Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 219 Too lazy to cooperate with you

In addition to the Cimbrica Peninsula, the territory of the Kingdom of Danma also includes many large and small islands in the eastern part of the peninsula. The cohesion among the nobles is like the beach on the seaside.

It took a lot of effort for a king like Valdemar to unite these nobles. Who would want to die in battle now.

The reason why these nobles listened to Valdemar over the years was not only that the king could fight, but also because the Kingdom of Sverriers, which believed in the Natural Church in the dark land north of the sea, began to invade southward, and they needed a strong leader.

Valdemar blocked the attack of the Kingdom of Sverrier by fighting against each other in the dark land of the north, and cooperating with the Kingdom of Piast in the south.

Now that he is dead, the Piast Kingdom is crippled, and the Sverrier Kingdom immediately clamored to fight south.

Therefore, the nobles of the Danma Kingdom panicked and tried every means to find support, including asking Duke Wesson for help.

Preburn was not joking when he said that Margaret would clean out Frederick's bedroom. He is now the spokesperson of the nobles. He spoke bluntly in front of Margaret: "For the nobles, you can protect yourself." A king is a good king, no matter whether the king personally wins the battle or goes to be a mistress to find helpers."

It was probably not the first time Margaret heard such words, so she didn't get angry, bit her lip, and shoveled the dirt silently.

Frederick looked at the drainage ditch next to the vegetable greenhouse leading to the river in the distance, and remained silent for a long time.

"There are no permanent friends, no permanent enemies, only eternal interests." He said calmly, "I have seen it."

Preben nodded and said: "That sums it up well."

Frederick smiled and asked him: "What can you give me? Cookies, mink, or pork?"

Preburn's face was very interesting, and he glanced at Margaret next to him.

When Frederick saw it, he shook his head and said, "She's not good enough. She couldn't dig a two-meter ditch even after working for a long time, which was a waste of food."

Margaret was so angry that she bit her lip until it bled. Preburn asked Frederick helplessly: "Then what do you want?"

Frederick said to him firmly: "I will not send troops, there are not that many people. If I have more people, do you still expect Flensburg to get it back?"

He made a lot of money from this battle, and the Dawn Chamber of Commerce was so busy just with the captured Piast army supplies that they haven't sold them all yet, let alone various ransoms and war compensation.

But no one would think that he had too much money. If Frederick could free up his hands, he would definitely capture one or two cities in the Dammar Kingdom and make a fortune.

Now the Danma Kingdom is only facing the threat of war, and the north has not really attacked yet, so those nobles still dare to play tricks and use Margaret to pay off their debts.

If they had offered real money from the beginning, Frederick would still have sold them the captured weapons. Now there was no need to think about it, just waiting to be robbed.

Preben was brought by Psyche. Frederick had to give Psyche some face no matter what, so it was not good to just drive him away.

So Frederick looked at the sky and said to Preburn: "You're here, let's go after dinner."

Seeing what he said, Preben knew that the matter was out of the question, but there was another thing, so he asked Frederick: "Duke Wesson, is His Majesty Waldemar's king's ring in your hand?" "

When Frederick first collected the loot, he took away the power rings, personal rings and swords, etc., waiting for a large ransom.

He asked Preburn: "What, you want to go back and put it on?"

"No, no, no!" Preburn hurriedly waved his hands and shook his head, "I don't have this idea. I just want to wait for my salary as soon as I wake up, instead of worrying about how to get money to pay people's wages."

Frederick said: "Whoever wants it can come to me himself."

After he finished speaking, he turned and left.

"Alas..." Preben glanced at Margaret and said to Psyche: "Comparing people with each other is so irritating. I really envy Richard Nall."

Psyche said: "Actually, Frederick was very easy to talk to, but only if he didn't play tricks."

Preburn shouted unjustly: "I know you are his teacher, how can I dare to play tricks? If I make you angry, if you put a lock on my money bank, I will be finished!"

Frederick returned to his residence and went to the study to find a map of the Kingdom of Dama and study it.

The Danma Kingdom is not rich in products and has no mineral resources. However, the fishery is developed. The mink fur raised with fish is of high quality and is the main export product.

Altasha brought tea to Frederick, pointed to the small picture in the upper left corner of the map and said, "You might as well take down their place on Cod Island."

Frederick was stunned and asked doubtfully: "Isn't Cod Island the territory of your Green Island?"

Altasha replied: "The north is ours, and the south is theirs. There are many volcanoes there, and you can dig a lot of fire magic crystals."

Frederick shook his head and said: "Then there is no other way. How could they give up a place with magic crystal mines."

Altasha handed the tea cup to Frederick and said: "Fire magic crystals are not that easy to dig. It requires high skills, otherwise people will die. They have no skills, so they can only try their luck in the mountains to pick some."

Frederick asked her: "You mean you have this technology and want to cooperate with me?"

"Yes." Altasha said, "I can find someone from Green Island to dig it, and then we will split up. Recently, Teacher Psyche helped me improve one of my magics, which requires a lot of fire magic crystals as research materials. .”

Frederick smiled and said: "I might as well take down the entire island."

"Whatever." Altasha said nonchalantly, "Anyway, the Green Island side thinks that Codfish Island is useless, and many exiled prisoners have been abandoned there. If you really beat me down, at worst, I will fight with Teacher Psyche I'll just eat at your place."

Frederick was speechless for this eldest sister.

"That's it." Frederick looked at the map and said, "When that Margaret comes over, let her come to the study to find me."

Altasha Bad News asked him: "Do you want me to help you get everyone out of the house? The sound insulation here is not good."

Frederick was asking questions, and Altasha's face showed an aunt's smile: "Oh, our master's hair has begun to grow..."

"Go, go!" Frederick became a little angry when he remembered how he was molested by her in the bath two days ago. "If you keep talking nonsense, I will make you dig a well!"

Altasha left with a smile, and Frederick drank tea speechlessly, never expecting that this eldest sister would have such a side.

After a while, Margaret washed her hands and face and came to the study.

"Hurry up and return my father's ring and sword to me!"

She still speaks so aggressively even now.

Frederick said solemnly: "If I don't return them, they are my trophies, and I have no problem throwing them into the sea."

Margaret's face suddenly became ferocious, and she wanted to take action again.

Frederick would not coddle her, so he pressed her on the desk. After releasing her defense, he raised his palm and gave her a hard "pia" towards the white gluteus maximus.

"You can't speak, can you?" Frederick was beating and scolding, "You are begging me now, not me begging you. Think carefully about how you should speak when begging for help!"

During this battle, a technician from the Springfield Arsenal at the bastion personally operated a triple peashooter in order to obtain first-hand data. He was a promising young man, but he died together with the enemy. Naturally, Frederick had no influence on the Kingdom of Damma. Good impression.

In addition, Margaret had been pampered since she was a child and had never been beaten at all, otherwise she would not have acted out one after another, which eventually made Frederick so angry that he lost control.

Frederick's behavior frightened Margaret. The pain brought her to consciousness and she cried "Wow". She had never cried so miserably when she learned that her biological father had died in battle.

The more she cried, the angrier Frederick became, and the more violent his attacks became.

However, as she was beating, Margaret's voice suddenly became strange, and Frederick became even more angry, and his strikes were much heavier than before.

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