Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 209 Siege of the Bastion

On the battlefield, the distance between the enemy and ourselves is a very important existence. Countless generals look at the distance between the enemy and ourselves to formulate tactics.

For the army of the Kingdom of Danma, the bastion east of Hanma City was at a choke point.

There are many types of magic crystal cannons. Generally speaking, they launch extremely destructive magic hundreds of meters away. However, this magic attack will dissipate as the distance and flight time increase, so the range is limited.

The magic crystal cannons on Hanma City have a maximum range of 700 meters, and the effective range is about 600 meters.

If the Danma army wants to launch an attack on the city wall, it needs to install its own magic crystal cannon at a position of 800 meters, and then enter its effective range under the cover of the mage group, and also shoot at a position of about 600 meters.

This bastion is about 500 meters away from the city wall. If there is a giant trebuchet or crossbow inside, it can cause damage to the magic crystal cannon from a high position.

After the threat of the magic crystal cannon was gone, the infantry formed an array 500 meters away from the city wall, and the bastion just happened to be stuck in this position.

"There are quite a lot of people."

"Cleaning the battlefield is difficult."

The Archduke of Mainz and the Archduke Byrne observed the enemy's position through high-power telescopes. This kind of telescope that needs to be mounted on a tripod is enough to see clearly the enemy's equipment in the distance.

"There are so many pagan mercenaries!" The Archduke of Mainz was very angry. "We should call Frederick and ask an angel to come over and give each of them a slap!"

Archduke Byrne looked at the warriors wearing horn helmets and said, "It's better not to disturb him. I'm worried about whether he can deal with so many enemies."

"You two adults, don't worry." Bruce said from the side, "What we have here is also there, sir, no problem."

"Wow! How did those bears turn into humans?"

The Archduke of Mainz frowned and said: "He is the 'Oak Priest' of the Church of Nature in the north. After turning into a bear, he has strong melee capabilities. He can also turn into a wolf that can run quickly."

"It is said that those with strong abilities can turn into birds and fly in the air, but their status is very high and they will not become mercenaries."

Then Gerhard said very worriedly: "The enemy actually brought 30 magic crystal cannons. This is the biggest threat to us. Do we want to organize a night attack to destroy them?"

Gerhard took his family, teachers and students to run away mainly because the Piast Kingdom was about to attack, and Frederick's recruitment was secondary.

After all, he is the principal himself, and he can only be a vice principal when he comes to Frederick's side, which is a bit unhappy.

So Frederick wanted him to experience the new weapons intuitively, so he suggested that he go to the bastion to have a look.

Archduke Byrne was also a little worried, and turned to ask Bruce: "The enemy has spent all his money to bring all the magic crystal cannons here. Can you deal with them?"

Bruce did not answer immediately, but carefully observed the enemy's magic crystal cannon.

The diameter of these large pipes ranges from 60mm to about 200mm. The small ones are two to three meters long, and the large ones are seven or eight meters long. It is not easy to transport them here.

If you want to use magic crystal cannons, you must assemble a sufficiently large and strong cannon cart for them. Otherwise, you will have to build an earth platform for fixed launch, which can only be used to attack city walls and city gates.

"The master said," Bruce murmured like he was sleepwalking, "Caliber is justice, and range is truth. Justice and truth must win. If you fail, it means the caliber is not big enough and the range is not far enough."

"14.3, a sacred constant. As long as the attack energy is greater than 14.3 times the energy contained in the volume formed by the depth of the contact surface of the magic shield and the direction of the attack force, the defense will be ineffective."

"The best way to destroy the enemy is to block the door as the top priority, to march as the middle step, and to fight in formation as the bottom step."

Archduke Byrne felt worse. This young man seemed a bit unreliable.

Bruce began to murmur things such as wind speed and wind direction, and finally said: "The enemy's magic crystal cannon is placed 900 to 950 meters away from our gun position. They can be eliminated now."

"There's no rush," said the Grand Duke of Mainz, "wait until they have loaded the cannon truck before blowing it up."

Grand Duke Bain also nodded and said: "I think it will work."

The day was spent with the Danma army encamped, without even sending an envoy.

Perhaps they felt that the walls of this fortress were too short and could be easily knocked down, even during night attacks.

The next morning, horns were blasted outside the camp of the Danma army, and flags covered the sky. The 60,000-strong army formed a formation and pressed towards the fortress.

"This is a demonstration." Gerhard said in a deep voice, "They want to capture us in one fell swoop and threaten Hanma City. Maybe our heads will be stuck on spears and stand in front of the city gate."

The Grand Duke of Mainz said easily: "I am quite satisfied with my current neck, but I don't want to replace it with a wooden one."

Archduke Byrne joked with him: "You can ask for gold, I think they will agree."

The Archduke of Mainz glanced at him sideways and said, "I'll let them put a slime on your neck."

Gerhard saw the two of them bickering without paying any attention to the enemy who was 20 times their size outside. He also looked at the soldiers around him who were eager to try with those strange weapons, and he felt a little unspeakable in his heart.

At the forefront of the Danma army were conscripted farmers carrying long planks of wood.

Everyone in the shipyard outside the city ran away, and they carried the planks used to build the ship and placed them right on the trench.

In front of the trench, there is a circle of wheat straw that is as high as a person's knees. According to the spies, it is a cordon that prohibits unrelated people from crossing.

The conscripted farmers didn't care about this. They worked in groups of two and put wooden boards on their heads. At this time, the only thing that could hurt them was the arrows falling from the air.

Those who were running at the front suddenly saw the pile of wheat straw explode, and then they knew nothing.

The 10kg "This is the Enemy" explosives exploded one after another, and a burst of blood mist rose from the crowd, and countless people fell down like wheat being cut.

The battlefield was quiet for a moment, and those who came back to their senses ran back one by one, crying and shouting.

Not long after, several magicians from the Danma army stepped forward cautiously while staring at the shield, and smashed a bunch of fireballs to ignite the remaining piles of wheat straw.

Bruce asked the two bosses: "Do you want to kill them?"

The Archduke of Mainz immediately said to Archduke Byrne: "You will take command today."

The biggest fear when commanding a battle is to make too many orders, so he solved this problem first.

"Ignore them now." Grand Duke Bain nodded slightly and said, "These are just apprentices. We will wait for the mage group to dispatch and try to solve it at once."

The farmers recruited by the Danma army were frightened by the explosion just now, and they were unwilling to work anymore even if they were beaten.

"The infidels are coming!" Bruce shouted.

More than three thousand Dark Land mercenaries wearing horn helmets walked out of the military formation, taking off the wine bottles from their waists and pouring wine into their mouths as they walked.

Gerhard frowned and said: "The kind of wine they drink can make people excited without feeling pain."

When he finished speaking, the mercenaries began to roar, charging from afar with a buckler in one hand and an ax in the other.

They ran very fast, and they could easily break the Olympic record in Frederick's hometown, provided that doping was not prohibited.

The warrior at the front was extremely tall and burly, nearly two and a half meters tall. He actually wore double-layer plate armor. When he ran, it felt like a mountain was moving, and every step made the earth tremble.

Then he stepped on an anti-cavalry mine, and the ground shook even more.

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