobilized 100,000 people and left 10,000 people to garrison Burling City. The remaining 20,000 people also dispersed and occupied important towns in the surrounding areas as quickly as possible.

For a time, the entire east bank of the Elbe River was in flames. The local lords and the main force were wiped out in one battle. The Piast army moved extremely quickly and soon occupied a large area.

After receiving the news, people packed up their belongings and fled. Countless refugees dragged their families and fled westward toward the Elbe River, trying to cross the river in search of safety.

Casimir snatched away all the pack animals and carriages along the way, marched faster than the refugees along the road leading to Hanma City, and faced the Weisen Territory across the river on November 2.

On November 3, the 30,000 troops of the Southern Army joined the Northern Army with the ships collected along the way. The number of the entire Piast Army reached 100,000.

In the early morning of November 5, the Piast army crossed the Elbe River from the pontoon bridges of three ferries and entered the deserted Weisen Territory.

Casimir commanded the Piast army to cross the Odra River on October 21 and capture the city of Burling on the 22nd. It only took 15 days to wipe out 60,000 people and occupy the west of the Odra River to Yi. In a large number of areas within 300 kilometers east of Beihe, the world was shocked as soon as the news spread.

Everyone in the world called this war the "Lightning Battle" because Casimir commanded the army to move as fast as lightning. A new star was rising.

On the same day that the Piast army crossed the Elbe River, the 60,000-strong army of the Damma Kingdom appeared outside the east city of Hanma City, looking at the bastion in confusion.

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