Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 216 Let’s make money after the war is over

There is a traditional food street in Hanma City. Every Sunday, people come to the fish market at the mouth of the Elbe River before dawn to have a seafood breakfast and then attend church team building.

This tradition has a history of more than a hundred years, but for a whole month starting from November 7, 1027, almost no one in Hanma City ate fish.

The corpses floating down from Weisen Territory were blocked at the estuary for two days, including those of the former mayor of Hanma City and a number of senior officials. Finally, a heavy rain in the upstream area caused the river to surge, and the corpses were washed into the sea.

After the war, Frederick returned home and closed the door to greet guests. He might as well participate in the political drama in Hanma City, and even did not go out for the lively harvest festival.

The king of the Danma Kingdom died in the battle, but many high-ranking nobles were captured, and they exposed all the thieves in the city.

Therefore, the Archduke of Mainz, the Archduke of Byrne, the Count of Delden, and the royal mages all took action at the same time to catch all these traitors and kill them.

At the same time, all the merchants from the Danma Kingdom in the city were comrades. In the end, those merchants were driven away, and they could only take some clothes with them, leaving all their property behind.

No one cares whether they were wronged or not, that's what war is like, losers all lose and the winner takes all.

Then it’s time to happily search the house and distribute the loot.

Frederick did not ask about these matters, but the spoils distribution plan and list came to him first, and everyone unanimously decided to let him choose first.

Now he is famous. He led 800 men to defeat the 100,000-strong army of the Piast Kingdom and killed King Valdemar of the Damma Kingdom in a formation. The results spread to all directions through the merchants, and he became famous all over the world for a while.

The former is evidenced by the corpses on the Elbe River and the defeated troops of the Piast Kingdom. The latter's corpse is still in Hanma City, guarded by the captured nobles of the Damma Kingdom, waiting for the ransom to arrive from the country.

Frederick looked at the list and thought for a while, then sent someone to invite Shupaiya, the president of the Guild Hall Alliance.

Shupaia had mixed feelings when he met Frederick. He initially sought the position of Minister of Commerce of the Wesson State, and contacted a large number of Hanma City businessmen for this purpose. Unexpectedly, in the end, the Duke of Wesson took a fancy to a foreigner. scholar.

In his heart, Frederick did not want a businessman like him with his own faction to bring his people to his territory to serve as high-level officials. Today, the strength of Weisen State is still very weak and cannot withstand internal fighting.

However, it is still possible for everyone to do business together.

Frederick first apologized to Shupaiya: "I'm very sorry. Last time you were invited by Your Excellency, I left halfway for some reason, which made you embarrassed."

Shupaiya said hurriedly: "No need to apologize, it was the adults who saved us, otherwise we would have been robbed by robbers."

After a few polite words with him, Frederick suddenly asked: "I heard that your guild alliance is on the verge of death. I wonder if you can sell it to me?"

Shupaiya was unprepared for this question. At first, he thought he came to him to inquire about the distribution of spoils. After all, he knew which of the confiscated properties were high-quality assets.

Frederick continued: "The Guild Hall Alliance is no longer the huge alliance that had nearly two hundred franchised cities that could influence the political situation. It is now just an organization that provides goods sales shops, storage warehouses and merchants in less than ten cities. I’m right that the hotel is just a commercial institution.”

Shupaiya nodded bitterly, no one needed to leak these things, just ask any businessman.

Frederick continued: "I intend to get involved in maritime trade. Rather than starting from scratch, it is better to buy your business with skilled employees."

"If you are willing to serve under me after selling the Guild Hall Alliance, I can give you twice the salary and related commissions."

After hearing this, Shupaiya began to think. If Duke Wesson wanted to get involved in maritime business activities, he would need a group of professionals who were familiar with the business. Since he happened to be a professional, he could also find more professionals.

He had long thought of leaving the Guild Hall Alliance. Since he couldn't become the Secretary of Commerce of Wesson, it would be good to work for the same boss, and this boss seemed very powerful.

"I accept the Duke's kindness," Shupaiya replied, "It's just that the business of the Guild Hall Alliance has been shrinking, and the losses are so great that we can hardly afford to pay the staff's wages. If you want to get involved in the maritime business, I suggest you start over. Can recommend many experienced staff.”

Frederick understood what he meant and said with a smile: "The Guild Hall Alliance has a long history and has stored a large amount of information on maritime trade."

Shupaiya nodded in agreement. The Guild Hall Alliance's reference room contained materials that had been preserved for hundreds of years. It was comparable to a library. It was now the place where top leaders of the organization received their salaries.

Then Frederick said bluntly: "It is these information that I am interested in. It is useless in your hands, but it will become a gold mine in my hands."

"Ah?!" Shupaiya was shocked, "Really? What should we do?"

Frederick just smiled and said nothing.

Shupaiya immediately said: "Sorry, I made a mistake."

"Although I am the president, the decision to sell the Guild Hall Alliance is not something I can decide by myself. I still need to discuss it with everyone."

Frederick nodded slightly and said, "I'll give you three days to discuss it and give me a price. You can ask for gold coins or choose from my trophies."

"If the original person is willing to work under me, the salary will be 30% higher than before. If he thinks he can get a higher salary, he can convince me. However, he must also manage according to my rules."

When he said this, he raised his hand to make a gesture, and immediately a maid came to Shupaiya carrying a tray with a manual called "Wesson Family Industry Management System" on it.

Shupaiya left with the manual and returned two days later with about a dozen people.

These people were all shareholders of the Guild Hall Alliance, and their offers were within the range that Frederick could accept.

Now that the Guild Hall Alliance is losing money, it would be best if someone takes over, not to mention that it can be used to exchange for properties in Hanma City.

Recently, Hanma City has been involved in a battle between gods and gods over the new mayor, and the entire city management has almost come to a standstill. However, no one dared to neglect Duke Wesson's purchase of the Guild Hall Alliance, and the relevant procedures were completed as quickly as possible.

With hundreds of years of history, the once glorious Guild Hall Alliance was officially disbanded in November 1027, and was replaced by the "Dawn Chamber of Commerce" of the Wesson family. The symbol is naturally Duke Wesson's horse Dawn.

There was a lot of discussion about this matter in the city of Hanma. Many people thought that Duke Wesson had been deceived. They thought that the business at sea was easy, so they bought a shabby place to settle down and enjoy themselves.

As the saying goes, one has to specialize in a craft, but one who is good at war may not necessarily be good at doing business. Many people are waiting to see the joke.

These rumors naturally reached Frederick's ears, but he didn't pay attention and began to lay out the maritime industry.

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