Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 218 Are you here to declare war?

In mid-December, post-war negotiations between the Rhine League and the Kingdom of Damma and the Kingdom of Piast were held in Hanma City.

This time the Rhine League was led by Prince Rudolf, but he was only there as a sign, and professional matters were handled by professionals.

Princess Margaret came to the Kingdom of Danma in person, and once she redeemed the king's body, she became Queen Margaret.

The Piast Kingdom was much more low-key, and a minister came here, mainly to redeem the bodies of the nobles who died in the war.

The main parties involved in the negotiations are still the Rhine League and the Kingdom of Denmark. Currently, the Royal Mage Group and the Noble Alliance of the Rhine League still occupy Flensburg in the Kingdom of Denmark.

Frederick just asked Christian to look after his share of the interests, and then ran to a manor in the west of the city.

After buying the Guild Hall Alliance, he still had a lot of loot, so he used it all to select some farms that were connected together, then exchanged some with others, and finally integrated them into a very large manor for growing greenhouse vegetables.

Now he is the master of everything he does. The manor is managed by Helmut's parents and younger brother. He studies under Psyche's guidance every morning, tries to figure out calculus in the afternoon, and thinks about the "invention" in the evening. what.

After more than ten days like this, Christian arrived at the manor cautiously.

Frederick was practicing the basic skills of swordsmanship. He turned to look at him and asked calmly: "Failed?"

Christian nodded sadly.

Frederick said nonchalantly: "If you fail, just fail. It's just a canal, and it's not me who loses."

He was mentally prepared for the failure of this negotiation. After all, the canal zone, which is hundreds of kilometers long and 20 kilometers wide, is not so easy to get.

Christian whispered: "They are willing to give you duty-free trading rights at all ports in the Kingdom of Dama."

Frederick continued to swing his sword and asked him: "How long is the time limit?"

Christian replied: "99 years."

Frederick thought for a moment and said, "I agree in principle. You can discuss the details with Shupaiya and squeeze out as much profit as possible."

Christian added: "Sir, many people have invited you to the banquet recently, including Princess Margaret."

Frederick shook his head and continued practicing.

Nowadays, there are too many people in Hanma City who want to join him. I went to a cocktail party before, and there were all kinds of bragging people lined up, and some people got into fights because they jumped in line.

So he doesn't care about world affairs now. Those who want to join the army have been interviewed first. Those who want to join the army are in charge of Gerhard, who has agreed to be the vice-principal of the military academy. Those who think they can show their talents in the business field are in charge of Shupaiya, scholars and Professor Adam. Let's talk about it. Those who want to enter politics go to Wesson to take the civil service examination. After passing the first test, they will be interviewed twice by Psyche, a humanoid lie detector, and finally they will be interviewed by Frederick for the third time.

It's just that when he doesn't want to see anyone, someone comes to him.

"Let's try it out."

The uninvited Princess Margaret saw Frederick practicing, so she drew a slender rapier from her waist.

Frederick turned his head and glanced at Psyche dejectedly. Only she could let outsiders come here directly.

Psyche seemed particularly interested in the sky, raising her head to study the non-existent clouds.

"You can just do it." Margaret shook her sword to get acquainted with the feeling, and it looked decent. "Just treat this place as a battlefield."

Frederick frowned slightly and looked at the other party carefully.

Margaret is about sixteen years old. She is of average height. She is wearing a thick winter coat and cannot tell what is going on around her. Judging from her long golden-red hair, she has northern ancestry.

Frederick looked at the weapon in her hand, then at his own, and sighed deeply.

Margaret was a little angry when she saw him sighing, and said angrily: "Are you looking down on me? Just show me what kind of person killed my father."

Frederick turned to look at a knight who came with Margaret. This man's strength was probably not inferior to that of Richard Nall. He said to him a little depressed: "You must be Lord Preburn. I I heard Master mention you once, what do you think we should do now?"

Margaret's anger level became even higher, and she said to Frederick angrily: "Do you look down on me? If you want to fight with Mr. Preburn, you must first defeat me! If you defeat me, let me do it." Anything is fine!”

Preburn suddenly covered his face and said to Frederick: "Please be gentle for the sake of Mrs. Psyche...sister and Richard Nall who went to the Northland adventure with me."

"Teacher!" Margaret stomped her feet angrily after hearing this, "Why do you say such a thing?!"

Psyche turned to Preburn and asked, "Isn't this hard work?"

Preburn calmly replied: "The salary is good."

Psyche added: "But it seems you didn't teach me well."

Preben said helplessly: "There is nothing I can do about talent."

Psyche said: "It seems that there will be trouble for you in the future, so why not quit."

Preburn replied seriously: "She gave me a raise."

"That's it." Psyche nodded, "Oh, the fight is over."

When the two of them started chatting, Frederick made the first move.

When Margaret saw Frederick rushing towards him, she immediately took a stance and stabbed his throat with the rapier in her hand.

This stab was executed with an extremely high degree of perfection, using her entire body's strength to the maximum extent, and her accuracy was spot on.

Margaret suddenly felt a pain in her hand. The stabbing sword was knocked out of her hand by Frederick's axe, and his face instantly appeared in front of her.

Frederick rushed up to Margaret, almost face-to-face, and knocked out her breakfast with an uppercut.

Before the human bodies of both sides reach an overwhelming advantage in either strength or speed, the side with the heavier weapons will have a greater advantage in hand-to-hand combat.

Recently, Frederick was learning to use a tomahawk. Firstly, he would familiarize himself with the characteristics of this weapon so that he would know how to deal with enemies who use this weapon. Secondly, he would at least master the basic skills so that he might be able to use them some time.

The rapier Margaret is wearing is quite beautiful. This martial skill is also suitable for girls, but it is not good enough in front of an axe.

"I...I will fight with you!"

Her Royal Highness, who could not afford to lose, rushed towards Frederick and stretched out her hands to strangle him.

Psyche shook her head and said to Preburn: "You are such a teacher... a student can't afford to lose."

Preben looked at the blue sky and said calmly: "I will retire after these few years and change my name by the way."

At this time, Frederick came over and asked Preburn suspiciously: "You are here to declare war, right?"

Behind him, Margaret was knocked to the ground, with a black eye, and was tied up with a belt.

Frederick was her father-killing enemy, so naturally he would not hold back, but he had agreed not to hit her hard, so she had to be tied up.

Preben's face turned ugly, and he hesitated for a while before saying, "Actually, we are here to seek cooperation. Do you believe it?"

Frederick, with a black line on his face, asked: "If you were me, would you believe it?"

Preben smiled awkwardly, rolled his eyes, and asked, "How about I wash her and put her in your bedroom so you can vent your anger?"

Frederick rolled his eyes at him.

"Did you do this to your future queen?" He frowned and said, "Is she fake?"

Preben's face suddenly became bitter, and he sighed and said: "There is no way, His Majesty Valdemar is gone, the Piast Kingdom has been crippled by you, and those heretics are coming to kill."

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