Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 215 Breaking One Hundred Thousand in One Battle

Frederick made a circle at low altitude and came to the headquarters on the hill to the north of the ranch. He picked up a telescope to observe the enemy's movements and asked Helmut: "How is the enemy's situation?"

Helmut immediately replied: "The enemy's cavalry is useless, and they are now rescuing the wounded and collecting corpses."

"They marched all day during the day yesterday and stayed up all night. Now they have been attacked on a large scale. They are probably exhausted both physically and mentally."

Frederick nodded and said: "The next step is your command. I will take a look and don't say anything until the critical moment."

"Yes!" Helmut suddenly became excited. He had been given the command of such an important battle just a year after joining the Wesson Army, and he felt the commander's trust in his heart.

Frederick pulled a mazha next to the observation port and sat down, quietly looking at the enemy's camp below.

It was already close to noon when the Piast troops finished cleaning up the scene. No one here dared to be lazy. Even if they couldn't help, they had to stand by and do nothing, lest they become the punching bag of His Royal Highness.

Casimir's face was horribly dark, and he stood there silently, like a pressure cooker on fire that was silent. There was huge pressure inside, and he didn't know when it would explode.

The statistics came out. Of the one thousand winged cavalry, less than half a hundred were left with combat effectiveness. Two thousand light cavalry still had more than three hundred that could be used. Half of the packhorses that pulled the baggage were gone, and the losses were extremely heavy.

"Collect all the horse meat that can be eaten." Casimir ordered in a deep voice, "Everyone will eat horse meat at noon and go to sleep. They will also eat in the evening and march at night!"

The noble generals around him were hesitant, but no one dared to refute.

Seeing them like this, Casimir said: "You can't buy such weapons with thousands of gold coins, and you can't buy many if you have money. Don't worry that they will continue to use them."

"Duke Wesson didn't want to enmity with us from the beginning. He just killed the horse to scare us and make us leave. Otherwise, such weapons would fall on your heads. Your tent is easy to recognize."

"Now we and him are competing to see who can act more resolutely. It's the 6th. As long as we rush over and reach the Hanma City on the 10th, we will win!"

"Originally, we agreed to give you three days of freedom in Hanma City. Now I have decided to give you ten days. I will deal with the Danma Kingdom!"

This battle has been a huge loss for him so far. Now there are two ways to go: one is to stop the loss in time and retreat immediately, but in this way the alliance agreement with the Kingdom of Danma will be over. This loss This was something he couldn't accept; the other way was to continue on. As long as he could conquer Hanma City together with the Danma Kingdom, the economic losses could be recovered, and the political benefits would be even greater after forming an alliance with the Danma Kingdom.

Being able to grab things for seven more days in the prosperous Hanma City was very tempting to the lords from all over the world. They accepted the view that the quantity of this magical weapon was limited, and quickly accepted Casimir's order. .

Casimir was right about one thing, Frederick didn't have many of these magic incendiary bombs, but he didn't know that Frederick had other things in his hands.

He also made the mistake of not sending scouts to the surrounding mountains to conduct reconnaissance because the area around the camp was empty.

At noon, one could smell the smell of boiled horse meat on the top of the mountain, while Frederick and others soaked up instant noodles with tomato and beef flavor.

Frederick ate in silence, watching Helmut eating and making deductions next to the map, shaking his head slightly in his heart.

The original plan for this battle was to launch an attack when the enemy began to break camp and prepare to leave or rested for an hour and slept soundly. Helmut gave the order.

Just now, when the Piast army was watching and rescuing the bombing site, many people gathered together. If they launched an attack at that time, it would cause heavy casualties to the enemy, and it might be the last straw that breaks their nerves. Hull Mutt did not seize this opportunity.

In Frederick's opinion, Helmut was good at making plans and following the steps well, but he was poor at grasping the timing of the battlefield. He could serve as a staff officer but was not suitable as a commander.

At 13:00 on November 6, Wesson's army began to enter the position.

At 13:10, Casimir was woken up by his adjutant.

"Duke Wesson is here? He only brought eight hundred people with him?" Casimir rubbed his head. It seemed that he had been lying down for less than half an hour. Could he be dreaming?

The adjutant replied: "He did come, and he did bring only 800 people."

Casimir was silent. Although he suffered heavy losses, he still had an army of 100,000 people. What could he do with just a few people?

"Is he here to negotiate?" Casimir said, "Forget it, I will take 10,000 people out to scare them to death..."

At this time, he suddenly woke up, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind. He shook his head and said, "Oh... I was careless. I didn't send out scouts. Maybe he transferred troops from somewhere."

"I remember there was a group of them holding a competition in the north. If they were called over, I wouldn't be able to bear it if they suddenly rushed from behind."

"No wonder we can't find these people after he solves the giant eagle knights, we can't put out the fire after he solves the mage group, and we can't stop those knights after he solves the cavalry. It turns out it was a plan."

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this was Frederick's plan. These hundreds of people were actually a cover and looked like they were going to negotiate. In fact, the group of heavy cavalry might be hiding somewhere and preparing for a sneak attack.

The heavy cavalry of this era was the winner of a war, and a single charge might determine which way the balance of war tilted.

"Attack the whole army!" Casimir immediately ordered, "form a tight circular formation to prevent heavy cavalry from attacking."

The best way for infantry to deal with heavy cavalry is to use a dense formation to stop them, and then chop off the horses' feet first and then the men.

The soldiers who had just fallen asleep were woken up again. At this time, Frederick and Helmut's judgment was wrong.

They thought that the enemy's morale would plummet due to being tortured over and over again. Unexpectedly, when these people heard that Duke Wesson, who threw horse manure from the sky, was coming, their morale increased by 100 with the bonus of getting up.

Frederick was taken aback by the reaction of the Piast army. At first, he thought that the other party would only send out a few thousand or at most 10,000 people to scare him. Unexpectedly, they all came out, even the farmers were not left behind.

These people put up a defensive circle in all directions and were waiting. They looked very cautious. Coupled with their particularly high morale, Frederick's evaluation of Casimir improved a lot.

Tony asked Frederick in a low voice: "The Undersecretary of Staff asked if we should proceed as planned?"

Frederick was very depressed. There was no need to ask in this situation, so he said calmly: "Gather the people on fire and take action immediately!"

He decided in his heart that Helmut should develop in the staff system.

Casimir saw Duke Wesson riding the winged unicorn and standing under the golden double-headed eagle. There were indeed only eight hundred people lined up around him. Some of them were standing on carriages on both wings. There was no cover under the cloth. He was wearing something, and the big eye mask reminded him of certain rumors.

He glanced at the surrounding troops and ordered the military formation to slowly press forward.

In his previous life, Frederick had seen hundreds of thousands of people gathered in the square in front of the train station during the Spring Festival. He was shocked at that time, and it was even more shocking now that so many people were angry and wanted to beat him.

A minute later, a roar suddenly sounded in the mountains around the ranch. The first rocket fired was a rocket with black powder as the propellant and angina pectoris drug as the warhead charge.

These rockets are about the size of a human leg, have a 5kg charge, and are equipped with tail fins to control the direction, dragging a butt of white smoke towards the enemy.

This time Bruce brought 20 sets of 12-gun launchers, each with five salvoes of ammunition.

In less than 15 minutes, 1,200 rockets fell among the Piast troops.

The accuracy of the rockets was limited, but they achieved the effect of even dispersion. The huge orange-red fireball and the shrapnel that swept in all directions caused blood-stained open spaces to appear in the military formation.

At the same time, strings of super-caliber mortar shells flew out from the rear of Frederick's group, joining in the massacre of the enemy.

According to the original plan, Frederick himself lured out the enemy's leader and used mortars to kill and behead them. At the same time, rockets attacked the camp. What to do next would depend on whether the enemy was stunned by the bombing.

The huge casualties caused the Piast army to fall into chaos instantly. Frederick made a prompt decision and ordered the mortars to extend their fire. The infantry around him fired forward, and the gun jams immediately moved forward to outflank them from both sides.

The triple peashooters brought here from Wesson are all mounted on horse-drawn carriages and can be quickly deployed to the enemy's sides and rear to pour firepower.

The unprecedented violent blow made Casimir's mind go blank, and he didn't know whether to move forward or retreat for a while.

A mortar shell exploded not far away from him. The shrapnel was blocked by the guards around him, but he was stunned by the shock wave.

The guard who was still alive saw that the situation was not good and immediately pulled his horse back.

The morale of the Piast army collapsed due to the endless deaths. Almost at the same time, everyone turned around and ran back.

They had only one goal, to run eastward, toward home.

Frederick led his men in the rear to keep them from gathering.

A few people stayed and tried to launch a counterattack, but were quickly knocked to the ground by cherry cannons and pea guns.

The defeated army fled eastward and reached the Elbe River in the evening.

The pontoon bridge on the river was destroyed by the cavalry company that came first, and the defeated troops could only swim across the river.

Now that the river was very cold, many people did not have a good rest. After running for a long time, they finally sank when they got into the river due to leg cramps and lack of physical strength. In the end, only a small number of people were able to cross the river.

At night, the tide in the North Sea began to rise, and seawater began to pour in from the mouth of the sea. The water in the nearby river suddenly rose. Not only did the river widen, but the floating corpses no longer floated down.

Casimir was luckier and they crossed the river safely on horseback.

When Casimir woke up, he saw corpses floating on the river and fainted again.

Frederick was not having a hard time either. He had to lead his men to drive out the people who fled into the forest overnight, otherwise the specialty of Wesenland would be bandits.

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