Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 222 Another wonder is going to be built

"One hammer, two hammers, three hammers..."

The manor needed to build a fence, which gave Frederick the opportunity to apply what he had learned. Psyche asked him to hammer the wooden piles, use anti-gravity when lifting the hammer, and increase gravity when the hammer fell.

This is not over yet. When working, you still have to count the number of hammer blows, counting from 1 to 10 in cycles. Between 2 and 8, you need to put on a set of ice armor. The hammer is enchanted with fire when the odd number is used, and lightning when the even number is used.

Now everyone in the manor knows that the master and Ming Xiao are both easy to talk to, but they just don't want to offend the beautiful brown-haired female teacher, who bullies the master so much that she even drives stakes on a hot day.

As soon as he finished his day's work, Christian came with a middle-aged man with a slightly high hairline.

Christian quietly made a gesture and told the leader that this person was here to solicit sponsorship.

After a brief bath, Frederick met the middle-aged man named Bohard in the living room.

"An observatory?" Frederick paused as he raised his tea cup, "Is there an observatory in Hanma City?"

Bohard replied a little awkwardly: "Yes, it's just that our observatory is too small. The recent lights in the city are too bright and have seriously affected our work, so we plan to build a new observatory outside the city."

Frederick understood that Hanma City had imported a lot of magic street lamps in the past two years. These lamps were meant to stay on all night. The current telescope technology was not good enough, so they suffered from light pollution.

He took a sip of tea leisurely, and then said: "How about moving to Weissen State? We have a mountainous area there that will be a pine forest area in the future. Except for forest fires, there will be no fires for a long time in the future." light pollution."

Bohard drank tea in silence. He just wanted to move the observatory outside the city, but never thought of moving it that far.

Seeing his reaction, Frederick continued: "I have a plan, which is to unify the time."

"Have you heard about the recent broadcasts in the city? I want the observatory to determine the daily time and broadcast it on the radio. To this end, I plan to build a broadcast tower for the observatory. By then, no matter it is the North Sea or the inland sea, all radios can listen to the current time.”

Frederick was already very skilled at deceiving people by drawing a big scallion pancake, and Bohard was stunned by his plan.

However, Frederick's ambitions did not stop there. He also wanted to seize something - the prime meridian.

Now everyone knows that the earth is a ball, but currently only Psyche is estimated to be able to complete a round-the-world journey. The dangers at sea are beyond people's imagination. No matter you are a magic god or a sword master, if there is no ship in the vast sea, will you drown or not? die.

A problem arose when promoting the maritime positioning system this time. There is currently no unified standard for longitude and latitude. After getting a nautical chart, you must first figure out which place's longitude and latitude is used on it.

Everyone measures latitude against the stars in the sky. There is no Polaris here. The stars used in different places are different, so the final values ​​are also different.

Longitude is even more troublesome. It is determined by calculating the time difference at noon between two places, which requires the prime meridian. Nowadays, the prime meridian used by different countries is different.

Frederick now planned to use the opportunity of promoting the positioning system to promote his own system of longitude and latitude, and to draw new nautical charts, which required accurate clocks and an observatory to determine the time of noon.

Precise clocks of this era have already appeared in Wesson. The lever escapement "invented" by Frederick replaced the existing crankshaft escapement. Professor Ogilvy made steel that can be used as a spring. Coupled with the use of vernier calipers and lathes specialized in gear production, the accuracy of the clock has been greatly improved and its size has been reduced a lot.

However, the price of this kind of clock has not come down yet. After all, when Frederick was born in his previous life, there was a watch in the "three turns and one ring". For a long time here, clocks and pocket watches under development were still luxury goods.

But shipowners are not short of money. An accurate navigation clock that can calculate latitude is still very cheap compared with a ship that crashes into a reef due to inaccurate positioning.

So all Frederick needed now was an observatory.

Not long after the spring plowing began, a local gang robbed a "passerby" one night two streets away from the Hanma City Observatory. The robber was stopped by a Wesson Army soldier who happened to be passing by and fled. In the end, the soldier because the local street was too dark and being unfamiliar with the roads and failed to catch up with the robbers.

Frederick found out about this later, so he gave a low-interest loan to Hanma City for a "lighting project". The roads in the city were brightened and the security was improved, but the street lights around the observatory were brighter than in other places. .

For a time, Hanma City was known as the "city that never sleeps", and the night market prospered, driving a large wave of nighttime economy.

Not long ago, several young people at the observatory encouraged Bohard to move the observatory to a place with less lights. If you don't have money, you can try to find Duke Wesson. These people all have an admission notice from Wesson University in their homes. The principal Issued in person.

Bohard didn't understand the way behind it, and said with some embarrassment: "I admire Duke Wesson's ambition very much, but the investment in building a new observatory is huge."

"I've also heard that a broadcast tower is very expensive and I'm afraid it's hard to get a return on the money."

"Twenty thousand florins." Frederick held out two fingers. "I invested this much money in three years to build a new observatory. The later operations and new investments will be funded by the Wesson state government. The salary of all personnel is Three times the current price, housing is allocated free of charge, and the children of regular employees also enjoy the educational rights of children in Wesson.”

"Now the best glass production areas in the entire Rhineland are in Weissenburg and Nuremberg in the state of Weissense. There are also excellent lens grinding craftsmen who produce microscopes and can produce bigger and better astronomical telescopes."

Bohard's eyes suddenly widened. This condition was far beyond his imagination.

Among other things, observatories everywhere are now privately sponsored. If you can't get sponsors, everyone will drink the northwest wind together. And Frederick agreed to provide funding from the government, which meant that everyone would immediately have an iron rice bowl and their lives would be guaranteed.

Bohard was a little moved. In addition to the treatment, there were also glass production areas and lens grinding craftsmen that Frederick mentioned. Maybe they could make better telescopes.

Seeing that he was moved, Frederick made the final blow: "I wrote the book "The Nature of Light". I have an idea for a new astronomical telescope, but I don't have time to manage it myself. I am in need of experienced people." Someone will host it.”

"What kind of telescope is it?" Bohard asked a little excitedly.

Astronomers are also academics, and they believe more than others that Frederick was possessed by an angel, otherwise he would be a monster.

In his previous life, Frederick had been playing astronomy with his friends for a while in college, so it was not a problem to draw a reflecting telescope.

Bohard didn't understand it at first, but after Frederick explained it carefully, it seemed reasonable.

"I want to think about it." Bohard still hesitated, "I want to discuss it with other people and see if they agree."

"Don't worry, I won't leak the plan for this telescope."

Frederick smiled and replied: "It doesn't matter, I'm waiting for your good news."

After Bohard left, a smile appeared on Frederick's face.

He spent so much effort to build the observatory and determine "Wesson time" and the prime meridian not just to calculate economic accounts, but to build the observatory and subsequent projects as spectacles, like Germaine's Cathedral and Edelweiss. Like a big library.

Wonders can increase the visibility and prestige of a territory on a large scale, letting people far away know that this place has such a powerful existence, and gradually form the idea that this place is very powerful. This is how soft power gradually increases.

If the observatory is won, Frederick will have the wonders of Germaine's Cathedral plus faith, the Edelweiss Library plus culture, the observatory plus navigation, and there will be more wonders to build in the future.

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