Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 211 The battle ends the next day

"Quick! Quick! Bring the bullets over here!"

"Grenade! More grenades!"

"Magic crystal! Who still has magic crystal! Bring it over!"

Rapid shouts came one after another on the walls of the bastion. The air seemed to be filled with blood, and every breath he took seemed to be soaked in blood.

"Crazy." Gerhard was a little scared. Even though he had experienced many battles in his early years, he was still deeply shocked by the Danma sergeants who were not afraid of death.

It was fine in the morning, the enemy just used conventional tactics to try to wear down the defenders' strength, but at noon they suddenly launched a fierce attack.

Now there is no room for any strategy on the battlefield.

The trench outside the bastion has been filled with corpses, and the mortar shells will even get stuck between the corpses when they fall on the ground, causing the trigger fuse to fail. They will not explode until the delay fuse originally used to avoid stink bombs works.

The attacking side kept using everything that could climb the city wall, including wooden ladders and corpses, to climb up the wall. Now the corpses were piled up to a height difference of nearly two meters from the wall. Many people rushed forward carrying the corpses on the ground. Go up, and finally increase the height together.

The defenders kept firing at all moving objects below, and the farmers who were just in charge of logistics kept throwing grenades at crowded places.

The riflemen kept pulling the triggers. Many of them had swollen index fingers and could only use their middle fingers to shoot.

The mortar shells brought by Bruce were quickly reduced to the last remaining emergency use, but they also destroyed most of the enemy's cans.

Now they simply beveled the wooden poles used to support the tents and punched them out of the cannon barrels to use as javelins. A piece of the javelin could kill some people.

On the wall, Archduke Byrne sat on the ground panting, so tired that his tongue was about to stick out.

The Archduke of Mainz next to him was even worse, with a wound on his left cheek.

"Unexpectedly..." the Grand Duke of Mainz said triumphantly, "I am eighty years old and I still have wounds on the battlefield. I think when you are eighty years old, you will definitely pee on your feet without being supported."

Archduke Byrne didn't want to talk, he was just a few years younger than him.

Just now, the Danma Army organized a commando team composed of all experts to climb the wall. After being killed by a triple pea gun guard in a corner, they finally reached the city wall. At this time, the shooter of the pea gun fired the grenade belt. Several people left, buying time for the two big guys to lead the team to plug the gap.

Archduke Byrne took a breath and said, "It seems that Flensburg has succeeded."

The Archduke of Mainz nodded.

Gerhard was stunned after hearing this, and immediately figured out what was going on.

Flensburg is located in the north of Hanma City, in the middle of the Cimbrica Peninsula, and in the south of the Kingdom of Danma. It is an important transportation hub.

The capture of Flensburg meant that the Danma army's road access was cut off. They had no way of retreat and could only seize a place as a stronghold, otherwise the coming winter would be able to deal with them.

"Who did it?" Gerhard asked, "Do we have extra troops?"

Grand Duke Bain smiled and said: "Royal Mage Group."

The Archduke of Mainz also said: "That little Friedrich, when he asked for help from the country, he said that all tactics would be to steal homes, and let the royal mages steal the enemy's important cities. Even if they did not occupy them, they could mobilize the enemy to return their troops. Rescue.”

Archduke Byrne said angrily: "Now that's good, all the enemies have fallen to us."

The Grand Duke of Mainz thought for a moment and asked, "Can they move?"

Grand Duke Byrne looked up at the sky and said, "At dusk."

Gerhard asked in surprise: "Are there any troops left to fight?"

"Of course." Archduke Byrne smiled again, "Why else would Count Delden organize a knightly competition?"

Gerhard's eyes widened and he asked in disbelief: "Is this also planned?"

At first, he thought that the defenders were unlucky. The enemy came when the main knights were gathering and playing far away. Unexpectedly, this was something that was planned.

"Can you make it?" He was a little worried.

Archduke Byrne replied calmly: "Frederick said he can catch up."

At the same time, in a forest two kilometers east of the bastion, several people with large pieces of bark pinned to their bodies were carefully observing the battlefield with binoculars.

In the woods below, heavily armed knights were feeding their horses candy and the like, and there were nearly 20,000 infantrymen beside them.

In the tree, Count Delden quietly calculated the remaining strength of the Danma army and the route to be set off later.

The main force of the Danma army is in the north, and the strength in the east and south is slightly weaker. If the army in the south is defeated first, the defeated troops can be driven to break up the army formations in the east and north.

The Knights Athletic Conference is still going on, but the participants are all nobles from the west bank of the Elbe River. Some of them pretend to be contestants, and some of them follow the Earl of Delden across the river, far away from the large army of the Kingdom of Piast. Battalion ran here.

Thanks to the bearings exported from Wessen, which were widely used in horse-drawn carriages, the detour was successful after a large number of horse-drawn carriages were recruited.

The Earl of Delden is about to watch the enemy. It is estimated that he will be in a dilemma near dusk, and then Archduke Byrne will send a signal.

"[Country expletive]!"

Earl Delden suddenly cursed, then lowered his head and shouted: "Quick! Attack immediately!"

At the top of the bastion wall, Archduke Byrne and others heard the sound of military bugles in the distance.

I saw a group of more than 300 cavalry suddenly rushing out from the north, led by a winged unicorn, flying a golden double-headed eagle flag, and crashed into the enemy headquarters behind the Danma army. Location.

They didn't just crash into them. Everyone emptied at least two magazines before rushing into the enemy's position, and even threw gas bombs downwind.

"Why is he here?! And from the north?" The Grand Duke of Mainz looked confused. "Has the fight in the south been finished?"

Archduke Byrne scratched his head and said uncertainly: "Didn't he say he wanted to ambush? Maybe the cavalry is not needed, so he came here himself."

"That's good. We can free up our hands to help him there."

The Danma Army was not so calm. A group of people died suddenly in the rear amidst the sound of military bugles. When they turned around, they found a sheet of white smoke in front of them. As soon as they inhaled it, they kept coughing.

Before they could get into formation, a group of cavalry in gray military uniforms rushed out of the smoke. They, including both men and horses, all had big eyes and long noses.

The deeds of Wesson's Army were rumored to be miraculous, and what happened in Amstel not long ago seemed to confirm that they were not humans but devils.

With Amstel's developed maritime transportation, the news quickly spread along the North Sea coast.

The first military formation of the Danma Army was quickly defeated, and the rout suddenly caused the second line of defense, which was a little timid because of the legend, to collapse.

Frederick led three cavalry companies like a steel knife cutting into tofu without any obstruction.

On the side of the Danma Army, a middle-aged man wearing gilt plate armor saw that the other party was coming towards him, and immediately led a group of well-equipped cavalry and rushed over with a flag.

"[Explicit language from the Principality of Xibain]!"

Archduke Byrne yelled and cursed when he saw the flag that appeared for the first time through the telescope.

"It's Valdemar! The king of the Dammar Kingdom!! And his knights!!!" He was shocked and angry, "Why is there no news before?! I thought it was some marshal!"

After being surprised, the Grand Duke of Mainz said calmly: "No wonder why they were able to kill people. It turned out to be him who was commanding. Frederick is in trouble. I hope he can see that the situation is wrong and run away."

They had heard a lot of rumors about King Valdemar of the Kingdom of Danma in the south. Despite the exaggerated parts, they could still see that he was an undefeated general who had been on the battlefield for a long time, and he was also a great master in his own right.

Waldemar rode on a war horse and led his battle-experienced companions to rush toward Frederick and others.

At this time, his heart was very peaceful. He had faced desperate situations several times over the years, but in the end he was the one who won, so he had no doubt that this time would be the same as before.

At the same time, he was also a little curious. He was very happy after hearing about Duke Wesson's deeds for the first time, because he also lost his father when he was a boy. After that, he lost a lot of land. In the end, not only did he win it all with the sword in his hand, Came back and got more.

As a result, he developed a feeling of sympathy and praised Duke Wesson in public many times.

Valdemar thought that maybe he would meet him after the war. If he was captured, he could help pay the ransom, but he did not expect that the first meeting would be on a life-and-death battlefield.

When he was a hundred meters away, he saw Frederick and others breaking out of the military formation and rushing towards him. Suddenly he found that they took out a new weapon from behind the saddle.

This new weapon looks like a war hammer, with a long pole and a large head. It looks heavy.

Then Valdemar almost laughed out loud under his helmet, because the warhammer could actually fly, and the one in Duke Wesson's hand even flew towards him.

This thing flies faster than an arrow, and Valdemar can even reach out and grab the short pole behind it.

"It's lighter than I expected." He couldn't help but think, "I'll use this to hit Duke Wesson later..."

At this moment, he suddenly thought that there were many flying things in the bastion that would explode, so this...

The metal jet formed after the shaped charge in the homemade hollow-charge warhead exploded penetrated Waldemar's plate armor and body in an instant, and even burned off the entire tail of the war horse.

Frederick breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the speed of the "Iron Fist" needed to be strengthened, otherwise it would not be effective against masters.

Valdemar fell off his horse, and the knights around him were not much better. Many raised their shields to block, but the metal jet still hit them all.

The few remaining knights used their weapons to open the rockets, but the fragments of the explosion and the ensuing bullets still ended their lives.

The king fell, and the Danma army suddenly fell into chaos. With the help of the cavalry company, the chaos quickly expanded.

Frederick jumped off the dawn, picked up the flag on the ground and put it away, then after thinking about it, he took off Waldemar's helmet, sword and ring as trophies.

At this time, Count Delden rushed out of the woods with a large group of troops, which became the last straw that crushed the Danma army.

Practice has proven that 30,000 people are easier to catch than 30,000 pigs.

The Archduke of Bain and the Archduke of Mainz found Frederick immediately. The Archduke of Mainz hurriedly asked: "How is it going in the south?"

Frederick said calmly: "It will be solved this morning."

"So fast?!" Archduke Byrne was shocked, "How to solve it?"

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