Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 214 Now comes a big one

Many people in the Piast Army had to wash the pots and boil water to make breakfast again. This time everyone put lids on the pots.

At this time, the wind died down, and soon puffs of smoke rose straight into the air.

Casimir sat in the tent, thinking quietly with a cold face.

He felt something was wrong. Duke Wesson's performance was too fragmented. The previous actions of hunting down the Giant Eagle Knight and ambushing the Mage Group, and throwing things around like a child having a tantrum, appeared in the same person, which made people feel very contradictory. .

Casimir himself was kicked to death on the battlefield when he was young because of a palace struggle. In the end, he finally survived and got better and better and gradually became a prince with military power. Therefore, he understood that people of this age were facing completely impossible situations. What do you think when you defeat an enemy?

After thinking about it, he thought there were only two possibilities. One was that someone behind Duke Wesson was actually controlling everything, and the other was that this bastard was acting.

It's okay if it's the former one, because there are traces of what the other party wants to do.

If it's the latter, then you need to think carefully about what conspiracy Duke Wesson is playing.

Casimir began to guess the opponent's intentions. He was overwhelming in terms of military strength, and the opponent also knew this, so he evacuated the entire territory from the beginning and only made small interceptions.

From the ambush of the giant eagle knight at the beginning, to the traps along the way, to the ambush of the mage group, and from time to time throwing things from the sky, these methods are more like a kind of intimidation, as if they want to get rid of the difficulties.

At the same time, there is another possibility, which is to just show off and achieve some results so that you can finally report to your superiors. He has seen this kind of practice many times, and many of his subordinates deal with errands like this.

Casimir judged that Duke Wesson or the people behind him knew that the strength gap between the two sides was too big to confront them head-on, so on the one hand, they evacuated the territory to reassure the local lords, and on the other hand, they made some sporadic resistance to communicate with the superiors.

The same goes for throwing things from the sky. Even the winged unicorns are out, so their king has nothing to blame.

While eating breakfast, Casimir wondered if he could contact Duke Wesson and send a team of several hundred Ant mercenaries to help him improve his performance and make him stop throwing things from the sky. At least Don't throw horse manure.

As for the previous giant eagle knights and mages, they are gone. They are the king's men, not his prince's men. As long as they can plunder the west city of Hanma City, some sacrifices are acceptable.

For him, his cavalry regiment is his foundation. Most of these winged cavalry come from his own territory and are completely loyal to him.

Before breakfast was finished, there was a burst of yelling and cursing outside the tent, and it was immediately known that Duke Wesson was back again.

Casimir sighed, wishing he could grow wings and fly up to beat him.

At this time, what was placed behind Frederick was no longer stones, but magic incendiary bombs.

He quickly found the place where the horses were gathered from the air. The cavalry were feeding the horses. Many people raised their heads and cursed, and more people picked up their shields.

The first thing to be dealt with in this air raid was the hussars. Last night, he had not been able to find where these people lived. Now the Piast army is preparing to set off. The iconic metal wings are installed on the backs of these elite cavalry. From the air, it looks like Go to a grove of trees the size of a football field.

The hussars are passed down from generation to generation. Although most people are not small landowners, they are also homesteaders with a good income. The metal feathers engraved with different magic arrays have been passed down from generation to generation and are constantly accumulated.

In Frederick's view, the concepts of these wings were very advanced and could be learned from, but they would not be shown off like them.

Frederick flew over 300 meters in the air. This height was considered safe, and his bow and arrow lost their power.

He threw two stones first, which attracted a lot of curses, and at the same time calculated the lead time.

At dawn, he made a circle in the air and officially entered the bombing route. Frederick picked up an incendiary bomb from behind, confirmed that the detonation time was set to 6 seconds, and then gently threw it down at the bombing position.

Then the second, the third... He dropped several incendiary bombs, ensuring that every point was within the killing range of the two incendiary bombs.

Everyone was watching the falling thing for fear of hitting their heads. No one would think it was a magic weapon. They thought it was better if it wasn't horse dung, so no one would want to intercept it.

Six seconds is enough for an incendiary bomb to free fall from a height of 300 meters to about 100 meters above the ground.

So people saw several white and blue suns appearing one after another at an altitude of 100 meters.

Although these "suns" are only three or four meters in diameter, they are extremely dazzling and many people nearby close their eyes.

After a few breaths, the sun exploded into a rain of fire that filled the sky, splashing into every corner around it.

The heart-rending neighing of nearly a thousand war horses shocked everyone. Casimir rushed out of the tent upon hearing the sound and immediately smelled the smell of burning meat.

The blue-white magical flames quickly burned through the skin and muscles of the war horse, burning into the depths. The horse struggled and fell down within a moment.

Some war horses with only a little flame in the fringe area went crazy in pain and ran wildly in the military camp, knocking down many people and tents.

The experienced veterans nearby immediately used weapons to kill these war horses, otherwise the entire military camp would be in chaos.

The winged cavalry were also screaming. Many of them wanted to extinguish the flames with their hands at first. Unexpectedly, the flames quickly touched their palms, and within a moment the entire palms turned into charcoal.

The armor they were wearing could not withstand the flames for long. The temperature of the flames was much higher than the melting point of steel. It quickly burned through the armor and ignited the lining of the clothes, and the whole person was on fire.

Some people opened the magic array on the metal feathers behind their backs. However, some of the magic shields used to defend against external attacks were several meters away from their bodies and were useless against the flames attached to them.

Other magic shields were attached to the armor. They bought their owners a moment, but soon collapsed due to overload.

There were also some cavalrymen using ice armor who thought they could escape. As a result, the two magical elements of ice and fire exploded as soon as they came into contact.

The fire rain also ignited the fodder piled nearby. In the blink of an eye, thick smoke rose straight into the sky.

However, they made preparations last night in case of a night attack, and many people started putting out the fire.

Frederick turned around in the air and reached behind his hand to touch. There were still several incendiary bombs, and he threw them towards the positions of other war horses and pack horses.

After he threw it, he ran away. The internal purchase price of a magic incendiary bomb was 500 florins, which was equivalent to the fact that the family used to not eat or drink all year round, so they couldn't just throw it around.

Before leaving, he vaguely heard someone shouting on the ground: "Wesson! Give me back the cavalry!"

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