Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 220 A revolving door appears

The Kingdom of Damma leased the southern part of Cod Island to Duke Wesson for a period of 499 years without publicity. Everything was negotiated and traded in private, and no one knew the negotiation process.

The post-war negotiations were all concluded before the New Year. The ransom was paid, the compensation was paid, and then everyone returned to their homes. Some people cried and some laughed when they got home.

In the following time, the income of taverns and other places in Hanma City increased greatly. The men who ate meat also had broth to drink. After receiving the bounty, they naturally promoted local consumption.

The Wesson Army was no exception. Frederick gave them a rotation of holidays to go to the city to spend money. As a result, many of them kidnapped local girls and planned to bring them back to Wesson for marriage. Frederick received a stack of reports.

Frederick asked Helmut to make statistics on the woman and handed it over to Shupaiya for investigation. If the girl's family had no criminal record or bad habits such as gambling for three generations, it was approved. As a result, several professional players who were fishing for money were found. .

Soon after, heavy snow began to fall, and it continued to fall from the Winter Spirit Festival in 1027 to the second day of 1028. After the snow stopped, it became completely white.

Early this morning, the sun shone on the snow, making it a bit dazzling.

People who need to go out find a piece of linen and tie it in front of their eyes to block the reflection of the snow and avoid being hurt by the light.

Wearing sunglasses, Frederick opened the door and found that the snow outside was almost up to his chest. Tony was leading people to shovel the snow away from the road that had just fallen yesterday.

Ever since it started snowing, he lived in a small house of less than 100 square meters. Although it was small, it had all the necessary equipment. The walls and floors were double-layered. He had a fire in the stove behind the house and the whole house was warm. of.

There are one or two such houses in every manor, and now in addition to Frederick and others, Dawn and other unicorns also live in them.

The farmer's house was in bad condition. Frederick went to see it. There were no double walls and floors, and the family could only tremble around the firepit.

So this year we started to have hot pots, and it goes without saying who “invented” them.

Frederick came to where Psyche lived and saw her lying lazily on the bed, holding a lollipop in her mouth and reading a book.

"What are you reading?" Frederick asked curiously, sitting on the edge of the bed.

Psyche handed him the heavy book and said: "A man I knew before wrote only three sea adventure novels. I went to visit his house a while ago, and I didn't expect that he passed away three years ago. I wrote two more volumes and revised the first three volumes, and his descendants asked me to publish them in Wesson."

Frederick took the book and flipped through it. It was about a captain whose ship was blown off course by strong winds every three days and came to strange islands. He then defeated the princess and rescued rare birds and animals.

As for why it was the princess who was defeated, it was because the battle process was indescribable.

But those "fighting" parts aside, it still looks good.

Frederick handed the thick booklet he brought to Psyche, and then carefully studied the content of the novel, which would be used in four years.

"You actually remember so much?!" Psyche flipped through the book in surprise, "I thought you could come up with the most basic functions, derivatives and a few examples and that would be enough."

Frederick replied: "I have a question to ask. A few days ago, it seemed like a box was suddenly opened in my mind, and many memories that I thought I had forgotten have popped up."

"Just like this, I thought I only remembered a little bit at first, but suddenly I found that I could recall the entire advanced mathematics textbook from that year. What do you think is going on?"

"That's not all. My colleague's daughter used to secretly eat grapes on my desk. I remember this incident. Now I can remember how many grapes she had before she ate them and how many grapes were left after she ate them. 豼It’s weird, isn’t it?”

Psyche raised her head and looked at him with a depressed look, and said seriously: "This is a revolving door before death. It can't be cured. Just wait for death and say goodbye."

Frederick said helplessly: "Stop joking, uh... is what you said true? Don't scare me."

Psyche became serious this time and said to him: "The principle is the same. Some people have particularly strong mental powers before they die, some have flashbacks, and some know that they are facing great danger, so their spirits are concentrated like never before under the influence of instinct. This is It stimulates the memory part and awakens previous memories.”

"This kind of thing not only happens before death, but also occasionally occurs when the concentration exceeds a certain critical point, but the stimulation is not great and the impact is limited."

"You must have been stimulated by something at that time, right?"

Frederick shook his head, he was not stimulated at all at that time.

Psyche thought for a while, then suddenly smiled evilly, and asked him with a sneaky look: "Did you secretly eat forbidden fruit a while ago? Some people will also experience this through stimulation of the human body."

Frederick rolled his eyes at her and said helplessly: "Don't gossip with others all day long. I still have some self-control."

"Who knows." Psyche saw through his expression, "Margaret almost couldn't sit on her chair after coming out of the study that day."

Frederick was silent for a moment, thinking that Psyche was not a talker, so he said: "If I told you that she was a jerk, would you believe it?"

The corner of Psyche's mouth twitched slightly and sighed: "You young people are really having fun."

"Let's not talk about it." Frederick didn't want to continue the topic. "I think this is a bit abnormal."

Psyche replied: "Your appearance is not normal. There is too little information for analysis, and I don't know what the situation is."

"Wait and see. If this happens again in the future, remember to recall what happened before."

"Okay." Frederick shook his head and said, "Last time I fell and hit my head, but this time there were no signs."

Psyche made a suggestion: "How about you let Dawn kick me?"

Frederick shook his head hastily.

Psyche stopped continuing the topic and took the novel out of his hand and said, "If you have anything to do, just finish it in the winter. I plan to start teaching you combat magic in the spring."

"Really?!" Frederick jumped with joy, "That's great!"

In the past few years, he has only learned the basic skills of manipulating magic elements. Apart from the elemental collision magic, he only has a few basic magic spells for practice, which are not useful on the battlefield.

But this also has the advantage that he can cast the same magic faster than others, which is a life-saving advantage.

Psyche added: "If you are interested, you can learn from Tony about his iron shirt. Otherwise, the whole army will not turn black. Wouldn't it be too prominent?"

Frederick asked in a flattering manner: "It seems a little bad that I have turned black. Can you change the color?"

Psyche gave him a roll of her eyes and said, "How about pink?"

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