Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 224 Go and gain reputation

The fishermen of Hanma City were blessed today. The fish that had been killed and stunned were floating on the sea and could be caught casually. Frederick and the two of them just happened to catch a smooth sailing boat back.

The owners of the resort building on the island did not dare to ask for too much compensation, especially after hearing that they said the building was accidentally blown up while practicing magic, so they only cautiously charged the cost price.

There were still many people in the manor who wanted to steal money, and Frederick continued to disappear.

No one knows where the two of them ran. Anyway, with wireless communicators, they can find people if something happens.

In fact, Frederick didn't know where he was now. When he woke up that day, he found a strange ceiling in front of him, as if he was in a hunter's cabin in a dense forest somewhere.

Psyche only left him a few pieces of rough armor, a dagger, a spear, a first aid kit and the task of hunting a bear spirit, allowing him to farm monsters to increase combat experience.

Frederick curled his lips. The bear spirit Psyche was talking about was a kind of furbolg that looked a bit like a human. The adult was about one meter tall. Its claws could hold sticks, rocks and other objects to attack the enemy. It would go crazy. Transformation, intelligence is almost at the same level as Mingxiao, and if she continues to evolve, she might be able to evolve into a bear lady.

The problem is that bear spirits live in groups. The whole family, young and old, lives in groups of 20 or 30. They will not be left alone. If you kill one of them, a group will come. This task seems to be a one-on-one task, but in fact it is Frederick who challenges a group of bear spirits alone.

After Frederick figured out the situation, he walked out of the hut. The first thing he had to do now was not to kill monsters but to survive. Psyche didn't prepare anything to eat.

There were some bottles and cans in the hut, and there was a stream nearby, so he drank pheasant soup at night.

The next morning, after eating the leftover chicken soup from last night, he started walking downstream along the creek, looking for the footprints of the bear spirit.

This method worked well. At noon on the third day, he found a piece of bear footprints on the bank of the upper reaches of the creek. Judging from the number, they were bear spirits rather than bears.

Frederick followed the bear spirits' footprints cautiously, not noticing that he was upwind. After walking for a while, he found three bear spirits in front of him holding wooden sticks and seemed to be waiting for him. One of them should be holding a carriage. The axle has bearings on it.

With the bear spirit's intelligence, he recognized that the hairless bipedal ape holding a weapon was an enemy, and rushed forward with a roar.

They roared like this, and there was a response from the forest behind.

Frederick immediately jumped to the side. He had been beaten by a group of people during training in the past few years. He had gained experience. At this time, he could not just be beaten by a group of people in the middle. He had to jump to the side to ensure that there were only a few enemies in front of him.

This time, he and the three bear spirits were almost in a straight line, and the spear with the lightning tip suddenly pierced the shoulder of the nearest bear spirit.

The bear spirit's fur is very tough, and the spearhead only penetrates a little, but the electric current that passes into the body is enough to electrocute it to the point where its heart stops beating.

Frederick did not dare to let it bleed too much, because they would go crazy as soon as they smelled the blood of their companions.

White light emerged from the feet of the second bear spirit, and a huge icicle wrapped it inside. It would suffocate to death before the icicle disappeared.

But then a wind blade flew over from the distant woods and cut off half of the third bear spirit's head.

As soon as Frederick finished his curse, the approaching group of bear spirits suddenly roared, and the ground shook.

More than a dozen bear spirits went crazy, their muscles suddenly bulged, and they rushed forward with a roar.

Some of them were holding stones, some were holding wheels, some were carriage shafts, and the strongest one around was holding a half-gnawed horse leg.

A swordsman in white clothes and armor rushed over, flying among the bear spirits like a butterfly. The long sword in his hand pierced the throats of the two bear spirits, and then was knocked away by a horse's leg for more than ten meters.

Frederick sighed, pulled out the dagger, enchanted it and threw it at the strongest bear spirit.

The dagger was inserted into the bear spirit's back, and the next moment, several ice spikes penetrated from its body.

Frederick kept wandering around the bear spirit with a spear. If he was close, he would stab him with a spear at the right time, and if he was far away, he would throw fireballs.

The intelligence of these monsters was always limited and they could only rush forward. In the end, he was able to kill them one by one by flying kites.

Frederick returned to the scene and found that there was a forest road there, and a luxury carriage overturned to the ground. The sturdy carriage was not damaged, and there were living people inside, but the two horses pulling the carriage and the coachman were eaten away. A little less than half.

The swordsman in white who was shot away had not yet woken up. Frederick dragged her to the carriage, spoke to the people in the carriage and left.

When Frederick caught a rabbit for dinner and returned to the cabin, he found that the mission had been updated.

The reward for hunting the bear spirit is a small bag of salt, and there is a map on the table. The next task is to eliminate the wolves outside a village 10 kilometers away before dark tomorrow.

Frederick was speechless and could only stew rabbit early and eat it before going to bed. He would have to get up early tomorrow.

Similar missions continued one after another, and Frederick also understood where he was now.

He was currently in the south of Burling City. Last year, Casimir completely wiped out the noble coalition, resulting in the death of many warriors and young men in the village. This left no manpower to exterminate the monsters in these places.

The struggle between Warcraft, beasts and humans for living space will not end because of this. At this time, when humans are weak, the other side begins to gradually treat farmland and pasture as their own canteens, waiting for takeaways to be delivered to their doorsteps on the road.

As for the local lords, almost all of them died at the hands of the Piast Kingdom. Many families fell into infighting among their heirs, and some simply lost their heirs. They had no time to take care of these things and had to work hard as farmers.

Frederick spent a month hunting monsters in this area, and when he woke up one day, he found that he was carried back to the manor.

It was already August 1028, and the coalition forces on the Elbe River Defense Line were preparing to go back.

Now that the Kingdom of Damma and the Kingdom of Piast have been crippled, and there are signs of civil strife east of the Elbe River, no one will think about the west.

Good news also came from Wesson. The Carolina Canal has been dug theoretically, and it's just waiting for Duke Wesson to return to preside over the digging ceremony.

Frederick began to make arrangements for his return trip. This time he would take a boat upstream and finally return to Wesson by land.

The reason is very simple, it is to show the military power of Weisen State to the nobles along the way and increase its popularity.

Just when Frederick was about to leave, a soldier from the Magician Company brought two middle-aged men.

The two of them looked a little haggard. The weather was quite hot now, but they were only wearing a pair of underwear and a bearskin coat.

The soldier turned out to be a student at Weisenberg University. He told Frederick that the two were professors at the Royal University of Constantbul and were friends with Professor Omet.

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