Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 213 Smashing things randomly

In the eyes of Frederick and Helmut, the most difficult thing to deal with in the Piast army was the thousand winged cavalry, followed by the mage regiment of more than fifty people, and then the more than two thousand light cavalry.

Frederick was wondering why there were so few enemy magicians. Helmut judged that he might have gone to strengthen the defense in the north of Bohemia. Otherwise, the troops deployed there would be taken advantage of by the Osmaga Empire to defeat him. There is a confrontation between gods and gods over there now.

In the afternoon, the cavalry of the Piast Army and the accompanying auxiliary soldiers began to leave the ferry and set off towards the scheduled camping site in the northwest.

In a secret headquarters in the forest, Frederick watched his staff place small flags representing different enemies on the map.

At this time, the Piast army was moving in three directions from the three ferries towards the originally determined camping site. Even though they stepped on many mines buried on the road, they did not slow down.

"Commander," Helmut came over to report to Frederick, "the Hussars are about to enter the ambush circle."

According to the plan, a large number of "face the enemy" buried on the roadside will give the Hussars a severe blow.

"Let them go." Frederick suddenly said, "Prioritize the group of mages at the back."

"The threat of the cavalry not being on horseback is not that great, but the magician is different. It may become the biggest source of surprises."

Helmut immediately followed his orders to rearrange the arrangement.

The staff made a large number of plans before the war. They failed to seize the opportunity to ambush the hussars and instead ambush the magicians. They also had corresponding plans. As long as Frederick's order did not exceed the scope of the plan, there was basically no problem.

The sunset climbed into the sky, and the first group of teams that set out at noon had arrived at the scheduled camping site.

This is a small basin surrounded by hills, with a small lake as big as two football fields in the middle, and the ground is covered with withered pasture.

Half of the Piast army was conscripted farmers. As soon as the first group arrived, they chose a place by the lake, surrounded it with a carriage, and then began to cut grass and feed the horses.

The grass in the camp was cut quickly, and the outside was cut in a circle so that the fire could not burn inside.

Soon after, Casimir followed the second group of cavalry to the camp and ordered the accompanying carriages to be reinforced to prevent enemy night attacks.

When the sky darkened, there was a faint roar in the distance.

"Thunder?!" Casimir frowned. If it rains tonight, the march tomorrow will be very difficult.

At this time, the smell of food was wafting in the military camp. Ordinary soldiers would throw whatever they had into the pot, and it would eventually become a big pot of paste. Only the gentlemen had barbecue to eat.

When several slave girls served Casimir bread, roasted meat, and soup made from dehydrated vegetables, a man covered in blood stumbled into the tent.

"It's over, all the mage gentlemen are doomed!" The man cried. "There was a sudden explosion on the roadside, and many of the gentlemen were killed accidentally."

"Later, many Pyromen came out. Master Mage couldn't kill them, so they killed them all!"

Casimir's face was horribly dark, every time he thought about the mage group being attacked halfway.

He suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. He had just taken the same road as the Mage Group. The enemy had spared the cavalry and specifically targeted the Mage Group. Could it be that they thought he would go with the Mage Group?

"Send the order!" Casimir stood up suddenly, "Don't sleep tonight, the enemy is likely to attack at night!"

His idea seemed to be verified. Not long after, Frederick came to throw objects from high altitude again.

This time Frederick seemed to be prepared, no longer throwing stones but javelins.

Casimir took a picked up javelin and looked at it carefully. This javelin was similar to an ordinary javelin, with a few stones tied behind the head to increase the weight.

The casualties this time were small, less than ten people died.

"No!" Casimir suddenly thought of something, "Quick! Scatter the food quickly! Use everything that can hold water to hold water, they are going to set fire!"

Now that they have no air superiority, they will be in big trouble if the enemy throws rockets and the like.

Not long ago, the mage group was targeted and attacked, which can prove from the side that the enemy wants to set fire, because it is very convenient for magicians to put out fires.

Frederick saw the enemy moving things in a mess from the air, and many people going to the lake to fetch water. He just smiled and went back to make dinner.

Altasha put in a lot of effort when ambushing the mage group just now. The fire elemental people she summoned attracted the attention of the enemy's magic circle, allowing the sniper to calmly name them in the dark.

Frederick made an agreement with her to eliminate the mage group and personally grill mutton skewers for her tonight.

While Altasha was eating mutton skewers with a smile, Casimir and the others felt as if they were facing a powerful enemy. Some people were tired from lifting their necks, so they simply lay down and stared at the sky.

After Frederick had eaten, he went out again with Mingxiao. This time he brought several large bundles of arrows, and a "beautiful boy sprinkled flowers" came.

The harvest this time was great. It was difficult to find relatively small arrows in the pitch-black night, and dozens of people were hit.

Casimir looked at the half-embedded arrow on his tent and said in a deep voice: "He is measuring the wind direction and speed. It is coming. Don't sleep!"

There is a giant eagle knight in the Piast Kingdom. As the prince, he naturally knows the methods of aerial combat. He also understands that high-altitude bombing is difficult to hit the target. It is necessary to throw something first to calculate the error.

So he judged that the next step would be a formal attack.

At this time, Frederick was feeding Mingxiao a large bucket of energy drink mixed with sugar, salt and raw eggs. He brushed it with a brush for a while, and then went back to the tent to soak his feet and wipe himself to sleep. .

Casimir: "He might start early in the morning."

"He might come back in the middle of the night."

"The time before the sun rises is the most dangerous!"

"Who knows where they are stationed? Should you send someone to ask if he overslept?"

"[Explicit expletive from the Kingdom of Piast]! Is he coming or not?!"

"Let's have breakfast."

The soldiers of the Piast Kingdom, who had been highly nervous all night, began to light a fire and make breakfast listlessly. The wind was strong this morning, and the smoke quickly dissipated in the southern air.

When the water was just boiling, Casimir pointed at Frederick in the air and cursed.

I waited all night yesterday and no one came, but today I actually came to drop off things early in the morning while they were cooking.

What's too much is that what this guy threw this time was not stones, javelins, or arrows, but horse dung!

What's even more outrageous is that the horse manure scattered into small pieces in the air, spreading over a large area, and many of them fell into the pot.

The air raid was innocuous but extremely insulting.

Casimir's adjutant held back for a long time before he came up with words to comfort His Royal Highness: "He is still a child, don't be the same as him."

Casimir was choked and couldn't speak. There was nothing he could do. Everyone knew that Duke Wesson's hair hadn't even grown yet.

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