Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 212 Seizing air supremacy

Time goes back to November 5, the day the Piast army crossed the Elbe River.

After the pontoon bridge was built, Casimir, while commanding the army to cross the river, sent a group of envoys to the castle of Baron Wesson to meet with Duke Wesson.

The first Piast troops to cross the river quickly established a bridgehead of several hundred meters, and then the large forces began to cross the river.

Casimir came to a wooden fortress by the river, observed carefully, and confirmed that the people inside had escaped when he arrived on the other side of the river, and there was still a box containing tableware in the corner.

The terrain here is not low, and the view from the sentry tower is good, allowing you to take in the surroundings.

The entire west bank of the Elbe River was quiet, and there was no expected counterattack. Several giant eagles were circling in the sky, looking for the location of the enemy army.

A giant eagle suddenly swooped down, and judging from its trajectory, it looked like it had found food such as cattle and sheep.

Casimir didn't pay attention. The giant eagle has a large appetite and needs to find food on its own along the way. This kind of thing is common.

In particular, the brains of these giant eagles are not very good. Some of them will act without permission as soon as they see food when they are hungry, regardless of the instructions of the knights on their backs. They must be fed before each action.

After observing the terrain for a while, Casimir suddenly discovered several giant eagles in the sky hovering a hundred meters above the place where the giant eagle swooped just now, seeming to be searching for enemies.

His brows furrowed slightly. Could it be that the one just fell into a trap?

Bare woods are very detrimental to giant eagles. Tall trees make it difficult for them to detect and attack targets on the ground. They need to lower their height. People who are familiar with their characteristics will lay traps in the open areas of the forest.

This time he brought seven giant eagles and knights from the Royal Air Knights. The bottom line was that he would lose two of them. It would be difficult to lose one of them for no apparent reason.

Just as I finished thinking, three giant eagles suddenly fell down without warning, and the other three were desperately trying to increase the distance.

Casimir's eyes were wide open and he didn't understand what was happening.

At the scene of the incident, soldiers from the Wesson Army were cheering.

This is an open pasture in the woods. Last night, a cow was tied up in the middle of the grass. Two "This is the enemy" were tied to the cow's back.

Now that the people and livestock in the entire Weisen Territory have been evacuated, only one cow can be seen in such a large area, so the first giant eagle rushed down and then turned into a sieve.

When the other giant eagle knights noticed something was wrong and came to look for possible enemies, the soldiers of the Wesson Army hidden in various parts of the ranch appeared at the same time after receiving the signal and fired a magazine towards the already designated airspace.

Compared with the targets dragged at dawn during training, the giant eagle with a wingspan of more than 10 meters and a slow low-altitude flying speed is much easier to deal with.

The giant eagles that were lucky enough to escape were flapping their wings vigorously in an attempt to fly higher, but their slow climbing speed made them unable to compare with the excitement of Dawn.

Frederick began to think about air combat after getting Dawn. As a fan of air combat games in his previous life, he thought he knew how to make the most of his strengths and avoid his weaknesses.

Compared with the winged unicorn, the advantages of the giant eagle are its high flight height and high diving speed. The disadvantage is that its flight speed, especially the climbing speed, is slow, and their maneuverability is different.

So Frederick took a pea gun with an extended magazine and flew to the enemy's rear with Dawn to launch an attack.

The knight on the back of the giant eagle discovered Frederick and found that he had a great advantage three against one.

Under the command of the knight, a giant eagle turned around and waved its wings to fan out a blade of wind, trying to force Frederick back and keep the distance while buying time for his companions.

However, Frederick not only did not retreat, but also took this opportunity to fire a few shots until the blue wind blade was blocked by the golden magic shield released by Dawn a few meters in front.

This time, Frederick took advantage of the confrontation between magic and physics. The giant eagle let out a scream, fell dozens of meters, and finally landed precariously on the edge of the pasture.

The other two knights riding on the back of the giant eagle saw something was wrong and immediately turned around and ran away. Frederick caught up with one of them, but this time he didn't shoot. He kicked the giant eagle's wing with his hoof.

Frederick heard the sound of bones breaking and turned to smile at the panicked knight and pointed to the ground.

The knight immediately controlled the injured giant eagle to descend, and finally landed on the pasture.

The last giant eagle flew towards the ferry. After watching the battle in the air, Casimir was so angry that he grabbed the guard tower railings with both hands and smashed them to pieces.

Frederick did not let go of the last air power of the Piast army and caught up to deal with it.

Casimir squinted at the pale golden shadow in the sky and ordered the army to speed up the crossing of the river while paying attention to air defense.

Frederick told Helmut through the communicator: "The air threat has been eliminated and the next step can be taken."

"Remember, shoot and change places, hit and run."

He didn't care about the rest of the battle. Without the enemy's air force, they had no visibility in the sky, and there wasn't much they could do against Wesson's army in the forest.

Frederick watched the enemy's formation in the air for a while, then he and Mingxiao went to a distance to get a lot of fist-sized stones, flew them to the highest height and threw them at the crowd.

It's no problem for a stone falling from such a height to kill someone, but this time it killed several people and two horses.

This casualty is nothing to the 100,000-strong army. The key is to make everyone fearful. Everyone looked up at the sky. When Frederick returned to the sky above the Piast army for the second time, many people's necks were broken. It's all a bit sour.

Frederick no longer threw stones casually this time, but specifically targeted the hussars.

It's just that the equipment of these elite soldiers of the Piast Kingdom is better than that of ordinary soldiers. They can protect themselves with sophisticated shields without fear of injury.

Then Frederick changed to a bigger stone, but such a big stone could see more clearly, and the free fall time of almost half a minute was enough for many people to avoid it.

By noon, Frederick had left and never returned. It was probably because his mount was hungry, and the whole Piast army heaved a sigh of relief.

The army that has not yet crossed the river is relieved, but the nightmare of the army on the other side of the river has just begun.

The pea gun still has a certain lethality against the target at a distance of 400 to 500 meters. At this distance, gunshots can no longer be heard, so when the soldiers defending the enemy positions outside the ferry suddenly fell, no one knew where the attack came from. .

Frederick ordered all the troops to disperse in small groups and began to harass the enemy with the help of the cover of the woods near the ferry.

This attack does not require casualties, as long as it can create mental pressure on the enemy.

A company of magicians who had been converted to sniper positions were also dispatched, specifically targeting guys in armor.

Casimir was shot in the shoulder, but it ricocheted and did not cause much damage.

He quickly came down from the watchtower and shouted angrily: "Go find them all! Cut them into sticks and hang them on the trees!"

Then he calmed down and gave the order: "After crossing the river, gather 10,000 people and leave immediately. There is no need to wait for the people behind, and let the people behind cross the bridge quickly!"

The Wesson Army in the woods saw the enemy coming up, fought for a while and then began to retreat.

The Piast troops at the three ferries began to set off. A team of about 10,000 people lined up in a column of five people, which was also one kilometer long, and the convoy was nearly two kilometers long.

After receiving the report from the front, Helmut ordered them to be let go, leaving his strength to destroy the enemy's cavalry.

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