Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 223 Practicing special moves

"I found that the world is still missing something!"

"What is it?"



Psyche kicked Frederick hard in the gluteus maximus, and then kicked him in a series of kicks to keep him floating for 10 seconds. Who let them be the only ones on this small island.

Bohard agreed to move the observatory to Wesson, and the huge investment made many people have other ideas.

Naturally, there are no PPTs these days, but paper projects have become very mature in swindling money. For example, some people claim to build a 500-meter-tall building, and others want to build a 100,000-ton wooden ship.

There were even two people who claimed to be weavers and said that they could weave the most beautiful cloth that humans could ever see. Not only were the colors and patterns of this cloth exceptionally beautiful, but the clothes they sewed also had a strange property. : Anyone who is incompetent or hopelessly stupid cannot see this dress.

Frederick couldn't stand these people, so he drove away all of them except for supporting some down-and-out painters who cheated money, and then slipped away to an island where rich people vacationed to learn magic.

"Stop pretending to be dead." Psyche poked the saltfish on the beach with her toes. "Learn magic well. When you get rich, no one will say anything about you even if you wear a bikini."

Frederick rolled his eyes like a salty fish.

The fun is over and back to business. Today they will take advantage of the sea around them to practice their special moves.

Psyche pointed to the sea and said, "The most powerful one."

Frederick shook his head with a grimace and said: "Theoretically, the most powerful one will blow me up to death."

Psyche touched his head, and a dazzling light shield enveloped Frederick.

Frederick felt that his defense seemed to have increased, and he started to use his ultimate move without saying a word.

Two halos, four to five meters in diameter and one meter thick, appeared on the sea dozens of meters away.

"Okay." Psyche praised, "Your level of manipulation of magic elements has reached the level of a sophisticated magician."

Frederick was concentrating on controlling the light element to accelerate its rotation. According to Psyche's previous requirements, he only used 80% of his power, leaving 20% ​​to deal with accidents. He squeezed out a sentence: "It's just simple control." .”

Half a minute later, the light elements in the two reversely accelerating apertures reached their maximum speed, and then quickly overlapped.

A white light brighter than the sun appeared on the sea. Under the shock wave, a large piece of the sea seemed to have been dug away. The rocks on the seabed could be seen instantly shattered, and countless seafood flew into the sky.

Frederick himself was blown away by the shock wave and rolled on the ground for more than ten times, but was unscathed.

Psyche stayed where she was, but her long brown hair and snow-white skirt were slightly blown up.

After Frederick passed by, he said angrily: "I thought I wouldn't be blown up."

Psyche said seriously: "This is dead force. It is a defense method to reduce damage when facing powerful attacks. You should learn more."

Frederick had a black streak on his face, feeling that she was taking revenge on him.

Psyche began to comment on the magic he had just performed: "It's big but not refined. The utilization rate of the elements is so low that I don't know what to say. It's just a miracle that happens with great force. What you have to do next is to find ways to improve the utilization rate and reduce consumption and time." .”

Frederick sat on the beach and instead of asking Psyche what to do, he thought about the problem she had discovered.

"The explosion is caused by the high-speed collision of elements." He pinched his chin and said, "The speed is very slow and then it is increased. Wouldn't it be better if the elements were made closer together?"

Just as he was told, he began to condense a ring-sized ring of light elements on his hand, and then tried to compress it a little thinner.

He seemed to have made a new discovery and immediately replaced the light element with the fire element.

"The purity... has improved a lot!" Frederick raised his head and looked at Psyche, "Does compression have the effect of improving purity? How could this be?"

Psyche just replied: "Why can't the elements be soft packaging?"

Frederick frowned, and for a moment he didn't know where to start thinking about this problem. He simply put it aside to see if he could take advantage of this phenomenon.

In his opinion, this kind of explosion is the rapid release of energy inside the elements after the collision of magic elements. If the energy density of the elements can be increased, more energy can be released.

I just don’t know if this can increase the proportion of magic elements involved in energy release.

He cast two halos that were the same as before at the location of the first cast, and then compressed them much thinner during the acceleration process.

After a few minutes, he began to concentrate all his strength to make the halos rotating in opposite directions merge and collide, without noticing that Psyche had run away.

When Frederick woke up, he found himself lying on the beach, with the sea water up to his feet, and Psyche sitting next to him.

"Why did I faint?" he asked after sitting up. "Is the power so much stronger?"

Psyche said calmly: "Let me tell you good news. In the future, you will have the opportunity to die together with everyone below the God of Law and the Sword Master."

Frederick searched his head and asked, "There must be some bad news, right?"

Psyche nodded: "The house on the island is gone, and you have to pay for it. The boat is gone, and you have to swim back by yourself."

Frederick blinked and looked back. The small building in the middle of the island a few hundred meters away was gone. Several trees planted nearby were also broken. The dock where the boat was parked on the right was empty.

"No!" He found that the tree fell towards him, and the pier was on the left.

"Nothing's wrong," Psyche said. "You got yourself blown over."

Frederick blinked, sighed, and said: "It's over, this is the script for us to live on a desert island."

"It's just you," Psyche rolled her eyes at him, "I can fly."

Frederick was speechless. If he had known that he would bring Mingxiao here, this guy would definitely be having fun with the children in the manor.

He rubbed his head again and asked, "Why is it so powerful this time?"

Psyche replied: "Just think of it as a chain reaction. After the elements are compressed, the energy released at one point causes other surrounding elements to be "squeezed out" some energy, and it is passed on layer by layer until these There’s not enough energy to release the energy next to it.”

Frederick nodded, somewhat understanding.

Psyche continued: "Theoretically, it is possible to achieve 100% reaction, but in practice it is impossible because the power of the explosion will blow away these magical elements and they will not be able to participate in the reaction."

Frederick thought for a while and asked: "What if we use some method to restrain these magical elements to participate in the reaction?"

"Then you have to implement this method first." Psyche said, "Theoretically there are many methods, but in practice it is very difficult."

Frederick thought for a while and finally said: "Then I'd better continue to study the magic with low power and try to throw it out, otherwise it won't be able to exert its power."

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