Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 221 Magic for combat

Spring is here, the weather is getting warmer, and in the blink of an eye, the earth changes from white to tender green.

Mingxiao almost mastered hibernation skills this winter, and now he starts to run around as soon as the weather warms up.

It’s just that this manor was newly acquired by Frederick. Unlike the one in Wesson, the people here were not familiar with Frederick and Mingxiao. Mingxiao wanted to play with the children, but a large number of brothers and sisters emerged to protect him. The story of the scared younger sibling who cried.

The ice on the sea also melted, and merchants began to set sail.

After a winter of deliberation, Dawn Chamber of Commerce officially launched ship insurance and cargo insurance business on several routes. With the financial backing of Frederick, many people began to choose to take insurance there.

Soon after, a fleet from Wesson arrived in Hanma City. In addition to the wireless communication team led by Professor Heinrich, there were also two newly produced 50-horsepower steam tractors.

In the following time, many people came to Frederick's manor to watch the two tractors at work.

This simply enlarged and properly optimized tractor can pull a plowshare with two plowshares for deep plowing, much faster than a horse, and can also drive water pumps, steel mills, and sawing machines.

Someone asked the price, but it turned out to be too expensive and I couldn't afford it.

Frederick didn't care and said it could be rented.

Some come and some leave. Professor Adam completed his job as Minister of Commerce very well. He seemed to be exuding the light of deception. He led an investment inspection team and chartered nearly ten ships to Wesson for inspection. The fleet When passing through the city of Cologne, the scale became larger again.

After Frederick finished arranging his work, he could start to concentrate on learning magic with Psyche.

As soon as he walked into the study that day, he felt that he had suddenly lost more than twenty kilograms, and he felt a little unsteady when he walked.

"What's going on?" Frederick was stunned for a moment, "Are we on the moon?"

"Anti-gravity magic." Psyche sat on the sofa, raised a metal feather of a hussar and shook it.

Frederick sighed: "So that's it, this is a magic trick you must learn to lose weight."

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a weight on his body, as if he was carrying a fat man weighing hundreds of kilograms.

"Is this a magic that increases gravity?" He immediately thought of what was going on, "How can it be like this!"

This magic is so useful. If you use it when hitting someone, the effect will be great.

Psyche lifted the magic and asked him to sit down before asking: "You know the nature of gravity, right?"

"It's gravity." Frederick replied, "The essence of gravity is the distortion of space and time."

Psyche threw up the piece of metal feather. The feather first suspended in the air, then fell at the speed of an afterimage, and then slowly rose and fell again, in an endless cycle.

"Magical elements exist in every corner of this world." She began to give a lecture to Frederick. "These elements 'resonate' under certain circumstances to affect reality. This resonance is magic."

Frederick nodded. Psyche had been emphasizing this theory for several years, so he said: "In other words, in addition to the magic of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth that we can come into contact with every day, there are many magic that we are not aware of. type?"

"There are also phenomena," said Psyche, "such as this."

After she finished speaking, her eyes stared at the metal feathers in front of her, and a red laser shot out of her eyes, vaporizing the ends of the feathers.

Frederick asked her with a black line: "Would you like me to prepare a pair of red panties for you to wear outside?"

After a moment, Psyche said nonchalantly: "The anti-gravity magic used by the hussars to reduce weight and Altasha's summoning magic are both branches of space magic. Have you noticed that the hussars' wings only have anti-gravity magic?" There is no magic crystal in magic.”

Frederick replied on the ceiling: "That's true. Could it be that the space element does not have a corresponding magic crystal? If this magic is used on a large scale, wouldn't it be possible to create a flying ship?"

Psyche nodded, pointed to her head and said: "The magic knowledge my mother gave me includes an island that can float in the sky, as well as teleportation and teleportation array functions, and the ability to expand space. , there’s even a storage ring like that.”

Frederick's eyes suddenly lit up, these are all good things.

But Psyche immediately poured cold water on him: "Maybe it's because the world is different. The space elements here are difficult to control precisely. Even I can only control gravity. Teleportation is very dangerous."

"Ah?!" Frederick cried out in disappointment, "Why is this happening!"

Psyche spread her hands and said helplessly: "I don't know either. I only know that the space element 'vibrated' so much that it was difficult to control, so it failed to form a stable magic crystal."

"But when I first came to this world and started to observe that this 'vibration' has gradually weakened in the past few hundred years, I speculate that this world experienced some kind of major event many years ago, which may be related to the legendary Twilight of the Gods. .”

"Alas, this kind of thing is too far away for you. If I come up with any new conclusions, I'll burn it to you."

The corners of Frederick's mouth twitched, this kind of sophisticated research was too far away from him.

Psyche reached out and moved her fingers, and Frederick returned to the sofa and sat down, but the feeling was exactly the same as when he was hanging upside down.

"I'll teach you the magic of controlling gravity first." Psyche let Feather fly to Frederick. "For no other reason than because this magic can save your life at critical moments."

Frederick took the feathers and nodded seriously.

Psyche asked: "Look at the magic circle above. Do you see any problems?"

Frederick observed carefully and quickly figured it out with his current basic knowledge of magic, so he said: "This magic circle is very complicated. It only requires mental power to be poured into it. The magic circle will automatically capture the space elements and then work." .”

Psyche said: "Yes, this is a magic circle prepared for people who don't know magic. It can be seen that its various parts are very mature, taking into account the characteristics of low processing precision and poor material quality, even if there are some mistakes There will be no problems, it’s close to perfect in terms of practicality, and it’s just right for you to get started.”

Frederick continued to observe the magic array and asked curiously: "Did you design this magic array?"

"No." Psyche shook her head, "I had it before I came here. It was one of several ancient magics collected by the Witch Sisters. Later, someone married into the royal family of the Piast Kingdom and took it with them."

"There is a useless part on the magic circle, right in the middle. I suspect it is a trademark or signature. It can be optimized when using it."

Frederick saw the sign and asked, "Isn't this the sign of the Witch Sisters?"

Psyche replied: "The Witch Sisters use this as their symbol. This is not the point. You can study the use of magic slowly."

Frederick began to carefully study the reaction force part of the magic circle, and then manipulated the surrounding space elements to construct it bit by bit above the palm of his hand.

Psyche prepared a scale with the same weights on both sides for him to test the effect.

On the second day of Frederick's practice, the balance could be tilted slightly, but it took nearly half an hour to prepare.

"You're just getting started." Psyche looked quite satisfied. "Practice makes perfect."

Frederick said with a grimace: "This magic circle looks simple, but it is difficult to operate."

Psyche said: "This is a problem with the space element. You can only find a way to speed up the casting speed by yourself. Practice more."

Frederick nodded, understanding that there was no shortcut in this matter.

Psyche handed him a table and said: "This is the first phase of the study plan I have made for you. You can see what you need to adjust and focus on your habits."

Frederick took the form and studied it. The plan that Psyche assigned to him was mainly based on the three elements of ice, fire and lightning, with offense, defense and control, all of which were used frequently on the battlefield.

"I think it's okay." Frederick felt there was no problem. "It will take a long time to learn this."

Psyche replied: "It depends on how fast you learn. If you are the protagonist of a cool novel, you can master it in one day."

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